Extinction Extinction occurs when all individuals of a species are gone and have left no descendants. If all the species within a genus are extinct then the genus is extinct. extinct If all genera in a family are extinct then the family is extinct. Extinction removes a potential branch on the evolutionary tree. We can conclude a species has gone extinct when the last member b off that h species i has h died. di d Tecopa pupfish - 1977 Dodo - 1581 Elephant Bird (Madagascar) ~ 1500 Moa (New Zealand) – 4 species ~ 1400 Quagga - 1883 Passenger Pigeon – 1914 Once the most common bird in North America. Tasmanian Tiger or Thylacine - 1936 Caribbean Monk Seal - 1952 Golden Toad - 1989 Pyrenean Ibex - 2000 Baiji River Dolphin - 2006 It is often difficult to prove that no individuals of a species remain i in i the h wild. ild It I is i easier i to prove for f large l animals. i l Ivorybilled Woodpecker - ? The fossil record shows that many kinds of organisms that were once common no longer l exist. i A fossil is the remains or traces (e.g. tracks, dung, nest, etc.) of an organism that is no longer alive and usually applies to remains that are over 10,000 years old. The fossil record is not a complete p record because: • Fossilization is a rare event. Very few, if any, individuals of most species ever leave remains that become fossilized. • Species with hard body parts are best preserved – shells, shells plates, bones fossilize well - soft bodied organisms are not well represented in the fossil record • Erosion, weathering, metamorphic processes destroy fossils and have made the fossil record more incomplete - older time pperiods are less well represented p than newer time periods p The process of fossilization requires special conditions Sedimentary Rocks – formed by deposition p and solidification of sediments are the onlyy fossil-bearingg rocks Igneous g rock is formerly molten rock Metamorphic rock has been heated beyond the point where fossils would be destroyed. Other special conditions: Plant sap becomes amber Tar pits (like La Brea) also kill and preserve 50 myo 47 myo 3.5 myo How is the age of a fossil estimated? 600 myo The geologic time periods were described by the kinds of organisms that lived within each period. The fossils of some organisms are commonat many sites worldwide in a very limited number of geological strata – these are index fossils. Index fossils in rocks at different geographic locations are likely to be of about the same age. The Principle (or Law) of Superposition - upper sedimentary layers represent more recently deposited sediments – allows the relative dating g of fossils in different strata. The principle of superposition can be violated where rocks have been inverted through geologic upheavals. upheavals Radiometric dating: radioisotopes di i decay d exponentially i ll at measurable bl rates • Nt = N0*ert • Gives rate of decayy or ½ life ((t ½) 18 Using: Nt = N0*ert after f one half-life: h lf lif rt 1 Nt 1 = =e 2 N0 2 ( ) rt 1 ⎛1⎞ ln ⎜ ⎟ = ln e 2 ⎝2⎠ ⎛1⎞ ln ⎜ ⎟ = rt 12 ⎝2⎠ ln ( 12 ) r= t 12 The numerator is a constant and the denominator is measurable. Plug this term into the first equation for r and rearrange to get ⎛N ⎞ ln ⎜ t ⎟ * t1/ 2 N0 ⎠ ⎝ t= ⎛1⎞ ln ⎜ ⎟ ⎝2⎠ ⎛ N0 ⎞ ln ⎜ ⎟ * t1/ 2 Nt ⎠ OR ⎝ t= ln ( 2 ) 14C Dating: 14C decays to 14N with ½ life of 5700 years 14C/12C ratios constant in living things. (about 1.3 * 10-12) After death 14C is lost: ratio 14C/12C becomes smaller as time passes and eventually 14C becomes undetectable. Example: p If the amount of 14C in a woolyy mammoth tusk is 1.3 * 10-13, how old is the tusk? ⎛N ⎞ ln ⎜ 0 ⎟ * t1/ 2 Nt ⎠ ⎝ t= ln ( 2 ) 14C ⎛ 10 ⎞ ln ⎜ ⎟ *5700 yr 1⎠ ⎝ = 19,021 yr t= ln ( 2 ) dating is useful for dating organic material less than 80,000 80 000 years old K/Ar dating can be used for dating igneous rock above or below a fossil. f il This Thi can bracket b k the h age off the h fossil f il e.g 40K decays to 40Ar t ½ = 1.3 1 3 * 109 years Sum of decay product and remaining undecayed atoms gives total amount before decay began (N0 = sum(40Ar+ 40K), Nt = 40K) In the case of K/Ar dating an estimate of the original amount of 40K in the rock can be made by adding the amount present now to the h amount off 40Ar A now di divided id d by b 0.112. 0 112 The h division di i i by b 0.112 0 112 accounts for the fact that only 11.2% of the original 40K decays to 40Ar. ((The other decay y pproduct is 40Ca.)) ⎛ ln ⎜1 + t= ⎝ Ar 1 ⎞ * ⎟ * t1/ 2 40 K 0.112 0 112 ⎠ ln(2) 40 Use this modified f formula l for f K/Ar K/A dating 21 K - Ar datingg is useful for datingg igneous g rock from 1/2 to 10 byo y The skeptic should ask: How do we know that there was no Ar in the rock when it was formed? If there was this would increase the age estimate. Since Ar is a gas and leaves heated rock there should be little or no Ar in igneous rock to begin with. This expectation has been verified. Radiometric dating has allowed age estimates to be placed on geologic time periods. Read: Paleomagnetic Dating 22 What causes extinctions? Extinctions of single species or small groups of species are sporadic and occur at a rate that is called background extinction rate. Mass extinctions are large spikes in the rate of extinction. ti ti There Th is i no defined spike magnitude for mass extinctions but the fact th t spikes that ik have h occurredd is i clear in the fossil record. Mass extinctions mark the end d off many geologic l i time i periods. Extinctions are most easily seen in species that have restricted distributions – endemic species. Predators reduce the population size of prey species. Predators that are very effective can reduce the size of prey populations to the point of extinction. The introduction of cats to areas that formerly lacked mammalian predators has caused the extinction of many species of birds, reptiles, and mammals. Introduced rats have caused the extinction of many birds and egg-laying egg laying reptiles. reptiles Lake Victoria had over 150 endemic species of fish belonging to one family. Each had specialized feeding adaptations. The introduction of a large predator, the Nile perch, has caused the extinction of about half the species. An indirect effect is a change in the numbers of one species through the interaction of two or more other species. For example, ants are one of the primary consumers of seeds in deserts of the southwest. Small mammals and birds also depend on seeds. Predators on ants, or ant diseases, reduce ant populations and allow small mammal and bird numbers to increase. Read: Predation, Extinction and Indirect Effects. Extinction and Disease Amphibian populations have been on the decline world-wide for several decades. This has resulted in the extinction of many species. i There Th are severall factors f t that th t have h contributed t ib t d to the decline, including habitat loss due to climate change and human development. The effect of disease has also been documented. Amphibian Diversity Threatened or extinct species. A fungus, Batrachobytrium d d b i was discovered dendrobatis, di d to be b contributing to the decline. A skin infection interferes with amphibians’ ability to osmoregulate. Mass Extinction Wholesale loss of many species over a relatively short period of time has occurred at least 5 times in Earth’s history. Mass extinctions result in loss of diversity of types within groups in terms of morphology, biochemistry and behavior. Following mass extinctions, species diversity continues to decrease. The cause of continued decrease is uncertain. K/T Extinction: Severall hhypotheses S h hhave been b proposed d to explain the K/T event but the best supported pp is that it was the result of an asteroid impact. Iridium levels within K/T boundary strata at 160 times that found elsewhere on Earth suggest th t an Ir that I rich i h asteroid struck the Earth. Read: ((K-T)) Mass Extinction for additional asteroid evidence. evidence There are many large craters on Earth that have been caused by asteroid impacts. Only one has been discovered of the right size and age to be a candidate for the K/T event – the Chicxulub crater on the edge g of the Yucatan. The crater is rich in Iridium and the region shows many other signs of an impact. impact Such an impact would have caused nearly immediate devastation off coastal t l areas in i North N th andd South S th America. A i It may have h putt up to 18 km3 of dust into the atmosphere, reducing temperatures and photosynthesis and destroying the food chain. It may have also set off world-wide volcanic activity that likely would have contributed to dust in the atmosphere. Mass extinction followed. Late Permian Extinction Near the end of the Permian (251 mya) nearly 90% of all marine species disappeared along with 70% of terrestrial species. The Earth was nearly barren. barren The mass extinction is correlated with a massive volcanic eruption in the area now called Siberia. At 2,000,000 km3 of molten rock was deposited. Dust likely caused global cooling and when it settled CO2 emitted during eruptions likely caused heating to as much as 6 C greater than before the eruptions. eruptions Other gases caused decreased O2 Likely chemical and biological effects of Permian volcanic eruptions: