Proceedings of PowerMEMS 2008+ microEMS 2008, Sendai, Japan, November 9-12, (2008) LOW VOLTAGE ENERGY HARVESTING FOR MEMS APPLICATIONS 1 Daniel Guyomar1, Lauric Garbuio1 and Mickaël Lallart1 Université de Lyon, INSA-Lyon, LGEF EA 682, F-69621, Villeurbanne, France Abstract: Harvesting energy from near environment has become a challenge that is nevertheless more and more possible due to advances in microelectronics and energy conversion. Thanks to their high integrability and high power density, piezoelectric materials are good candidates for microscale energy harvesters. The piezoelectric conversion can besides be improved by the use of non-linear treatment of the output voltage. However, low voltage output of MEMs harvesters is a particular issue when dealing with energy scavenging. This paper proposes a new approach that dramatically minimizes the effect of voltage gaps of discrete c components, therefore allowing harvesting energy even under slight solicitations and/or high frequencies. Key words: energy harvesting, piezoelectric, nonlinear of the piezovoltage that consists of intermittently connecting the piezoelement on an electrical network made of a transformer. Thanks to the transformer ratio, the voltage drops of discrete components are significantly reduced. It will be theoretically and experimentally shown that such an approach permits a great gain in terms of output power for systems submitted to low solicitations. 1. INTRODUCTION Progresses in ultralow-power electronics as well as in energy conversion have made the conception of truly autonomous wireless systems no longer chimerical ([1], [2], [3]). Such a trend is also encouraged by an increasing demand from industrial companies in terms of autonomous sensor networks. Therefore, the future of sensing is about to experience a technological breakdown, especially for integrated systems such as micro- and nano-scale sensors. In order to operate, these systems harvest energy from their immediate environment. Several sources can be considered: solar, thermal, magnetism. Mechanical energy through vibrations is one of the most commonly available sources ([4], [5]). In this field, piezoelectric elements are good candidates for scavenging vibrational energy. These materials offer high power densities as well as high integration abilities. Besides, the piezoelectric conversion can be greatly enhanced using a non-linear treatment of their output voltage, allowing a typical gain of nine compared to the classical approach in terms of output power ([6], [7], [8]). However, when dealing with integrated material, the output voltage is generally low (a few hundred of millivolts), which leads to problems for harvesting energy, due to voltage gaps of discrete components such diode bridge rectifiers. Moreover, the resonance frequency of such systems is often quite high (a few kilohertz). Therefore, the vibration levels are low and little energy is harvested per cycle, but as the number of cycles is high, the associated power is significant. This paper proposes a new approach for energy scavenging when the vibration level and associated voltage are low. This technique, called SSHI-MR (for Synchronized Switch Harvesting on Inductor with Magnetic Rectifier), is based on a non-linear treatment 2. PRINCIPLES In this section is exposed the underlying physical effects that intervene when harvesting energy. The most simply technique consists in directly connecting the piezoelectric element to a diode bridge rectifier connected to a smoothing capacitor as shown in Fig. 1.a. When the absolute value of the piezovoltage is less than the rectified voltage VDC plus two times the diode voltage gaps 2VD, then the rectifier bridge is blocked, and the piezoelement (that has a clamped capacitance C0) is left in open circuit. When the piezovoltage is higher, there is an energy flow from the piezoelement to the smoothing capacitor CS and the load RL. When using the series SSHI technique (Fig. 1.b), the piezoelement is left in open circuit most of the time, and therefore the voltage varies accordingly to the displacement. When the voltage reaches either a maximal or a minimal value, the digital switch S1 or S2 is closed, and an energy flow appears from the piezoelement to the storage capacitor. The energy transfer process is then stopped half a period of the LC0 circuit later. Such a process leads to an inversion of the piezoelectric voltage accordingly to the voltage reference (VDC+2VD). However, due to internal losses in the switching circuit, this inversion is not perfect and characterized by the inversion factor γ. In the case of the SSHI-MR, the inductive element is replace by a transformer (Fig. 1.c), but the 169 Proceedings of PowerMEMS 2008+ microEMS 2008, Sendai, Japan, November 9-12, (2008) operations are similar to those of the SSHI. The only difference is that, due to the transformer, the inversion is done according to the voltage reference (VDC+2VD)/m, where m is the transformer ratio (this expression shows that the effect of the voltage gaps. The associated waveforms for each technique are given in Fig. 2. 3. THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT This section proposes an analytical formulation of the expected power output of the piezoelectric generators. The current I flowing out the active material is given by ([9]): I = α u& − C0V& (1) with u and V the displacement and voltage respectively, and α the force factor of the piezoelectric element. In the case of standard energy harvesting, the output power is given by: (a) Pstand = f 0 ∫ 1/ f0 0 VIdt = 2 f 0αVDC ∫ uM du u1 (2) with f0 the vibration frequency, and uM and u1 the displacement magnitude and the displacement when the rectifier bridge starts conducting. The value of u1 is obtained considering the end of the last conduction period and the fact that the piezoelectric element is in open-circuit (I=0), leading to the conditions: (b) ⎧− ⎪ C0 (VDC + 2VD ) = −α uM + K ⎨ ⎪⎩C0 (VDC + 2VD ) = α u1 + K (c) Fig. 1: Harvesting circuits: (a) Standard (b) SSHI (c) SSHI-MR Actuator voltage Displacement V DC (3) With K an integration constant. Therefore combining Eqs. (2) and (3) leads to the value of the harvested power in the standard case: +2V D Arbitrary unit Pstand = 4 f 0VDC ⎡⎣α uM − C0 (VDC + 2VD ) ⎤⎦ (4) When using the series SSHI, the expression of the microgenerator output power yields: Time PSSHI = f 0 ∫ (a) 1/ f 0 0 Actuator voltage Displacement V Arbitrary unit M V DC (V a DC VIdt = −2 f 0C0VDC ∫ −Vm VM dV (5) +2V D With VM and Vm the absolute values of the piezovoltage before and after the harvesting process respectively. These values are obtained considering the inversion process, and the open-circuit condition between two harvesting processes, giving: or +2V )/m D γa -V ⎧Vm + (VDC + 2VD ) = γ ⎡⎣VM − (VDC + 2VD ) ⎤⎦ ⎪ ⎨ α ⎪VM − Vm = 2 uM C0 ⎩ m Time (b) Fig. 2: Voltage waveforms: (a) Standard (b) SSHI and SSHI-MR 170 (6) Proceedings of PowerMEMS 2008+ microEMS 2008, Sendai, Japan, November 9-12, (2008) Therefore the combination of Eqs. (5) and (6) leads to the value of the harvested power: PSSHI = 4 1+ γ f 0VDC ⎡⎣α uM − C0 (VDC + 2VD ) ⎤⎦ 1− γ energy compared to the standard and series SSHI techniques respectively. As well, the optimal voltage in the series SSHI and standard techniques is around 0.07 V, while with the SSHI-MR it is equal to 6.5 V, which better suits typical supply voltage of electronics components. (7) When using a transformer for rectifying, Eqs. (5) and (6) turn to: PMR = −2 f 0C0 VDC m ∫ −Vm VM dV ⎧ VDC + 2VD V + 2VD ⎞ ⎛ = γ ⎜ VM − DC ⎟ ⎪Vm + m m ⎪ ⎝ ⎠ ⎨ ⎪V − V = 2 α u m M ⎪⎩ M C0 (8) (9) Fig. 3: Experimental structure Table 1: Parameters of the experimental structure Parameters Vibration frequency f0 Force factor α Diode threshold voltage VD Clamped capacitance C0 And therefore the output power is given by: PMR = 4 1 + γ VDC f0 1− γ m VDC + 2VD ⎞ ⎛ ⎜ α uM − C0 ⎟ m ⎝ ⎠ (10) This expression therefore shows that the effect of the transformer allows dividing the voltage seen by the piezoelement by m. Therefore the losses in the diodes are reduced, and the voltage that optimizes the energy extraction is increased by a factor m. This last observation also points out that the SSHI-MR is more inclined to deliver a significant optimal output voltage. Inversion factor γ Transformer ratio m Value 1kHz 8.3 mN.V-1 0.23 V 312.5 nF 0.33 for the series SSHI 0.52 for the SSHI-MR 22 Harvested Power ( µW) Theoretical predictions 4. EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION AND DISCUSSION In this Section the previously exposed theoretical results will be compared to experimental measurements made on a piezoelectric bimorph as shown in Fig. 3. This structure is connected to the electrical circuit according to the technique used (standard, series SSHI, SSHI-MR). For the nonlinear techniques, the digital switches are controlled by an external DSP. The electromechanical parameters of the structure are given in Table 1. One can notice that the inversion factor is better in the case of the SSHI-MR, which is explained by the fact that this technique allows a greater increase of the piezovoltage, leading to a decrease of the losses in the inductor. When the structure is excited such as the displacement of the central point is 23 µm, the measured output powers are given in Fig. 4. These results clearly show the performances of the SSHIMR, that allows harvested 56 and 30 times more 400 300 Standard Series SSHI SSHI-MR 15 200 10 5 100 0 0 0.1 0.2 5 Rectified voltage V 0 0 DC 10 (V) 15 Harvested Power ( µW) Experimental results 400 300 200 100 0 0 15 10 5 0 0 0.1 0.2 5 Rectified voltage V 10 (V) 15 DC Fig. 4: Experimental results for a 23 µm vibration magnitude Fig. 5 depicts the evolution of the maximal output power for several values of the displacement magnitude. Once again, the SSHI-MR outperforms the other techniques, allowing harvesting energy as soon as the displacement magnitude is 1 µm (which 171 Proceedings of PowerMEMS 2008+ microEMS 2008, Sendai, Japan, November 9-12, (2008) corresponds to an open circuit voltage of 26.6 mV – or also VD/m), while with the other techniques the opencircuit voltage needs to be at least 2VD (460 mV), corresponding to a displacement magnitude of 17 µm. harvesting under low vibration magnitudes has been proposed. Based on a nonlinear processing of the output voltage of a piezoelectric element using a transformer, it is both theoretically and experimentally shown that the exposed method allows scavenging energy even under low voltage output, which is the general case when dealing with MEMS harvesters. Theoretical predictions Maximal harvested power ( µW) Maximal harvested power ( µW) 400 20 300 10 200 100 0 0 0 0 400 10 5 20 10 15 Displacement magnitude (µm) Experimental results REFERENCES Standard Series SSHI SSHI-MR 20 25 20 25 [1] Kahn J M, Katz R H, and Pister K S J 1999, Next century challenges: Mobile networking for smart dust In Proceedings of Mobicom 483-492 [2] Krikke J 2005 Sunrise for energy harvesting products, IEEE Pervasive Comput. 4 4 -35 [3] Lallart M, Guyomar D, Jayet Y, Petit L, Lefeuvre E, Monnier T, Guy P, Richard C in press Synchronized Switch Harvesting applied to Selfpowered Smart Systems: Piezoactive Microgenerators for Autonomous Wireless Receiver Sensors and Actuators A : Physical doi : 10.1016/j.sna.2008.04.006 [4] Sodano H A, Inman D J, Park G 2004 A review of power harvesting from vibration using piezoelectric materials Shock and Vib. Digest 36(3) 197-205. [5] Priya S 2007 Advances in energy harvesting using low profile piezoelectric transducers J. 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[10] Shen Z J, Lu J, Xu C, Ho Ngwei J, Xun G 2007 On-Chip Bondwire Inductor with Ferrite-Epoxy Coating: A Cost-Effective Approach to Realize Power Systems on Chip IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference - PESC 2007, 1599-1604 20 300 10 200 100 0 0 0 0 10 5 20 10 15 Displacement magnitude (µm) Fig. 5: Experimental maximal output power as a function of the displacement magnitude 5. IMPLEMENTATION CONSIDERATIONS The critical component for the implementation of the non-linear techniques, and particularly the SSHIMR, lies in the inductive element, such as the transformer. However, Lu et al. has proposed in [10] an original process for integrating inductors and transformers using several parallel bondwires embedded in magnetic ferrite drop. They thus obtained on-chip inductors of a few hundred of nano-Henry with a quality factor of 40. In the case of the previously exposed experimental set-up, the needed inductance value L and its surface S can be derived from energetic and magnetic considerations: 1 ⎧1 2 2 ⎪ C0V = LI max 2 2 ⎨ ⎪⎩ Bmax S = LI max (11) With Imax and Bmax the maximal current value and induction field, respectively. Considering a maximal induction Bmax=0.5 T and a peak current Imax=1A therefore leads to a needed inductance of L=0.9 µH that has a surface S=1.8 mm2, which is realistic for embedded devices. 6. CONCLUSION In this paper a new technique for energy 172