3rd Grade Newsletter Please join me in welcoming Mrs. Kelsey Gregg to our classroom as a student teacher from Western Kentucky University. She will be working with me through February and then on to Mrs. Linder. We are always excited to have extra help and look forward to Mrs. Gregg joining us. This week we will be taking common assessments. These are timed test must like that of K-Prep in the spring. This along with our MAP scores will help us evaluate where our students are at this point and drive our instruction through April. Your child’s agenda sheet may look different this week with not all classes attended every day due to this schedule. Agenda sheets will look a little different from now on. In addition to your child restating what they learned that day, it will include their next step in instruction along with a larger place for homework assignments. We typically do not have a lot of homework but this larger space does allow for more communication to convey what is needed. Have a blessed week! Mrs. Bowen & Mrs. Gregg