San Lorenzo Ruiz Catholic School 100 Barondale Dr., Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 3R1 (905) 501-0400 Fax (905) 501-9275 A Prayer for Families February 2016 God made us a family. We need one another. We respect one another. We love one another. Principal M. Harrison We forgive one another. We work together. We play together. Vice-Principal A. Sodhi Secretaries N. Hajdinjak We worship together. Together we use God's word. Together we grow in Christ. Together we love all people. Together we serve our God. Parish St. Francis Xavier Parish Pastor Msgr. Edgardo Pan (905) 890-5290 Trustee T. Thomas (905) 890-1221 Superintendent L. Papaloni School Council Chair S. Rinaldi Attendance Verification Line (905) 501-0400 Press #1 Together we hope for heaven. These are our hopes and ideals. Help us to attain them, O God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. God has given us the virtues of friends and companions to keep us company and to help us out along the way. Every person in our lives carries the Spirit of God – and so every person is our brother or sister through Jesus Christ. As brothers and sisters who share one Holy Spirit, we are all valuable to God. We all deserve to be shown courtesy, consideration, sensitivity and thoughtfulness, which are different ways of saying respect. That respect should come first and foremost from ourselves. We have to respect ourselves and then we will be able to respect others. We should also be able to expect to be treated with respect by everyone we meet – our brothers and sisters in Jesus. VIRTUES IN ACTION The following students demonstrate the Virtue of HOPE. Klaus and Hannah in Ms. Kelly and Ms. Jane’s class. Eugendus, Rae, Isabelle in Mrs. Shields-Ballantyne and Ms. Frankovic’s class. Catherine and Julia in Mrs. Chiavaroli’s class. Joseph and Trenton in Mrs. Stolarski’s class David S. and James A. in Mrs. Clarkson’s class. Victoria T. and Wyzo G. in Mrs. Tanzi-Botta’s class. Alessia and Christian in Mrs. Aurelio’s class. Ethan and Matthew in Ms. Coccimiglio’s class. Francesco and Sara in Mrs. Duliunas’ class. Joseph and Nicolas S. in Mrs. Milek –Kalic’s class. Clara and Theresa C. in Mrs. Mikail’s class. Vivian and Michael in Mrs. DeBono’s class. Ryan and Isabela in Mrs. Wilcock’s class. Sabrina and Jonah in Mr. Powers’ class. Layla, Emma, and Tristen in Ms. Fernandes’ class. Zachary, Nash and Auguste in Ms. Iannicca’s class. Kaya S. and Daniel L. in Mrs. Bahlis’ class. Anson and Joy in Mr. Wos’ class. Veronika and Nicole G. in Mrs. Tersigni’s class Kevin and Matthew S. in Mrs. Szekeres’ class IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER: EXTENDED FRENCH At the present time, our school is the designated centre for our area. Applications can be picked up at the main office. Applications will be accepted at San Lorenzo Ruiz until 3:00 p.m. February 16, 2016. **If needed, lottery date will be on February 24th at 3:00 pm. FRENCH IMMERSION The French Immersion On-line Application System is now open for submissions. The site will be open from January 11—February 14. All submissions, which meet eligibility criteria, are accepted. In the event that the number of applications is greater than the number of spaces available at a French Immersion school, a centralized, computergenerated lottery will be held at a date yet to be determined. REPORT CARDS Term One Report Cards will be going home on: Tuesday, February 2. Parent-Student-Teacher Conference Forms have already gone home, requesting interview times with teachers . Interview Night is on Thurs. Feb 4 from 3:00 pm—8:30 pm. Interview Day is on Fri. Feb 5 from 9:00 am—12:00 pm **no school for students. 2015-16 School Year Calendar: Additional Professional Activity Day: Monday, April 11, 2016 Terms of the recent contract settlement between the teacher federations and the Ministry of Education included the provision of an additional Professional Activity Day for the 2015-2016 school year for both elementary and secondary schools. Recently, boards were directed to schedule this additional Professional Development Day on or before April 15, 2016. In the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, the designated additional Professional Activity Day has been scheduled for Monday, April 11, 2016. Therefore, there will be no classes for either elementary or secondary students on Monday, April 11, 2016. WINTER FOOTWEAR Parents are asked to ensure that students come to school with footwear appropriate for the conditions. In order to maintain student safety and cleanliness of the building, all students must have indoor and outdoor shoes. Students are reminded that they must wear proper indoor shoes for gym and appropriate gym clothes. Jewelry must be removed when in gym class or during sports activities. Students are not allowed to wear their “outside” shoes in the gym. STUDENT SUPERVISION Please be advised that supervision in the school yard begins at 8:00 am. Students are not to be on school property prior to the 8:00 a.m. bell because there is no supervision of students at that time. Students can not be dropped off or arriving on their own at school prior to 8:00 they wish to remain in Extended French, then they will attend either Philip Pocock SS or St. Aloysius Gonzaga. The school that they will attend depends on their ‘home’ school, that is, the school for which their home is within those boundaries. For example, a student who lives in the boundary for St. Jude would attend Philip Pocock Secondary School for Extended French. A student originally from St Gertrude would attend St. Aloysius Gonzaga Secondary School. Please see the chart below. If our graduates do not wish to continue in Extended French, they must attend the Secondary School for their ‘home’ school. For example. A student who is within the boundaries for St Pio, who does not wish to continue in Extended French, must attend John Cabot Secondary School. Please see the chart below. Please note that these are the required destination schools for our grade 8 graduates. As a policy, the Dufferin-Peel Board does not allow flexible boundary requests for Secondary School students List of Destination Secondary Schools for Extended French Grade 8 students at San Lorenzo Ruiz ‘Home’ School Extended French Secondary School Mainstream Secondary School San Lorenzo Ruiz Philip Pocock SS St Francis Xavier SS St Jude Philip Pocock SS St Francis Xavier SS St Pio Philip Pocock SS John Cabot SS St Hilary St. Aloysius Gonzaga SS St Francis Xavier SS St Matthew St. Aloysius Gonzaga SS St Francis Xavier SS St Gertrude St. Aloysius Gonzaga SS St Francis Xavier SS St Valentine St. Aloysius Gonzaga SS St Joseph SS St Veronica St. Aloysius Gonzaga SS St Marcellinus SS STUDENT TRANSPORTATION The STOPR website provides access to up-to-date information regarding delayed buses as well as bus cancellations due to inclement weather. This website also contains transportation policies, procedures, forms and frequently asked questions. For more information, visit As you are aware, during the winter months inclement weather may cause disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:00 a.m. and will be announced on the board website, radio stations and TV news. Secondary School Registration for Grade 8’s in Extended French When Extended French students at San Lorenzo Ruiz graduate from grade 8 they have to decide whether or not to continue on in Extended French in Secondary School. If EXTENDED FRENCH: SWITCH OF STUDENTS’ TIMETABLES As of Monday, February 1st, the Extended French will be balancing their schedule to ensure French Language Instruction meets the Board expected number of 1900 hours. This means that grade 5 and grade 8 EF students will now have English in the afternoon; grade 6 and 7 EF students will have French in the morning. BIKE RACKS ARE NOW INSTALLED Bike racks are located at the south—east corner of the parking lot. When Spring arrives, we invite students to start riding their bikes to school and to secure them safely to our new bike racks LENTEN MASS The Lenten Mass will be held on Friday February 26th at St. Francis Xavier Church from 10 am—11am. Busses will be return between 11:20 am—11:40 am. We will have lunch at 12:10 pm —1:10 pm. SOCIAL JUSTICE AT WORK Youth Faith Ambassadors are starting their, "Sock-Mania" Sock Drive to collect Socks for shelters. Clean dry feet are one of the most important things that homeless individuals need, but are the least donated clothing item. We will be collecting good wool/cotton blend socks until Holy Thursday. Keep the homeless's feet warm and your hearts' warmer. Thank you for your support. Share Life: Youth Ambassadors will be selling candy grams for Valentine's day to be delivered on February 12th. Cost is $2.00. All profits will go towards our school's Share Life collection. BLACK HISTORY MONTH February is Black History Month. San Lorenzo Ruiz students will be celebrating this tradition during February in a variety of morning announcements,, lessons and classroom activities. We have a presentation from SAIDAT on February 2—highlighting respect, and celebrating diversity. CRAM-THE-CRUISER SPIRIT WEAR on sale From February 4th to February 22th students, parents and staff will have the opportunity to order San Lorenzo Spirit Wear. Order forms will be going home shortly. During interview night and day (Feb 45), sample sizing will be available in the front foyer. Thursday February 11th (in the pm) we will be having "Cram-two-Cruisers". Non-perishable food items are to be brought in - donations made to Mississauga Food Bank. GRADE 2 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION We would like to congratulate our grade 2 students who received the sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesday, January 27th. Students were prayerful and reflective—showing a great appreciation for this very sacred sacrament. Special thanks to our teachers and parents for preparing our children. 22 Sub Day 29 Pizza Day 28 Family Day 15 Virtues Assembly at 9 am 8 Pita Day Pizza Day Spirit Wear Orders go home 1 Monday 21 14 7 First Communion Prep Mass at 12 pm Sunday 23 16 Pizza Day Deadline for EF applications Spirit Wear Orders Due Shrove Tuesday 9 6:30 Social Media/Peel Police Council Presentation SAIDAT—presentation MBC YFA Commissioning and Faith Rally Report Cards go home 2 T u e s da y 24 Junior Girls BBall Tournament at SLR 17 10 Ash Wednesday Liturgy at 10: 35 3 25 18 Meningitis Dose #2 Cram the Cruisers with Peel Police 12:10 11 26 Lenten Mass at the church 10 am 19 Junior Science Olympics 12 Grade 8 Grad Photos 8:30 am No School for Student Parent-Teacher Interviews 5 4 Parent-Teacher Interview Evening Friday Thursday Virtue of Respect W e d n e s da y Fe b r u a r y 2 0 1 6 : 27 20 13 6 Saturday