Dance – a- thon – Brought to us by so many! Our Dance-a-thon was a great success! Students, staff, parents and even grandparents were moving and shaking. We are extremely grateful to all the many individuals who support this event. Throughout the afternoon of October 30th parents spent time putting up decorations in the gym. Parents were also in the school during the week before the dance-a-thon to count pledge money. We would like to recognize that in many quiet ways, there are a great many people who contribute to the school and our activities. Thanks to all who contribute so much to enhance our school life. St. Michael's Annual "SANTA PARADE PARTY" Once again, St. Michael's Secondary School will be hosting their annual Christmas Party, immediately following the Bolton Santa Claus Parade. Please join us on Saturday December 1st, 2012 at 12:30, for a fun-filled afternoon. The kids will participate in crafts, Christmas activities and a special guest will be visiting from the North Pole!! All families and friends are welcome!! Tickets go on sale on November 23rd, 2012, and can be purchased at "DELI TO GO" for $5 (5-301 Queen Street South in Bolton). You will receive a free coffee with every ticket purchased from DELI TO GO, between November 23rd and November 30th. The price of the ticket includes lunch, drink, and dessert for each child. Parents are welcome to purchase a hot lunch from the cafeteria. Hope to see you on the first!!! Lunch Lady On-line Once again, we remind you that hot lunches are being provided this year on Mondays and Wednesdays by The Lunch Lady. Orders can be placed on-line up to 3 days in advance of the lunch day. Remembrance Day This year our Grade 6 students have prepared a Remembrance Day Liturgy for students and staff. Parents are invited to join us on Monday, November 12. Our Remembrance Day Ceremony will be held in gym 1 for all staff, students and guests at 9:00 a.m. for Mass Group A and at 12:30 p.m. for Mass Group B students. Any Scouts or Cadets are invited to form an honour guard; please speak with Mr. Pusztai. Poppies will be distributed to students on November 12 (caution, pins attached!). A donation has been made on behalf of the students and staff to the Canadian Legion. On November 19, we will have a number of veterans at the school to meet with our Grade 6 – 8 students. We are looking forward to them sharing their perspective with us. Supervision Once again we remind you that supervision is provided only fifteen minutes before the 8:30 a.m. bell. Students should not be arriving at school before supervisors get to the yard. For the safety of your children, please ensure that they are not left at the school prior to 8:15 a.m. supervision. QSP – Magazine orders For the past two years, magazine subscriptions have been sold through QSP. With the money raised over the past two years, we have been able to replace the playground structure and install a new basketball stand. This November, parents will have the opportunity to renew their subscriptions and place new orders. Flyers will be sent home for you to see what is offered. Any new orders are appreciated. Orders can be made on-line and this method is preferred as it reduces the workload on our volunteers. Please watch for the flyers going home soon. Pizza Days Pizza Days will be offered once again beginning on December 10th and 11th. It is confirmed that we will be going with Pizzaville in Bolton. Unfortunately due to the allergies, we will not be offering cookies. No Dogs on School Property Another reminder to our parents/guardians that dogs are NOT permitted on school property for the safety of our students. This continues to be a problem at our school. We ask those parents/guardians with dogs to please leave your dog at home and not bring them to our school. Professional Development Day Please note that November 16, 2012 is a Professional Development Day for teachers to work on Faith Development and Ministry Priorities. Teachers will be working throughout the day on curriculum focuses. There will be no classes for students on that day. Parking Alert Please be aware that the area where the buses come in at the front of the school is, actually, part of the fire route. Cars are never allowed to stop or park in that lane. The Caledon Parking Enforcement has been very active in ticketing people parked in this lane. It can be very costly so we wanted to ensure that all our parents and visitors are aware. We also have concern for the safety of students being dropped off at the back gate on Kingsview Drive. Cars pulling into this area endanger students who are walking on the sidewalk. Please make use of our Kiss and Ride by the west parking lot. It is available after 8:15 and the cars have been moving through very smoothly – even on rainy days! Thanks to all those families using the Kiss and Ride and for making arrangements to allow the students to get out of the cars on the passenger side. Under no circumstances should students be let out in the “Drive Through” lane. Kindergarten Registration for 2013-14 Registration for Junior and Senior Kindergarten for the 2013-14 school year, will take place at Pope John Paul II School on the following days: Monday, January 28, 2013 Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Thursday, January 31, 2013 Friday, February 1, 2013 7 9 9 9 p.m. - 9 p.m.* a.m. – 3 p.m. a.m. – 3 p.m. a.m. – 3 p.m. * Snow Date: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. For more information, call Pope John Paul II School or visit Hallowe’en Charity Following Hallowe’en night, we ask children to bring into school a handful of candy in order to support other children less fortunate. Often we send staples and the bare necessities to others in need, but rarely do they experience the special treat of candy. All candy that has been sent in during the first week of November will be taken to Dr. Simone’s Warehouse for Canadian Food for Children on Lakeshore Road. Playground Structure Soon the playground structure will be closed for the season because the surface beneath the structure will get harder with the cold weather and the structure itself retains the cold which makes it harder for students to have a firm grip. Once closed, students should not be on the play structure at any time – before, during or after school. Girl’s Intermediate Volleyball Congratulations to our Girl’s Intermediate Volleyball team who represented the school in the Bolton tournament on October 21st. All the team members played well. Grade 7 & 8 girls on the team included: Tara R., Amanda F., Analia S., Jocelyn C., Katrina B., Makana M., Mattea G., Melina S. and Britney G Special thanks to Mr. Kenny and Mr. MacNeil for coaching the girls. Boy’s Intermediate Volleyball Our Intermediate Boy’s Volleyball team played in the Bolton Tournament on Friday, October 21st. The team was very competitive playing very close games against the other schools. Congratulations to: Jesse I., Michael H., Michael I., Sebastian D., Christopher S., Dalton C., Aiden W. and Jordan D. Special thanks to Mr. MacNeil and Mr. Pusztai for coaching the boys. Cross Country Team The Pope John Paul II Cross Country Team competed in the Family Run on October 18. Congratulations to all those who participated and completed the course. On November 6, the top runners from each division in the Family competition compete at the Board Meet. Congratulations to the following students who will represent the school at the Board Meet: Daniel A., Antonio A., Nicholas B., Hannah C., Alana C., Jocelyn C., Leah D., Martina D., Francesco F., Kateri F., Caitlyn G., Erin H., Michael H., Robert I., Karolina K., Joseph L., Marco M., Adriana M., Valentina M., Julia P., Kaela R., Madison R., Piero S., Matthew S., Victoria S., Hannah T., Veronica V., Megan W., Aidan W., Christopher Z. and Isabella Z.. Thanks to all those representing the school and to the coaches: Mrs. Attard, Mrs. Pennella, Mrs. DeFranco, Mrs. LaRosa, Mrs. Filippo, Ms. Peter, Mrs. Isopo, Mrs. Farquhar, Mrs. Rosati, Mrs. DeCaria and Mrs. DeAngelis. Good Luck! Extended French Any student who is eligible to attend a Dufferin-Peel Catholic school and who is presently a Grade 4 student is eligible to enroll in the Extended French program for Grade 5 in September 2013. Completed applications, containing all required documentation must be submitted by 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 6, 2013. A lottery will be held at a pre-determined and advertised date if, and only if, the number of applications received at the school exceeds the places available. An information night will be held at St. Cornelius on Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. International Baccalaureate Program There is an information night offered for those Grade 8 families considering enrollment in the International Baccalaureate Program. It is offered Tuesday November 20, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. in the cafetorium at Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School, 2 Notre Dame Ave., Brampton, L6Z 4L5 (905) 840-2802. Application packages will be available at the end of the meeting. Holy Name of Mary On November 27th, beginning at 7:00 p.m., Holy Name of Mary C.S.S. will be holding a Grade 9 Information & Registration Night for current Grade 8 students and their parents, in the school’s gymnasium. As a regional all girls school, we would like to invite all eligible Region of Peel girls to apply to Holy Name of Mary C.S.S. Please visit our website for further updates: Location: Holy Name of Mary C.S.S., 115 Glenvale Blvd., Brampton, Ontario. For further information please call 905-458-5541 X 64104. School Council Activities Special thanks to Mrs. Vasconcelos and Mrs. DiIulio who will share the role of Chair of our School Council this year. In addition, Mr. Biagi will serve as Treasurer; Mrs. Asta as Parish Rep.; Mrs. Falvo as Secretary. Please keep in mind that all School Council meetings are open to all parents who wish to attend. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 28th at 7:00 p.m. in the library. Anaphylaxis Update Many of our students suffer from allergies. Please ensure that if providing treats on occasions like birthdays, only non-edible alternate treats are allowed. Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death. In consultation with Peel Health, Board Health and Safety personnel and Anaphylaxis Canada it is recommended that by grade one, children with severe and life threatening allergies should carry an epi-pen with them at all times. A second epi-pen is to be kept in the office as a back up. The Canadian Medic Alert Foundation provides various options for children to carry the epi-pen. Visit: or call 1-800-668-1507 extension 3255 for options available. If your son/daughter requires an epi-pen, please consider them carrying it with them at all times. Other helpful sites are: Bus Cancellations due to Weather During the winter months, inclement weather and/or poor road conditions may cause the disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. In these cases, parents/guardians should develop alternate care/transportation arrangements. A decision to cancel bus transportation and/or to close schools is made by 6:00 a.m. Decisions are based on several factors including precipitation, air temperature and road conditions. A decision to cancel bus transportation may be system wide (where all buses in Dufferin County and the Region of Peel are cancelled) or municipality specific (where buses in one or more municipalities are cancelled). If buses are cancelled in the morning, they will not operate in the afternoon. Therefore students transported to school by parents require the same transportation home. Notification Parents/guardians, students and school staff are asked to monitor the following radio/television stations after 6:00 a.m. to receive bus cancellation/school closure information. Radio: CKFM 99.9, CHUM 1050, FOXY 88.5 FM,, Z103.5 CJCL 590, CJBC (FR) 860 AM, CHFI 98.1 CJEZ EZ ROCK 97.3, CFTR 680, CFRB 1010 CFNY 102.1, CHIN 100.7 FM / 1540 AM, 93.1 FM CJMR/CHOW 1250, 102.7 FM (Caledon) Television: CFTO, Global, CP 24, CBC, The Weather Network A bus cancellation and/or school closure message will also be available online at or by calling 905-890-1221. Thank you for your support as we focus on providing safe transportation for all our students. Library News Scholastic Book Fair has arrived! The Book Fair will run from Monday, November 5th to Friday, November 9th during school hours (Thursday open from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m.). Please come by the school library and visit our fair where you can be an “All Star”. All proceeds will help support our school library. The nominated titles for the Forest of Reading programs have been released. Mrs. Condotta will be registering students for these programs in December. Check out our school website for more details. All-Star Reading We are currently looking for All Star Reading coaches to work one on one with students. If you are able to help students on a regular basis with flexible times that work for you we would like to hear