May: Month of the Blessed Virgin Mary Victoria Day

May: Month of the Blessed Virgin Mary
During this month we make an effort to pray
the Rosary every day. We are grateful for the
prayers of those students who have joined our
rosary group at lunch hour.
Victoria Day
We would like to remind you that Monday, May 20th is
Victoria Day. This is a holiday and therefore school will be
closed. We wish all our students and their families a safe
and relaxing long weekend.
“The Rosary is my favourite prayer.” (John Paul II)
Car Safety at Dismissal
At school dismissal time, we want to avoid children running
through the parking lot unaccompanied. Cars in the Kiss
and Ride lane are asked to move right up behind the car in
front in order to get as many in the lane as possible.
Parents parking in the parking lot or on the road should
walk over to safely escort their child/children to the
vehicle. There is a crossing area marked with paint on the
pavement where parents and students should be able to
walk safely. Drivers should be cautious when going past
this area.
Farewell to Mrs. Cameron
Mrs. Cameron has been the Assistant Secretary at Pope
John Paul II School for more than twelve years. As of May
6, she will be serving the St. Anne School community as the
Head Secretary. We are very grateful for the many
contributions Mrs. Cameron has made over her years of
service here. We wish her well, but she will be missed.
Filling in temporarily will be Mrs. Durante on a full-time
basis and Mrs. C. Burlo on a part-time basis. Starting May
21, we would like to welcome Mrs. Giancola to the full-time
Assistant Secretary position. We hope she will enjoy being
part of the office team.
Superintendent Retiring
At the April 23rd Board meeting, Trustees received with
regret, the retirement notice of Paul McMorrow,
Superintendent of Brampton East, Caledon, Dufferin and
Malton (effective August 31, 2013). He has served with
distinction over many years on behalf of the Catholic
Community and the students of Dufferin-Peel, making this
board one of the leading board in the province on many
levels. Mr. McMorrow has continually promoted Harmony
and Diversity throughout our school system. We thank Mr.
McMorrow for his on-going support.
Welcome to Kindergarten – May 16, 2013, 6:30 p.m.
Please note that the date given in our last newsletter was
incorrect. On the evening of May 16, at 6:30 p.m. – all
parents whose children are entering Junior Kindergarten
are welcome to come out and experience kindergarten
routines, instruction techniques, pre-school ideas – as our
kindergarten team will welcome you and your children to a
night of family learning!!!! A number of community groups
will also be joining us this evening. For more information,
please contact the school.
P.D. Day
A reminder that there will be no school for students on
Monday, May 13th, nor on Friday, June 7th. The focus of
the May 13 PD Day, is program and faith development. On
June 7th teachers will be working on assessment and
evaluation of pupil progress and report card writing. Please
note that the final report cards go home on Wednesday,
June 26th.
Girls on the Run
A correction from the last newsletter, the girls will
participate in a 5 km. run at Vaughn Mills on June 9th.
School Improvements
Presently, we are in the midst of having the corridors and
some of the student washrooms painted. The work occurs
in the evening and on weekends, so it should not interfere in
the ongoing operation of the school.
End of Year BBQ – June 4
The Parent Group are in the midst of planning an end of
year BBQ for the families here at Pope John Paul II
School. Food and entertainment will be available. This is a
great opportunity to connect with other families in your
son/daughter’s classes and plan for summertime activities.
Special thanks to the entire Parent Group team for their
work in supporting our school.
Jr. Achievement
Thank you to parents who have come forward to volunteer
to deliver the Jr. Achievement program to our Grade 7 and
8 students. These parents have attended a training session
at the school in order to prepare the lessons for each day.
The Grade 7 program, Dollars to Sense, will occur on May
30th and the Grade 8 program, Economics for Success will
be delivered on May 9th.
We have two soccer teams. Our girl’s team consists of
Natalie L, Victoria L., Martina D., Samantha T., Alana C.,
Juliana Q., Noelle D., Anna Maria V., Laura P. and Emma O.
They are being coached by Mr. MacNeil and Mrs. Condotta
as well as the student coaches, Jocelyn C. and Madison O.
Our Boy’s Intermediate Soccer Team includes, Joseph C.,
Tyler C., Connor M., Jessie I., Ryan K., Tristan S., Devin
E., Daniel D., Domenic B., Michael C., Daniel M., Jordan
C., Lucas C., Milan G., Sebastian D., Michael . Their
coaches are Mrs. Condotta and Mr. MacNeil. Good luck to
all of them at their upcoming soccer games.
Eco-School Activities
During Earth Week, many of our students were involved in
activities to reduce, reuse and recyle. We remind everyone
to continue with these activities throughout the year. In
particular, we are reminded of the need to turn off lights,
bring a litterless lunch and avoid idling in the car. In fact
now that we have the good weather, everyone is encouraged
to walk to/from school.
We are grateful for the support of staff and
students as well as Mrs. Cardoza, one of our
parent volunteers, who are working together to
develop the garden that will make our entrance way more
attractive and green friendly. We are also working on a plan
to create an outdoor learning area at the front/side of the
On Monday, May 9, we will have visitors inspecting the
school to review our efforts to become a Green School.
As part of the Board plans to prepare the school for Full
Day Kindergartne improvements have been proposed to
reconfigure the kindergarten area. This work is expected
to begin this summer.
Jr./Int. Evening of the Arts May 15
On Wednesday, May 15 we are planning a
demonstration of some of the activities we have
been doing in our Arts Program. This year we have
had Music taught to our Grade 4 to 8 students once
a week by Miss. Peter and Mrs. Saab. On May 15
students in our Grade 4, 5 and 6 grade levels will sing a
couple of songs in order to give an idea of work done in the
classroom. Between each performance, some of our Grade
7 and 8’s will contribute individual or small group
performances. There will be an afternoon performance at
1:00 and an evening performance at 7:00. We encourage as
many parents to attend the afternoon performance as
possible as we anticipate a large crowd in the evening.
Thank you to all the families who sent the Chalice
containers back to the school after Easter.
Together, we were able to raise over $4,000!
Catalogues are now being prepared for
distribution to the classrooms for students
to choose what may be purchased to support
communities. Last year we were able to
provide chickens, goats, cows and household items to
countries in need. Thanks again to the Parent Group who
collected the containers, counted the money and organized
the donations.
Are you Moving?
We are in the process of planning staffing and organizing
classes for the 2013 – 2014 school year. If you are moving
please advise the school office. In addition, if any of your
contact information (work numbers, home numbers, cell
numbers) change, please let us know as soon as possible.
Grade 8 Graduation
The Grade 8 Graduation Mass, distribution of
diplomas and awards will take place on
Wednesday, June 26th at 7:00 p.m. at Holy Family Church.
Further details will be made available shortly.
DPCDSB Summer Programs
Please be reminded that the Board offers, Elementary
Summer School for Grades 7 and 8 students and Summer
Literacy Camp for Grades SK to 6 students. For more
information and registration forms regarding any of these
programs please contact the school or visit the Board
website at
Students are reminded not to bring valuables, items of
importance or money to school. The school does not accept
responsibility for the above. Treasures, with a monetary
value or sentimental value, should not be brought to school.
Student clothing and play items should be clearly marked
with your child’s name.
Parking Enforcement
Please be advised that the front of the school where buses
drop off students is a designated “fire route”. Local
parking enforcement officers have been present at the
school and have been issuing fines. They have authority to
come on to the property to enforce fire routes and
handicapped parking. Kiss and Ride is provided on the west
side of the school for students being dropped off before
school. Parents should not be dropping off students in this
fire route/bus drop off lane.
Catholic Education Week
Catholic Education Week will be
celebrated from May 5-10, 2012.
During this week the Catholic community celebrates the
unique and distinctive contribution that Catholic schools
make to our students, our community and our province.
Catholic Education Week is an opportunity to celebrate the
mission of our Catholic schools as they strive to integrate
the Gospel values of Jesus Christ in every aspect of school
life and curriculum. This year’s theme is: Growing Together
in Faith. We will be sharing special readings, reflections and
prayers on announcements and in classes.
Reading Month Success
During the month of April, the Parent Group had special
community guests visit classes to read. In order to share
the joy of reading, students brought in books for a book
swap and classes decorated paper t-shirts with the titles
of their favourite books. Special thanks to our Parent
Group for all their hard work in organizing these activities
and running the events.
Criminal Reference Checks required for all volunteers
Effective September 2013, all volunteers must have a
Criminal Reference Check (CRC ) and a Vulnerable Sector
Screening Check on file in order to assist in the supervision
of trips and extra-curricular activities in all Dufferin-Peel
Catholic Schools. All parents should get a criminal
reference check prepared in advance in order to be
prepared for volunteer service. Forms can be picked up at
the office.
Swim to Survive for Grade 3 Students
Grade 3 students at Pope John Paul II School are
participating in the "Swim to Survive" program run by the
Lifesaving Society. This program teaches students the
essentials needed to survive an unexpected fall in deep
water. In class, students are instructed on the dangers of
thin ice, the importance of wearing a life jacket, and
boating safety. At the pool, students learn skills from basic
swimming instruction to more advanced skills depending on
their level of ability. Our school is fortunate to be
participating in such an important and physically active
learning experience.
Confirmation for students in grade 8 will take place at Holy
Family Church on various dates over the next few weeks.
This is an important step in the lives of our grade 8
students as it marks their full acceptance and commitment
to the larger church community. While we celebrate, we
also need to acknowledge the time and effort of the many
people involved in supporting our students along the way.
The list includes teachers, parents, the parish team and a
significant number of other adults who continue to work
hard in preparing our students for this sacrament. A
special thank you to Father Larry and Father Damien.
After School Security
Students are not allowed to return to the school after
having been dismissed at the end of the day. Many parents
may see it as “following through” by ensuring their child has
their work or agenda, which may have been left at school,
however, returning to the school after hours is not a safe
practice for employees who are still working in the building.
Custodians have a demanding routine which cannot be
parents/students around the building and possibly unlocking
classrooms. Similarly, the school cannot be opened for
people who are playing nearby who want to use the school’s
washroom facilities. Your cooperation is appreciated.
First Communion
We congratulate our grade 2 students – both
those who have already received the sacrament
and those who will be receiving Holy Eucharist
for the first time in the month to come. Again,
we would like to acknowledge all those who were
instrumental in the preparation of our students.
Proper Clothing and Protection
Warm beautiful days are fast approaching; therefore,
parents are reminded to please ensure that your child is
protected from the sun. Current fashions in clothing may
cause some problems if they are worn to school, regardless
of grade level. Students are reminded of our school dress
code. Please consider the following when you purchase
summer clothes:
Observing certain modesty in dress is advised.
Spaghetti straps, tank tops, tube tops and halter
tops are not appropriate for school.
Shorts & skirts should fall below fingertips when
extended along the side of the body.
Tops should not be "cropped" (if they expose the
belly when the arms are raised straight above the
head, they are too short for school) nor should
they have large cut armholes, be skin tight, or
Pants are to be worn at the waist. No
undergarments should be exposed.
Street Safety
All students are reminded to go directly home upon
dismissal from the school. If students take a bus, they are
to go home when dropped off. Please remind your children
of safety in the neighbourhood and the need not to talk to
strangers. Children should be encouraged to advise an
adult if they are approached by someone who they do not
Forest of Reading:
Congratulations to all voters of the Forest of Reading
Program. Our Silver Birch, Red Maple and Silver Express
readers were eligible to cast their votes on voting day.
They are to be commended for their dedication in reading
the books and participating in this activity that celebrates
the love of reading.
Book Fair: We will be hosting a Book Fair from Monday,
May 27th to Tuesday, June 4th in the school
library, The Book Fair will be open
during school hours. On the evening of
the Family BBQ, June 4, the Book Fair
will be open from 6:30 to 8:30. Catch
the summer fun reading wave and come out and support our
school Library!!
All books are due back to the library by June 7th, 2013.
Mrs. Condotta is busy trying to retrieve all those lost or
misplaced books. Please help us by searching closets and
under beds for any books that may be hiding.
Junior Boy’s Basketball Team
Congratulations to the Junior Boys Basketball team who
won the Bolton tournament and placed an impressive 3rd
place in our Family of Schools tournament. Our boys
displayed excellent sportsmanship, skill and determination.
They represented Pope John Paul II School well. The team
consisted of, Christopher P., Christopher Z., Daniel A.,
Daniel D., Jorge T., Joseph C., Julian I., Nicholas B., Noah
D. and William V. Mrs Mandolfo and Mr. D’Agostino are the
coaches. Their dedication is appreciated.
Junior Girl’s Basketball Team
Congratulations to our Girl’s Junior Basketball team. They
played with spirit and determination at the Bolton
Tournament on April 24th. We are very proud of the team:
Hannah T., Amanda B., Chiara D., Martina D., Erin M.,
Natalie L., Alana C., Hannah C., Emma O. and Juliana Q.
Thanks to Coaches, Mr. Pusztai and Mrs. Filippo for their
work with this team.
Dance Team
Congratulations to the Junior Dance Team.
performance of “Pointe Perfect” at the 8th Annual Dance
Event was amazing. Thanks to the coaches Mrs. Cameron,
Mrs. Pennella, Mrs. Decaria and Mrs. Isopo, as well as
Assistant Coaches, Sarah S. and Lauren M. and the
choreographers, Remy C. and Logan F. for their time and
dedication to the Arts. This team of dancers put in an
awesome effort all these months. We are proud that all
their hard work paid off in receiving the highest score of
the entire day – a Diamond Award! Adriana D., Charlotte B.,
D’Arcy C., Julia P., Veronica V., Anastasia M., Julia E.,
Veronica C., Salina G., Alessia A., Maia R., Luca F. and Leah
D. represented their school with great sportsmanship.
Each year Grade 3 and 6 students in Ontario are assessed
in reading, writing and mathematics. This year the specific
dates for this assessment are:
Grade 3
Monday, May 27, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Monday, June 3, 2013
Wednesday June 5, 2013
Grade 6
Monday, May 27, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Friday, May 31, 2013
Monday, June 3, 2013
Tuesday June 4, 2013
Please keep this in mind when booking appointments. Thank
Ready Set Read! Summer Reading Club
Why: To reinforce reading strategies introduced
throughout the school year and to sustain reading
development over the summer months in a fun parent/child
interactive environment.
What: Each week for 6 weeks, Dufferin-Peel teachers will
be modelling and demonstrating a variety of reading
comprehension strategies during read-aloud sessions.
Participants will receive a “Parent Toolkit” and “Student
Toolkit” to help support reading throughout the summer.
Who: Students in Grade 1 through Grade 3 (who are
reading at an independent reading level of 16 or higher) and
their family members.
Where: Select Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon and
Orangeville Public Libraries
How: Program details and registration are available by
clicking on the “Ready, Set, Read” link on the Dufferin Peel website. Registration can also be done online at
Weather Update
As we go into the wet spring season parents are
reminded that children should be cautious of
high water levels and to stay clear of these
areas. In addition, we are likely to have rapid shifts in
weather temperatures from warm to very cool. Students
are to dress appropriately for the weather of the day and
they must be prepared for outdoor recesses.
After School Tutoring for Gr. 3 & 6
Thank you to the staff who are working two days a week
after school to support students preparing for the EQAO
Literacy and Numeracy Test. This is a Ministry initiative to
help students to be successful with the testing. Special
thanks to the parents who have been so cooperative in
making transportation arrangements for their children. In
particular, we are proud of the enthusiasm of the students
who are taking advantage of this opportunity.
After School Gr. 1 & 2 Programs
Given the great success of the last sessions offered by the
Town of Caledon through their recreation department, they
are once again offering a program for the Grade 1 and 2
students. The sessions will run from May 7 to June 11 for
girls and from May 9 to June 13 for boys. Should you have
any questions or require additional information, please feel
free to contact Dana Smith at 905-857-3313.
Food Drive
Caledon Community Services have asked for our support at
this time of the year when they find gaps in their
resources. In order to be most effective in filling those
gaps they have identified specific products which need to
be replenished. Classes will be coming home shortly with
information on what is needed.
Your support is