Document 14321239

Special Recognition
Special recognition goes to Mrs. Atwater
(Educational Resource Worker) who will be
leaving our school to move to St. Michael’s
Secondary School. She will be greatly missed
here, but she will be of great service to the
students at St. Mike’s. In addition, we would
like to wish Mrs. Andrews and Mr. Pitre well as
they take a one year leave. We hope that they
enjoy this time set aside for professional and
personal growth. As already mentioned, Ms.
Plastina will become Principal of St. Jean
Brebeuf School, good luck to her.
We have a number of staff whose contracts
will end in June. These staff members have
contributed greatly to the school. Possible
contract renewal is not completed until the end
of August. We wish them well with their
future plans. These teachers include:
Mr. G. Racco
Mrs. M. DeMelo
Ms. M. Gentile
Mrs. O. Falvo
Mrs. E. Mammoliti
Internet usage
Please keep in mind that any pictures/videos
taken by students, friends or family members
at school events or school excursions are for
personal memories. They are not to be posted
at any time in the future on an open forum
through the internet, such
as; Face Book, MySpace,
You Tube or any other
site. The school is aware
cyber bullying.
Pope John Paul II Authors
Congratulations to many of our student authors
who have had their work honoured! Recently,
published author Kathy Kacer visited the
school. At that time she announced that three
of our students, have had their work included
in her next book to be published in the spring
of 2012. Congratulations to these students.
Melissa M.A., Emma S., Analia S. Also to be
recognized is Michael C. whose poetry was
celebrated in Toronto at Dundas Square on
June 21.
We are very proud of the
accomplishments of these students.
Work on the Playground Structure
Beginning on July 4 we expect work to begin to
replace the existing playground structure at
the side of the school and installing a new one.
The stone pebbles underneath will be replaced
with engineered wood chips and the wood
frame will also be replaced. Work will continue
throughout the summer. The area will be
fenced off and everyone is asked to stay clear
of the area. We are very grateful to the
School Council for making this a priority and
fundraising for a new playground stucture.
Upcoming Dates
First day of school:
Tuesday, September 6th, 2011
P.D. Day (possible re-organization):
Friday, September 16th, 2011
Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board
Calendar for 2011-2012 has been distributed
and it is available on the Board website:
Congratulations to our Class of 2011
On Tuesday, June 28 we celebrate the graduation
of our Grade 8 students. The evening begins with
Mass at 7:00 p.m. Graduation exercises
follow. Congratulations to all our
graduates and best of
luck to them in the
Summer Watch
As neighbours to our school we appreciate your
watchfulness in looking out for those who may
loiter or vandalize. Police acknowledge that
tips from neighbours are often most effective
in keeping the school area safe.
If you notice any suspicious
behavior around the school,
please contact the Caledon OPP.
Together, we can ensure a safer
Once again we remind you of the changes in
transportation for next year. STOPR (Student
Transportation of Peel Region) operates our
bussing system.
They can be reached at or at or at
1-800-668-1140. Distances to be eligible for
transportation are: 1 km. - Kindergarten/Gr. 1;
1.6 km. - Gr. 2-4; 2 km. - Gr. 5-8. We will
integrate some of our bussing next year with
James Bolton School. As a result, we do not
expect to have empty seats available for
students not eligible for transportation.
Parents are advised to please make plans for
students walking to school. In any case, we are
unable to offer courtesy seats to others
before October 3.
Class Placements
We anticipate last minute changes and
adjustments to class lists prior to the first day
of school, September 6, 2011. As a result at
this time we will not be able to provide Grade 1
to 8 students with specific class placements
for next year. On the first day of school
students will gather according to grade levels
for class assignments.
Thank you
Thank you for your donations to Chalice over
the Lenten season. Over $5,000 was used to
purchase sheep, goats, bicycles, fruit trees and
other essential items for those in need.
Special thanks to our Parent Group for all their
work in organizing this event.
A Blessing Before Summer Vacation
Let us put ourselves into the hands of the
Lord, and pray that God will bless us and
our families during the wonderful months
of summer.
May we all help to make our homes a place
of relaxation, joy, love, peace and safety.
May we be generous and considerate, not
thinking only about ourselves, but helping
others enjoy the blessings of summertime.
Guide our steps and strengthen our hearts
until we meet once again.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
High Water Levels
Please be aware that unsafe conditions often occur when we have had extensive rainfalls resulting in
high water levels. Everyone is asked to exercise caution in areas near streams and rivers