Sample History Review

Sample History Review Questions
1. What were the first 4 provinces to join Confederation?
2. What was the last?
3. What was the underground railway?
4. What was Clifford Sifton’s role in immigration?
5. What was the spark that caused World War 1?
6. What were the 4 long term causes of WW1?
7. Describe trench warfare?
8. Name 3 things that made life in the trenches unbearable?
9. What was the Battle of Ypres famous for?
10. What was the “creeping barrage?”
11. What was the Battle of Passchendaele famous for?
12. What was the goal of the Propaganda poster for WW1?
13. What is conscription?
14. Name 2 weapons used in WW1?
15. When did women get the right to vote?
16. What did the soldiers expect when they arrived home?
17. What was the Winnipeg Strike responsible for forming?
18. What epidemic killed thousands after the war?
19. What is meant by the term “ducky?”
20. Describe 2 things about the flappers.
21. Name inventions of the 1920’s
22. What was Rocco Perri’s claim to fame?
23. What happens to production when demand goes up?
24. What happened on Black Tuesday?
25. How did families survive during the Great Depression?
26. Why were the prairies called a Dustbowl during the 30’s?
27. What did a soup kitchen provide?
28. What was meant by living on the dole?
29. What people were discriminated against the most during the Depression?
30. What happened on the On to Ottawa trek?
31. Where did it end?
32. Name 2 things that Hitler didn’t agree with from the Treaty of Versailles
33. What happened to the money in Germany?
34. What 3 techniques did Hitler use to con the people?
35. What was the name of the children recruited by Hitler?
36. What piece of land did Hitler ask the Allies for?
37. What was the name of the agreement between Hitler and Stalin?
38. What is meant by the term appeasement?
39. What does “Blitzkrieg” mean?
40. Why is this type of fighting effective?
41. What was the Miracle at Dunkirk?
42. Where did the Germans bomb during the Battle of Britain?
43. Who attacked Pearl Harbour?
44. Where is Pearl Harbour?
45. Who joined the war after this attack?
46. Who made up the Axis?
47. What happened at the Battle of Stalingrad?
48. What happened at Dieppe?
49. Where did the Canadians land at Normandy?
50. What is meant by Dday?
51. What was the main message of the propaganda poster of WW2?
52. What happened in a Japanese internment camp?
53. What were the 4 steps to the elimination of the Jews?
54. Where was the first atomic bomb dropped?
55. Where was the second one dropped?