Friday, April 8, 2016
Important Reminders –
 Have you checked out my webpage lately? Stop by to learn more about CPA
and how this three step instructional approach has been found to be highly
effective in teaching math concepts.
 Be sure send your favorite recipe in by April 15th.
 PARCC testing continues next week. We will be testing on Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday from 10:30-12:15.
Literacy/Reading –This week the kids worked in groups to share everything they
already know about poetry with each other. The next two weeks, we will read a variety
of poems focusing on the elements as well and similarities between poems.
Math – This week we will be multiplying proper fractions. Next week, we will be
multiplying mixed numbers.
Science – We continue to learn about the six simple machines that make work easier.
(Lever, inclined plane, screw, wedge, wheel and axle, and pulleys)
Social Studies – The students are learning about the many causes that have divided
the North and the South during the 1800’s.The next two weeks, we will focus on
different ways African Americans resisted slavery, the causes and effects of the
Missouri Compromise, and Abraham Lincoln as President.
Writing – What is the best sport? I am sure you all have your own opinion, just as
your child does. Last week, we discussed what an opinion is, how opinions differ from
facts, and most important, that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. We may not
agree with other’s opinions, but we do need to respect them.
Your child shared his/her opinion on his/her favorite sport through a short writing piece.
The next two weeks, we will learn more about the structure of opinion writing, sentence
starters specific to opinion writing, as well as transitional words used throughout an
opinion piece.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact me. 
Michelle Wheeland
Thank you to Mr. Stornello for reading to us today!