Chapter 18
Pg. 388-402
Russian Expansion Under the Tsars
late postclassical era: Moscow emerged as center of Russia & Mongol resistance
Ivan III (Ivan the Great)
creates new gov based on military rule
Need for Revival (the Ivans)
Mongol rule created need for revival
Russian traditions remained
But cultural vigor declined
Ivan the Great reclaims Byzantine traditions
Ivan IV (the Terrible) expanded autocracy against boyars
Patterns of Expansion
Russia expanded eastward into C. Asia
New lands settled by pioneer spirit & Cossacks
Expansion brought social & economic benefits
Russia claimed it was the heir to Chinggis
Khan as the unifier of Central Asia?
How accurate is this claim? Compare & contrast the Mongol Empire & Russian Empire.
Use the maps on pg.311 & 393 if needed
Western Contact
Tsars add careful contact with the West to aid revival:
Romanov Dynasty (1613-1917)
Ivan IV’s death w/o heir → rise of Romanov’s
Expands tsarist control while limiting boyars
Russia’s 1st Westernization
Russia = large, agricultural empire by 1690
Trends of territorial gain & Westernization amplified by:
Peter the Great
Catherine the Great
Peter the Great (1689-1725)
Autocratic ruler
Suppressed power of boyars
Fascinated by Western manufacturing, science
Concentrated on…
Making bureaucracy more effective,
Building heavy industry, &
Encouraging Western standards & technical training
Yet, changes were selective
But fostered resentment
Catherine the Great (1762-1796)
Complexly expanded tsar’s imperial power & boyar’s local power
Increased serfdom
Finalized territorial expansion to E & W
Selectively balanced Enlightenment &
Russian traditions
Western ideas of law & government?
Western intellectual ideas?
Themes in Early Modern Russia
Serfdom increasingly common for masses
Used as a form of social control
Slave-like system, but communal gov remained active
Trade & Economic Dependence
Overall, economy subordinated to West
Rural, no middle class
Little incentive for innovation
Social Unrest
Serfdom bred discontent & calls for reform
Growing intelligensia
Peasant rebellions
Eastern Europe
Borders fluctuate as empires expand
Region of weak central government & little economic development
Ex= Poland
Global Connections - Russia & World
Russia becomes key international player