St. Augustine S.S. Social Science Department Challenge and Change in Society


St. Augustine S.S. Social Science Department

Challenge and Change in Society

Course Code : HSB 4U (University Preparation Course)

Teacher: A. McDowell

Room 222

Contact Number: (905) 450-9993 Ext 71376

Course Coverage

Introduction: What are the social sciences?

An introduction to Anthropology,

Psychology and Sociology.

Unit 1: Social Change ( Foundations for the

Study of Social Change, Causes and Effects of Social Change, and Technological Change

Unit 2: Social Patterns and Trends

(Demographics, Forces that Shape Social

Trends, Social Deviance)

Unit 3: Global Social Challenges ( Global

Inequalities, Globalization, and



This course focuses on the use of social science theories, perspectives and methodologies to investigate and explain shifts in knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviour and their impact on society. Students will critically analyse how and why cultural, social, and behavioural patterns change over time.

They will explore the ideas of social theorists and use those ideas to analyse causes of and responses to challenges such as technological change, deviance, and global inequalities.

Students will explore ways in which social science research methods can be used to study social change.


This course will use a variety of resources including textbook, video, internet applications and a variety of print sources.

Textbook: Transitions in Society

This textbook is the responsibility of the student and will be handed out the first week of class. If lost or damaged, the replacement fee for this text is $90.00

Evaluation Structure

Knowledge & Understanding 25%

Thinking & Inquiry 25%

Communication 25%

Application 25%

The above is reflected both in the term work (worth 70% of the final mark) and the summative work (worth 30% of the final mark). Summative work consists of a Final Exam (30%)

Evaluation Policy:

Student marks will be determined by evaluating process and product according to four categories and four levels. Please see chart below for specific skill and key words used to determine student competency in the different categories.

Category Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Level 4:

50-59 % 60-69 % 70-79 % 80-100 %


 Knowledge of facts & terms

 Understanding of concepts & relationships


 Critical thinking skills

 Creative thinking skills

 Inquiry skills


 Communication of ideas and information

 Use of symbols & visuals

 Oral & written communication


 Application in familiar contexts

 Transfer of concepts to new contexts

 Making logical conclusions & predictions

 Making connections

Limited display of knowledge, skills and ability to apply concepts

Some success in displaying knowledge, skills and application of concepts

Considerable display of knowledge skills and ability to apply concepts

Thorough understanding of concepts and ability to communicate, think creatively and apply concepts

Other Evaluation Issues:

LATE ASSIGNEMENTS: All assignments are to be submitted on or before the due date and time as specified by the course teacher. A major assignment (one which may give evidence of a significant number of ministry course expectations) not handed in on the due date will receive a maximum penalty of 10%. A mark of zero will be given if the assignment is handed in after the closure date , unless extenuating circumstances prevail, as determined in consultation with the school administration.

Work will be assessed and returned with comments. Any presentations or performance tasks that are missed because of an unexcused absence may be assigned a zero for that portion of the assignment .

INCOMPLETE ASSIGNMENTS: Assignments will be graded according to the extent with which they meet the criteria established in the rubric or evaluation structure.

MISSED TESTS: Tests missed with a legitimate reason will be written within a few days of the student returning from the absence. Student eligibility to write the test and the date will be at the discretion of the teacher in consultation with the department head.

CULMINATING ACTIVITIES: These activities are an integral part of the summative assessment of material covered. Under normal circumstances, permission will not be given for a student to write exams or complete any culminating activity other than on the designated dates and schedules.

EXTENDED ABSENCES: Regular attendance on the part of students is vital to the process of learning. A student who is absent for any prolonged period may suffer in the evaluation process because his/her participation and achievement cannot be fully assessed and may not be granted the credit.

PLAGIARISM: In any form reflects academic dishonesty and will result in a mark of zero for the assignment in question.

Classroom Expectations


: The most important rule for learning and living. You must show respect for your classmates, your teacher and others in our community.


: You need to be prepares both mentally and physically for class. Remember that this is a university level course. This also includes being in complete and proper uniform (see student agenda)

ACCOUNTABILITY : Be responsible and accountable for your actions. Please avoid the position of making excuses for poor behaviour or choices. There is a significant difference between reasons and excuses, please be conscious of this.

RESPONSIBILITY : You are responsible for your education. Therefore, you are responsible for all work missed, either by absences or lateness. You are responsible for finding out what you missed and what you need to do to catch up. Any extra handouts from daily lessons can be found in the folder at the back of the classroom. It is recommended that you pair up with someone in the course to collect information and handouts for if you are away or late.

PUNCTUALITY: If the door is closed, wait for an appropriate time to enter the classroom, patience is a virtue. The late policy of the school will be enforced. Consequences for lateness will include lunchtime or afterschool detentions held by the teacher. You will be required to account for the reasons behind your lates and these will be recorded. Consistent lateness will be referred to the administration .


It is important that you attend class on a regular basis. IF you know that you are going to be absent, ensure that one of your peers collects any handouts/work for you. Please advise me if any appointments that are already scheduled, if they conflict with tests, quizzes, presentations etc... Please review the absent policy of the school in your student agenda. This policy will be reviewed in the class on the first day. Remember to follow the policy and procedures properly and carefully so that you are not considered to be truant. This includes the signing in and out of school at various parts of the day.

ASSIGNMENTS: Due dates will be provided at the time the assignment is given. All assignments to be collected will be placed in a designated folder. If it is not in the folder, it will not be marked. See Late

Assignment Policy. Assignments will no longer be accepted after it has been returned by the teacher. 10% will be deducted for late assignments.

Plargarism: Any item that is copied, including from one another will be given a mark of zero, for all parties involved. Proper referencing is expected in ALL assignments, if it is not present, then you will receive deductions and/or a mark of zero. Within this course, we will be using APA format. Please check website and other resources, including the student agenda, for proper formatting.

Mature Students: See the student agenda book for more information, but you need to be aware of the attendance procedures. If you are absent, you must call in on the day of your absence and leave a message.

You must sign in and out of the school, and not simply leave. Truancy penalties may result from not properly documenting your attendance. Even though you are legally allowed to manage your education, you are all encouraged to share all information with your parents/guardians .


If you are absent the whole day of a test/quiz, you will write it the day you return. Please see me if you will only be absent for part of the day so that you will not be considered truant and are therefore still able to write the test.

SCHOOL EXPECTATIONS : Please review all of the general expectations and policies within your student agenda that is published by the school and school board. These will also apply within this classroom.

The course and what you get out of it will depend not just on the tea cher’s involvement but your own initiative and completion of the necessary components. This is a joint partnership for the semester.

I, __________________________________ agree with the above expectations and realize that by breaking trust in regards to them will result in a teacher-student conference and possible parent phone call. In order to create a good working environment, I agree to put my best effort into all the tasks that are assigned and to show respect for all those in our community.


Student Signature


Parent/Guardian Signature
