New Concepts in Fetal and Placental Amino Acid Metabolism’ Frederick C. Battaglia Department of Pediatrics, Division of Perinatal Medicine, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver 80262 ABSTRACT: Fetal amino acid nutrition and metabolism have been studied primarily in pregnant sheep. The umbilical uptake of amino acids changes during gestation, but at both mid- and late gestation the total supply exceeds that required for growth. Weight-specific protein synthetic rate decreases with increasing gestational age, and these changes are proportional to the changes in metabolic rate. The use of multiple tracer methodology coupled with measurement of net tracer fluxes into and out of fetal and placental tissues can be used to delineate amino acid metabolism in considerable detail. Such studies demonstrate that even essential amino acids can be oxidized extensively by the fetus. The oxidation rate of leucine exceeds its rate of accretion in tissue proteins. Glycine metabolism is unique in several ways; there is a large umbilical uptake of glycine without a measurable uterine uptake. In late gestation there is no significant umbilical uptake of serine, although there is a significant uterine uptake, suggesting net uteroplacental utilization. Glycine is oxidized within the fetal liver and used for serum production. The interorgan exchange of amino acids between the fetal liver and placenta is clearly of major importance for serine and glycine metabolism and is likely to be of major importance for most nonessential amino acids. Key Words: Placenta, Fetus, Fetal Proteins, Amino Acid Metabolism, Nonessential Amino Acids, Branched Chain Amino Acids J. Anim. Sci. Introduction The important roles of amino acids in the normal growth and development of the mammalian fetus extend beyond the obvious requirements for protein synthesis and net protein excretion. Their multiple roles in human metabolism have been reviewed elsewhere (Young, 1987). Amino acids may be interconverted and in the process act as interorgan shuttles for nitrogen or carbon (Christensen et al., 1985; Christensen, 19901. They may contribute to carbon accretion in the form of carbohydrates derived from pyruvate or aketoglutarate. Amino acids are also used as metabolic fuels by the fetus (Battaglia and Meschia, 1988). To meet these requirements, amino ‘Presented at a symposium titled “Amino Acids in Meat Animal Production:Current Concepts and Future Perspectives” at the ASAS 83rd Annu. Mtg., Laramie, WY. Received October 28, 1991. Accepted March 3, 1992. 1992. 70:3258-3263 acids are transported across the placenta using specific transport systems often shared by multiple amino acids (Yudilevich and Sweiry, 1985). In this paper, I shall focus on three aspects of perinatal amino acid metabolism: 11 the relationship between fetal protein synthetic rate and gestational age and amino acid supply, 2) the role of amino acids as metabolic fuels for the fetus, and 3) the interorgan exchange of some amino acids between the placenta and fetal tissues such as the liver and hindlimb. Protein Synthesis and Fetal Amino Acid Supply Fetal protein synthetic rate has been estimated in the fetal lamb. The absolute values for the fractional protein synthetic rate u(,) have varied widely in the literature, probably as a reflection of the different tracer methodologies employed for its estimation (Meier et al., 1981; Noakes and Young, 1981; Schaefer and Krishnamurti, 1984; Kennaugh 3258 FETAL AND PLACENTAL AMINO ACID et al., 1987; Milley, 1987; Van Veen et al., 19871. However, if the same tracer amino acid, leucine, is employed to estimate the fetal K, at different gestational ages, it is clear that Ks decreases with increasing gestational age and the decrease is greater than that of the fractional protein accretion rate (K), (Kennaugh et al., 1987; Van Veen et al., 1987). Because protein breakdown is the difference between accretion and synthesis, it too is decreasing sharply in late gestation. The endocrine changes responsible for the decreasing Ks and protein turnover rate in the latter third of gestation are not yet known. The higher fetal protein synthetic rate a t midgestation explains, in part, the higher metabolic rate of the midgestation fetus. The increase in protein synthetic rate of the midgestation fetus is proportional to the increased fetal oxygen consumption compared with that of the term fetus; that is, protein synthesis can account for approximately 20% of the COz at midas well as at late gestation (Bell et al., 1985; Kennaugh et al., 1987). The reasons for the increased metabolic rate of the midgestation fetus beyond that accounted for by increased protein synthesis are unknown at present and, indeed, are puzzling in light of studies that have shown a decreased metabolic rate for the fetal brain at 90 d of gestation compared with term (Gleason et al., 1989). At one time, the umbilical uptake of amino acids was considered to reflect solely the exogenous supply to the fetus; that is, the net entry of an amino acid into the fetal umbilical circulation was considered to be derived from the maternal plasma pool by transplacental transport. This is undoubtedly true for the essential amino acids, those that cannot be synthesized by the fetus or placenta. As we shall see, it is not an assumption that can be applied without testing to the bulk of the amino acids that can be synthesized within mammalian tissues (nonessential amino acids). The net umbilical uptake of the nonessential amino acids could be derived from transplacental transport and(or1 from production within the placenta. The precursors for their placental production may be derived from uptake from fetal plasma and(or1 from maternal plasma. It is important to clarify which amino acids are provided to the fetus largely by placental production rather than by transplacental transport because, for those amino acids, changes in placental metabolism may have profound effects on their rates of delivery to the fetus. The umbilical uptake of amino acids represents a crucial database for an understanding of fetal amino acid metabolism. It is disappointing that this measurement is available only for the fetal lamb and not for other mammalian species. The METABOLISM 3259 first measurement of amino acid umbilical uptake was made in our laboratories many years ago Lemons et al., 1976). Since then, a number of studies have confirmed that most amino acids are delivered into the fetal circulation in amounts that exceed their net rates of excretion (Lemons and Schreiner, 1983; Bell et al., 1989; Marconi et al., 1989). For three amino acids, glutamate, aspartate, and serine, there are no measurable umbilical uptakes. In late gestation, glutamate is taken up by the placenta from the fetal circulation. In addition, at midgestation, serine and glutamate are taken up by the placenta from the fetal circulation. Thus, the fetal requirements for these amino acids are met entirely by production within fetal tissues. The umbilical uptake of amino acids has been reported to remain unchanged over a 5-d period of maternal fasting (Lemons and Schreiner, 1984). Even more surprising, Lemons et al. found a large discrepancy between uterine uptake and umbilical uptake and a large net accretion of amino acid nitrogen in the placenta CLemons and Schreiner, 1984; Lemons et al., 19841. They postulated that amino acids may be used as fuels by the placenta during maternal fasting. This hypothesis has not been tested to date. These data conflict with other studies, which found a 75% decrease in uterine amino acid uptake with a 5- to 7-d fast (Morriss et al., 1980). Recently, we have completed a detailed study of fetal leucine metabolism using multiple-tracer methodology (Loy et al., 19901. In late-gestation fetal lambs, both [1-14C1and [l-13Clleucine were infused into the fetal circulation until steady-state enrichments were achieved, then leucine fluxes were determined. The studies demonstrate several interesting aspects of fetal and placental leucine metabolism. First, even for an essential amino acid such as leucine, there is extensive utilization as a fetal fuel. Approximately 20 to 25% of the 1114Clleucine infused into the fetus could be accounted for as 1*C02 produced within the fetus and delivered into the placenta. Figure 1 summarizes the [l-14Clleucinefluxes. There was no measurable oxidation of leucine within the uteroplacental tissues. However, the first step in leucine metabolism is its reversible deamination to aketoisocaproic acid (KIC).There is a high activity of the branched-chain amino acid (BCAAI transferase in sheep placenta. In vivo under steady-state conditions we could demonstrate a net placental production of KIC that entered both the umbilical and uterine circulations. The net KIC flux to the fetus was equal to .D pnol.kgl.min-' of fetus. In addition to demonstrating net KIC production within the placenta from the deamination of leucine, the study provided excellent agreement 3260 BA'ITAGLIA too% 6 *C, BLOOD - LEU FETAL PLACENTA ...I ? - LEU 3B*C, -LEU BLOOD - 6 *C, K I C 1'13 R e s i dual Recovered i n Placenta ( 6 OS*C,-LEU) Recovered in Carcass (51 a r * C , - L E U 1 Figure 1. Summary of L[1-14C]-leucineinfusion and disposal rates. All fluxes are presented as percentage of infusion rate. Residual fluxes represent unaccounted fractions [From Loy et al., 1990). for two independent estimates of leucine oxidation. The total umbilical uptake of leucine plus KIC in the fetal circulation was 4.9'.min-~ The . net accretion rate of leucine in tissue proteins at that stage of gestation is 2 p o l - k g l min-l. Thus, approximately 2.9 p o l . k g ' . m i n - l of leucine was utilized in the fetus beyond that required for protein accretion. From the [l-14Clleucinedata and the fetal plasma KIC enrichment, we estimated a n oxidation rate of leucine within the fetus of 2.8 pmol.kgl.min-'. Such internal consistency between tracer-estimated COa production vs net entry and accretion balances for a n essential amino acid lends credence to the estimation of metabolic fluxes within the fetal compartment using tracer methodology. Exchange Between Fetal Tissues and the Placenta Thus far, only two tissue sites, fetal hindlimb and fetal liver, have been studied in terms of the net uptake or release of amino acids. For the hindlimb, two different studies have described the characteristics of hindlimb net amino acid balance during fetal life vs that during postnatal life (Liechty and Lemons, 1984; Wilkening et al., unpublished datal. During fetal life with the pregnant ewe in the fed state, instead of a net release of glutamine and alanine there is a net uptake of these amino acids. The fact that fetal hindlimb tissue shows no net alanine release under normal fed state conditions is unexpected given the relatively large alanine uptake by the fetal liver. However, during maternal fasting both maternal hindlimb tissues and fetal hindlimb tissues demonstrate a net efflux of both alanine and glutamine (Liechty and Lemons, 1984). Presumably, they may then be taken up by the fetal liver and utilized for glucose production. It has been shown that fetal glucogenesis occurs in the lamb under conditions associated with a reduced umbilical glucose uptake such as occurs during maternal fasting (Hay et al., 1981). An increased uptake of B C M by fetal hindlimb tissues has been reported with maternal fasting (Liechty et al., 1987193. In the study by Liechty et al. (1987131, the uptake of BCAA nitrogen after a 5-d fast was approximately equal to the combined release of alanine + glutamine expressed in N equivalents. This is consistent with increased BCAA oxidation in fetal hindlimb during fasting aiechty et al., 1987a). Fetal ovine skeletal muscle has been reported to have BCAA transaminase activity 100-foldgreater than that in adult skeletal muscle, but its activity was unaltered in muscle by fasting (Goodwin et al., 1987). Fetal muscle is known to have a relatively high activity of the enzyme BCAA dehydrogenase, whereas there is only minimal activity of the BCAA dehydrogenase within the sheep placenta (Loy et al., 1990). In a recent study of leucine fluxes there was no in vivo evidence of leucine oxidation within the placenta, although there was a high rate of leucine oxidation by the fetus (Loy et al., 1990). Our laboratory has reported the fetal hepatic uptake of amino acids in late-gestation, fetal lambs under steady-state conditions (Marconi et al., 1989). The hepatic uptake of amino acids is of particular interest from a nutritional standpoint because during fetal life the umbilical blood flow represents between 70 and 90% of fetal hepatic blood flow. Approximately one-half of the total umbilical blood flow enters the liver and one-half bypasses the liver through the ductus venosus (Edelstone et al., 19781. This fraction of umbilical blood flow passes through the liver before entering the inferior vena cava, an arrangement that permits the fetal liver first-pass extraction and metabolism of amino acids before their entry into the systemic circulation. Figure 2 illustrates the location of chronically implanted catheters in the fetal circulation, which we have used for studies of placental and fetal metabolism, the latter separated into hepatic and extrahepatic tissues. The study by Marconi et al. (1989) demonstrated a large hepatic uptake of all the essential and most of the nonessential amino acids by both lobes of the fetal liver. In fact, despite differences in perfusion pattern of the two fetal lobes, there were no demonstrable differences in the pattern of arteriovenous differences for individual amino acids across the left and right hepatic lobes. Interestingly, glutamate and serine were not taken up by the fetal liver, but rather were released by the liver into the fetal circulation. The net release 3261 FETAL AND PLACENTAL AMINO ACID METABOLISM of glutamate has been reported across the liver of adult sheep (Heitman and Bergman, 1981) and cows (Lomax and Baird, 1983; Huntington and Reynolds, 1987). However, there have been no reports of net serine release from the hepatic circulation in any adult mammalian species. This seems to be a rather unique feature of fetal hepatic metabolism. It is interesting that the pattern for glutamine and glutamate on the one hand and for glycine and serine on the other hand are such as to suggest a potential hepatic placental cycling for these metabolically related amino acids. Glycine (a potential precursor of serine) and glutamine (a potential precursor of glutamate) are both delivered from the placenta into the fetal circulation and taken up from the fetal circulation into the fetal liver. In contrast, glutamate and serine (potential metabolic products of glutamine deamination and glycine oxidation) are released from the fetal liver and taken up from the fetal circulation by the placenta. These observations on net substrate balance for these amino acids led us to attempt to confirm the fetal hepatic production of serine derived from glycine. We employed the same general approach that was used in the studies of leucine metabolism for studies of fetal glycine metabolism. Both [1-13C1 and [l-14Clglycinewere infused as a primed constant infusion into the fetal circulation of lategestation ewes until steady-state enrichments were achieved. At that time, net tracer fluxes into and out of the fetal liver and of the placenta were determined, using the basic animal preparation illustrated in Figure 2. The study clearly demonstrated that [13Clserine and I4CO2 were produced in the fetal liver in approximately equal amounts from the fetal hepatic uptake of [1J3C1 and [I14Clglycine.Furthermore, the rate of glycine oxidation was appreciable. The COz production rate from fetal plasma glycine was equal to approximately 12% of the plasma glycine disposal rate. Interestingly, glycine oxidation seemed to be largely a function of fetal hepatic oxidation, that is, the 14C02produced by the fetal liver accounted for at least 70% of the total 14C02produced within the fetus. In contrast to leucine, there was very little uptake of glycine from the fetal circulation into the placenta, and we could detect no transport of tracer glycine from the fetal circulation into the maternal uterine venous blood. Thus, tracer glycine infused into the fetal circulation was virtually trapped within the fetal compartment. This is in marked contrast to leucine fluxes, for which 38% of-the [14Clleucine infused in the fetus entered the placenta from the fetal circulation (Loy et al., 19901. Given the fact that there is a large umbilical uptake of glycine in the order of 5 to 7 p ~ o l . k g - ~ . m i n -and ~ that a number of investigators have been unable to demonstrate significant glycine uptake by the pregnant uterus from the maternal circulation (Holzman et al., 1979; Morriss et al., 19791, the combined data strongly support the hypothesis that a large fraction of the glycine delivered to the fetus from the placenta is derived by placental production. Finally, in recent studies that we have published thus f a r only in abstract form (Moores et al., 1990) we have investigated serine fluxes in the midgestation fetal lamb using the same approach of a combined infusion of [1-'3C1 and [l-14Clserine. Although these data are still preliminary, we were able to demonstrate two interesting features of fetal serine metabolism that tend to support the observations made for glycine metabolism. The first is that we could demonstrate a large net uptake of tracer serine into the placenta from the fetal circulation. Accompanying the placental serine uptake, there w&s a significant net efflux of tracer-labeled glycine from the placenta into the fetal circulation. These data suggest that the placenta utilizes serine derived from the fetal plasma for glycine production and contributes to the net glycine supplied to the fetus from the placenta. In summary, we have come to appreciate that amino acids are not only used as building blocks for protein synthesis but are extensively metabo- maternal fern. art. n femar I I I UMBllCAL UPTAKE UTERIM WTAKE / U 2 Figure 2. Diagram of the biologic preparation that permits simultaneous measurements of umbilical, uterine, and fetal hepatic uptakes of substrates and of tracer substrate/product analyses across these organs. 3262 BATTAGLIA The advent of techniques for fetal blood sampling during human pregnancy has already permitted the confirmation of metabolic and nutritional characteristics that were first described in large animal research. For animal science, the production of healthy newborn animals with desired growth characteristics requires an understanding of both genetic and environmental factors (i.e., intrauterine and placental factors) that interact throughout gestation. AB - -B -A- C- c- I 2 t- 3 PLACENTA Figure 3. Diagram of potential pathways for amino acid transport and metabolism within the placenta. 1 = classic transplacental transport, 2 = leucine determination to a-ketoisocaproic acid, with both contributing to fetal uptake of leucine carbon, and 3 potential of one amino acid such as serine used for glycine production, which then enters the fetal circulation. - lized within the fetus, many of them having quite high rates of decarboxylation. In addition to serving as metabolic fuels, nonessential amino acids may be interconverted from one form to another. Because these interconversions may occur in different fetal organs and in the placenta, they can serve as important pathways for the shuttle of nitrogen and carbon between organs. Finally, the studies with glycine and serine metabolism have clearly demonstrated that some amino acids are delivered to the fetus from the placenta, not by classic transplacental transport but by production within the placenta from other carbon and nitrogen forms. Figure 3 presents alternate pathways for the delivery of amino acids into the fetal circulation. The supply of some amino acids may then become dependent not only on placental transport mechanisms but on placental metabolism as well. Implications It is clear that the nutritional and metabolic characteristics of fetal development are unique and cannot be inferred from studies in postnatal life. Research with animals has provided the framework around which questions about human fetal development could be posed and addressed. Literature Cited Battaglia, F. C., and G. Meschia. 1988. Fetal nutrition. h n u . Rev. Nutr. 8:43. Bell, A. W., F. C. Battaglia, E. L. Makowski, and G. Meschia. 1985. 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