RUSSIA Blank names indicate rulers that you are not required to know. Grand Prince of Moscow Ivan III 1462-1505 Also known as Ivan the Great. Helps free Russia from Mongol rule. Helps Moscow to build a Russia Empire. Promotes centralized rule. Vasily III 1505-1533 Ivan IV 1533-1547 First to take title of czar or tsar in Russia. Also known as Ivan the Terrible. Killed his son in a fit of rage. Continues expansion and centralization of power. Known for intelligence, devoutness, and mental instability. Killed threats to power, such as Boyars. Ivan IV 1547-1584 Same as above Feodor I 1584-1598 Son of Ivan the Terrible. Died with no heir. Helps Ignites Time of Trouble Conflict down the road. House of Rurik House of Godunov Boris Godunov 1598-1605 Feodor II 1605-1605 Usurpers False Dmitri I 1605-1606 House of Shuysky Vasily IV 1606-1610 Time Of Troubles (1610-1613) Seven Boyars House of Romanov Michael I 1613-1645 Establishes Romanov dynasty after Boyars choose him as the tsar after Time of Trouble Conflict. Alexis I 1645-1676 Reaffirmed the tsar’s role as both political and religious leader in Russia. Feodor III 1676-1682 Ivan V 1682-1689 Created by Ryan Gaines RUSSIA Blank names indicate rulers that you are not required to know. Peter I 1682-1725 Also known as Peter the Great. Harshly put down rebellions. Created a secret police to help maintain order. Westernized Russia. Modeled military after west. Built navy. Encouraged learning and education. Reshaped social norms among the elite. Unsuccessful wars with the Ottoman Empire. Great Northern War (with Sweeden). Gains access to Baltic Sea. Builds St. Petersburg and moves capitol. Models capitol after west. Used selective westernization. Used tactics to weaken Boyars. Censored Western Ideas that might threaten his power, Enlightenment. No changes in labor, continued Serfdom. Catherine I 1725-1727 Peter II 1727-1730 Anna 1730-1740 Ivan VI 1740-1741 Elizabeth 1741-1762 Peter III 1762-1762 Mentally Retarded. Hangs mice after one mouse ate part of his army men toys. Possibly Murdered Catherine II 1762-1796 German Princess Married to Peter III. Catherine instilled as regent and then declared Empress. Selective Westernization. Patronized Arts, Architecture. Courted favor with Boyars by giving them more power over their serfs. Ruled with absolute power by putting down rebellions. Gained new lands in Crimea and Poland. Paul I 1796-1801 Alexander I 1801-1825 Nicholas I 1825-1855 Alexander II 1855-1881 Alexander III 1881-1894 Nicholas II 1894-1917 Russian Revolution (1917) Provisional Government (Premiers) Prince Geori Lvov 1917 Alexander Kerensky 1917 USSR(1922-1991) Vladimir Lenin Created by Ryan Gaines 1917-1924 Ruled Russia as a Prime Minister before Official Creation of USSR. RUSSIA Blank names indicate rulers that you are not required to know. Aleksei Rykov 1924-1930 Vyacheslav Molotov 1930-1941 Joseph Stalin 1941-1953 Georgi M. Malenkov 1953-1955 Nikolai A. Bulganin 1955-1958 Nikita S. Khrushchev 1958-1964 Leonid I. Brezhnev 1964-1982 Yuri V. Andropov 1982-1984 Konstantin Chernenko 1984-1985 Mikhail S. Gobachev 1985-1991 Presidents of Russian Federation (1991-Today) Boris Yeltsin 1991-1999 Vladimir Putin 2000-2008 Dmitry Medvedev 2008-2012 Vladimir Putin (Again) 2012-Present Created by Ryan Gaines RUSSIA Blank names indicate rulers that you are not required to know. Created by Ryan Gaines RUSSIA Blank names indicate rulers that you are not required to know. Created by Ryan Gaines