Teacher Resources

Teacher Resources
www.iloveteaching.com- This site offers encouragement for new, perspective, veteran,
and student teachers. It is a teachers dream; with information and links to just about any
subject you can think of- from teaching tips to website evaluations and clip art.
www.teachers.net- Offers live chats and information on: new teacher resources, distance
learning, teaching articles and a host of links to other sites.
www.scholastic.com- Has information for teachers on teaching strategies, lesson plans,
tools (such as rubric makers) and support for first years of teaching.
www.discovery.school.com- Includes Teacher’s store where you can purchase products
for any subject, and offers teacher support. The teacher support area includes things such
as content standards and lesson plans. The site also includes such things as guides for
educators and an area where one can create a custom classroom and save the “tools (i.e.
puzzles) that they have created for their classroom.
www.inspiringteachers.com- “A Teacher created organization dedicated to empowering
and inspiring teachers, creating quality learner-centered classrooms and improving
student success”. Offers beginning teacher’s toolbox, teacher’s tool box, inspiring
teachers catalog and a weekly tips newsletter.
www.creativeteachingsite.com- Sites that encourages creative teaching and teaching
ideas. It also gives suggestions on teaching styles.
www.atozteacherstuff.com- Has forums for teachers and provides help to find on-line
resources quickly. Provides links to articles, tips and allows different classrooms to
connect with one another.
www.educationworld.com- Includes a professional development portion that offers:
professional development articles, features, expert advice opportunities for lifetime
learning. There’s also information on school issues things like integrating technology.
www.pbs.org/teachersource- Offers links for on-line professional development in
different subjects and information on technology and teaching, as well as, TV for
www.jasonproject.org- Has information on professional development, activities etc.
(concentrating on science, math and chemistry).
http://www.edweek.org/- A great site to help teachers stay in the now and in the know! It
has links to the Education Week teacher’s magazine, daily news, special reports, hot
topics and most importantly a link to state information.
http://www.ed.gov/free/- Great site for everyone. It has tips and free federal resources
that parents, teachers and students can use.
http://home.computer.net/~dibianco- Informative site that has access to outside resources.
This is a site that was made by a Library Media Specialist. It resources for using the
Internet, and topics such as college, financial aid and travel. It is a great source for world
issues as well.
http://www.ipl.org/div/kidspace/- This website has information for everyone, but is
primarily student friendly. Students can access a story hour, information about other
cultures as well as recreation. I think that it will appeal to students (younger) a great
http://awesomelibrary.org/- Great site for anyone. It is a virtual library that allows you to
look for just about any subject. It lets you search for hot topics and browse in other
languages. This will make web assignments more accessible for your students that are
not native to the United States; exchange students for example. There is also a link to a
talking library.
http://www.unc.edu/cit/guides/irg-49.html/- This site gives teachers a way to evaluate
Internet websites as educational resources. It gives a series of questions that a teacher
should ask themselves about the websites to determine their “value” and a list of
reference websites.
http://www.oswego.org/staff/cchamber/webdesign/edwebdesign.htm/- Excellent site for
teachers. Helps teachers set up an effective website. Incorporated are ways to set up
virtual field trips, tutorials, web lessons, Internet projects, scavenger hunts and a host of
other classroom activates.