UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION _____________________________________ AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INFORMATION _____________________________________ YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 AND 2014 WITH INDEPENDENT AUDITORS REPORT UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION ______________________________________ AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INFORMATION ______________________________________ YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 AND 2014 CONTENTS Independent Auditors Report .................................................................................................................1 Audited Financial Statements Statements of Financial Position............................................................................................................3 Statement of Activities - Year Ended June 30, 2015 .............................................................................4 Statement of Activities - Year Ended June 30, 2014 .............................................................................5 Statements of Cash Flows ......................................................................................................................6 Notes to Financial Statements................................................................................................................8 Other Financial Information Schedule of Functional Expenses - Year Ended June 30, 2015...........................................................28 Schedule of Functional Expenses - Year Ended June 30, 2014...........................................................30 THE BRITTINGHAM GROUP, L.L.P. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 501 STATE STREET POST OFFICE BOX 5949 WEST COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA 29171 PHONE: (803) 739-3090 FAX: (803) 791-0834 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS REPORT Board of Directors University of South Carolina Educational Foundation 1027 Barnwell Street Columbia, South Carolina 29208 We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the University of South Carolina Educational Foundation (the “Foundation”), which comprise the statements of financial position as of June 30, 2015 and 2014 and the related statements of activities and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. 1 Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the University of South Carolina Educational Foundation as of June 30, 2015 and 2014, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Other Matter Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the financial statements as a whole. The schedules of functional expenses on pages 28-29 (2015) and 30-31 (2014) are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the financial statements. Such information is the responsibility of management and was derived from and relates directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements. The information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements or to the financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion, the information is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements as a whole. West Columbia, South Carolina September 15, 2015 2 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION June 30, 2015 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable: University of South Carolina University of South Carolina Development Foundation Other (net of allowance for doubtful accounts at $14,241 at June 30, 2015 and 2014) Notes receivable University of South Carolina Alumni Association Other Investments Assets held in trust by others Assets held in trust by the Foundation Other assets Contributions receivable, net Total assets Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities: Accounts payable: University of South Carolina Other Accrued interest payable: University of South Carolina University of South Carolina Alumni Association University of South Carolina Business Partnership Foundation Funds held for others: Educational Foundation of USC Lancaster Other Annuity obligations Notes payable: University of South Carolina University of South Carolina Alumni Association University of South Carolina Business Partnership Foundation Other Total liabilities $ $ $ 8,819,346 2014 $ 7,153,730 1,961,920 750,000 2,284,037 - 246,265 1,597,676 2,000,000 423,891 346,714,600 66,714,159 745,053 704,028 43,049,096 472,128,358 613,180 338,617,540 68,971,722 801,228 1,250 35,733,376 455,773,739 5,023,856 1,365,371 $ $ 6,431,982 684,083 11,115 89,881 23,847 13,578 45,510 8,441,382 120,182 2,384,895 7,809,556 71,319 2,571,108 2,157,226 5,000,000 15,000,000 39,593,908 6,445,101 756,518 5,000,000 29,852,602 62,055,650 5,136,494 72,103,748 4,759,289 87,221,807 64,748,007 82,433,542 67,005,070 211,406,340 1,966,152 432,534,450 472,128,358 197,653,336 1,966,152 425,921,137 455,773,739 Contingencies (Note 8 ) Net assets: Unrestricted: Undesignated Designated - quasi-endowments Temporarily restricted: Held by the Foundation Held in trust by others Permanently restricted: Held by the Foundation Held in trust by others Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets See accompanying notes. $ $ 3 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Temporarily Restricted Unrestricted Revenue, gains, and other support Contributions: Received Change in pledges receivable Other receipts Income on investments Net gains on investments Net assets released from restrictions: Satisfaction of program restrictions Expiration of time restrictions Total revenue, gains and other support $ 18,460,285 1,653,655 3,053,884 2,892,941 $ 5,893,438 8,798,597 40,752,800 Expenses Scholarships, tuition reimbursements and awards Salary, supplements and benefits Support and operational costs Fundraising and advancement Other program services Total expenses 10,313,379 4,745,440 3,608,792 1,066,989 30,689,093 50,423,693 Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year (9,670,893) 76,863,037 67,192,144 $ Permanently Restricted 4,641,186 7,315,720 163 2,648,953 6,750,264 $ (6,012,541) (12,812,543) 2,531,202 $ Total 9,619,955 - $ 32,721,426 7,315,720 1,653,818 5,702,837 9,643,205 119,103 4,013,946 13,753,004 57,037,006 - - 10,313,379 4,745,440 3,608,792 1,066,989 30,689,093 50,423,693 2,531,202 149,438,612 151,969,814 13,753,004 199,619,488 213,372,492 6,613,313 425,921,137 432,534,450 $ $ See accompanying notes. 4 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 Temporarily Restricted Unrestricted Revenue, gains, and other support Contributions: Received Change in pledges receivable Other receipts Income on investments Net gains on investments Net assets released from restrictions: Satisfaction of program restrictions Expiration of time restrictions Total revenue, gains and other support $ 25,505,927 958,878 2,786,559 19,159,876 $ Permanently Restricted 12,569,847 2,384,546 134,750 2,521,857 28,485,576 $ Total 9,555,664 - $ 47,631,438 2,384,546 1,093,628 5,308,416 47,645,452 4,887,683 7,875,125 61,174,048 (7,798,025) (11,572,780) 26,725,771 2,910,342 3,697,655 16,163,661 104,063,480 Expenses Scholarships, tuition reimbursements and awards Salary, supplements and benefits Support and operational costs Fundraising and advancement Other program services Total expenses 9,142,461 4,150,265 2,931,993 732,754 16,490,532 33,448,005 - - 9,142,461 4,150,265 2,931,993 732,754 16,490,532 33,448,005 Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year 27,726,043 49,136,994 76,863,037 26,725,771 122,712,841 149,438,612 16,163,661 183,455,827 199,619,488 70,615,475 355,305,662 425,921,137 $ $ $ $ See accompanying notes. 5 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 AND 2014 2015 2014 Cash flows from operating activities: Change in net assets $ 6,613,313 $ 70,615,475 Adjustments to reconcile change in net assets to net cash from operating activities: Net gains on investments (9,643,205) Interest expense not paid (or paid in excess of amount earned) Actuarial gain on annuity obligations 18,061 (186,213) Bad debt expense - Contributions restricted to endowment: Temporarily restricted (47,645,452) (2,829,137) (441,125) 7,394 (2,976,828) (3,165,106) (9,619,955) (9,555,664) Accounts receivable Note receivable Other assets 923,528 (1,810,711) (702,778) 108,460 (98,873) - Contributions receivable (7,315,720) (2,384,546) Permanently restricted Changes in certain assets and liabilities: Accounts payable Funds held for others Net cash flows from operating activities (726,838) 5,719,428 680,689 1,223,168 (24,746,657) 11,554,022 66,688,637 27,140,927 (65,142,493) (39,160,833) 1,546,144 (12,019,906) Cash flows from investing activities: Proceeds from sale of investments Purchase of investments Net cash flows from investing activities (CONTINUED) 6 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (CONTINUED) 2015 2014 Temporarily restricted 2,976,828 3,165,106 Permanently restricted Other financing activities: Proceeds from notes payable 9,619,955 9,555,664 16,956,903 - Payments on notes payable (7,001,295) (3,453,595) 2,257,564 56,174 24,866,129 (5,779,375) (79,292) 3,408,508 1,665,616 7,153,730 2,942,624 4,211,106 Cash flows from financing activities: Proceeds from contributions restricted for investment in endowment: Change in split interest agreements Change in annuity and trust obligations Net cash flows from financing activities Net change in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents at end of year $ 8,819,346 $ 7,153,730 Gifts of real estate and equipment $ 1,080,000 $ 846,450 Interest paid $ 294,237 $ 3,434,232 Supplemental data for noncash investing and financing activities: See accompanying notes. 7 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 2015 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The University of South Carolina Educational Foundation (the “Foundation”) is a South Carolina eleemosynary corporation operating for the benefit and support of the University of South Carolina (the “University”). Its objectives include the establishment and implementation of long range fundraising programs to assist in the expansion and improvement of the educational functions of the University. The financial statements of the Foundation are presented in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and are prepared on the accrual basis of accounting. Consequently, the net assets of the Foundation are reported in the following three classifications: Unrestricted The Foundation reports that part of its net assets that is neither temporarily nor permanently restricted by donor-imposed stipulations as unrestricted net assets. The Foundation’s governing board has internally earmarked portions of its unrestricted net assets as designated for quasi endowments (board designated). The principal of such funds is invested to provide income for operations. Temporarily Restricted The Foundation reports gifts of cash and other assets as restricted support if they are received with donor stipulations that limit the use of the donated assets. When a donor restriction expires, that is, when the stipulated time restriction ends or purpose restriction is accomplished, temporarily restricted net assets are reclassified to unrestricted net assets or permanently restricted net assets and reported in the Statement of Activities as net assets released from restrictions. Donor-restricted contributions whose restrictions are met in the same reporting period are reported as unrestricted support. All contributions receivable are considered temporarily restricted until received by the Foundation. Once the funds have been received, they are then reclassified to other net asset classifications. Permanently Restricted Permanently restricted net assets consist of that part of the Foundation’s net assets resulting from contributions and other inflows of assets whose use by the Foundation is limited by donorimposed stipulations that neither expire by passage of time nor can be fulfilled or otherwise be removed by actions of the Foundation. Presently, these net assets represent the permanent endowed funds established by donors for the benefit of the Foundation’s programs. Gifts and contributions designated by such trust agreements are permanently invested, with the income derived therefrom being accumulated or expended in accordance with the donor-imposed restrictions. — CONTINUED — 8 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — CONTINUED — 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) Other significant accounting policies are as follows: Revenue, Gains and Other Support, and Expenses and Losses Contributions received and unconditional promises to give are measured at their fair values and are reported as an increase in net assets. A contribution is deemed to have been received when the cash or other assets including securities, land, buildings, use of facilities, materials and supplies, intangible assets, services or unconditional promise to give such items in the future is received. An unconditional promise to give is a promise which is not dependent on the occurrence of a specified future and uncertain event to bind the promisor. The Foundation reports gifts of goods and equipment as unrestricted support unless explicit donor stipulations specify how the donated assets must be used. Gifts of long-lived assets with explicit restrictions that specify how the assets are to be used and gifts of cash or other assets that must be used to acquire long-lived assets are reported as restricted support. Absent explicit donor stipulations about how long those long-lived assets must be maintained, the Foundation reports expirations of donor restrictions when the donated or acquired long-lived assets are placed in service. Expenses are recorded when incurred in accordance with the accrual basis of accounting. Donated Services, Goods, and Facilities A substantial number of volunteers have donated an undetermined number of hours to the Foundation’s program services and fund-raising campaigns during the year; however, these donated services are not reflected in the financial statements since the services do not require specialized skills. Donated professional services (which include accounting and legal services) would be reflected in the statement of activities at their fair value. No donated professional services were received during the year. Materials and other assets received as donations are recorded and reflected in the accompanying financial statements at their fair values at the date of receipt. Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and cash equivalents consist of demand deposit, money market, and other deposit accounts with financial institutions. The Foundation considers all cash and highly liquid debt securities with an initial maturity of three months or less not held in its investment pools to be cash equivalents. 9 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — CONTINUED — 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) Concentrations of Credit and Market Risk Financial instruments that potentially expose the Foundation to concentrations of credit and market risk consist primarily of cash equivalents and investments. Cash equivalents are maintained at high-quality financial institutions. At June 30, 2015, the bank balance of cash and cash equivalents totaled $9,635,813, of which $8,747,574 was not covered by federal deposit insurance. The Foundation has not experienced any losses on its cash equivalents. Management monitors the risk of exposure to loss through monitoring the performance of the financial institutions through publicly available rating agencies. Management believes that the Foundation’s investments do not represent significant concentrations of market risk because the Foundation’s investment portfolio is adequately diversified among issuers and management believes that the Foundation has the ability to hold its investment portfolio during periods of temporary market declines. Investments Investments consist of money market funds, certificates of deposits, marketable equity and debt securities carried at fair value and alternative investments (including venture capital funds and funds of funds), which are carried at capital account value. Cash and money market funds held in the investment portfolio are a part of the diversification strategies established by the investment policy. Management determines the portion of the investment portfolio to be held in money market funds based on projected cash needs by beneficiaries. Investment income or loss (including gains and losses on investments, interest, and dividends) is included in the statement of activities as increases or decreases in unrestricted net assets unless the income or loss is specifically restricted by donor or law. Securities or other investments donated are recorded at their market value at the date of the gift. Donated life insurance policies are carried at their current respective cash surrender values. Property held for sale is measured at the lower of cost or market. Assets Held in Trust Assets held in trust consist of split-interest agreements that name the Foundation as a beneficiary. By the Foundation Trust agreements that name the Foundation as trustee are held in trust accounts that are measured at fair value in the statement of financial position. Changes in fair value are included in the statement of activities as changes in contributions received in the temporarily restricted net assets unless the income or loss is permanently restricted by the donor. Distributions from the trust accounts are recognized as expenses in the statement of activities. Distributions to the Foundation during the life of the agreement are recognized as reductions in the investment earnings in the appropriate net asset classification in accordance with the donor’s wishes. 10 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — CONTINUED — 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) By Others Trust agreements under which the Foundation has no control over the investment of assets are valued using multiple methods. The Charitable Lead Annuity Trusts (CLAT) held by others are valued using the present value of future cash flows. The Charitable Remainder Uni-Trusts (CRUT) held by others (majority of Held by Others) are valued at the fair value of the investments held as reported by the custodians. The discount rate used to determine the present value is determined at the date of the gift and remains constant throughout the life of the trust. Changes in the value of the assets are included in the statement of activities as increases and decreases to contributions received. Distributions to the Foundation during the life of the agreement are recognized as contributions received in the appropriate net asset classification in accordance with the donor’s wishes. Annuity Obligations The amounts reported as annuity obligations represent amounts due to donors and others under various split-interest agreements and trust agreements. The related assets are reported together with other assets (investments or assets held in trust) of the Foundation, as there is no legal requirement to maintain these separately. Discount rates and actuarial assumptions vary by type of agreement. Other information relating to these split-interest agreements is as follows: 2015 Contributions Actuarial gain Payments made $ $ $ 175,000 186,213 (466,840) 2014 $ $ $ 441,125 (488,058) A portion of the annuity obligations are reinsured by a reinsurance contract. This reinsurance is included in Other Assets on the Statement of Financial Position and is valued at $702,778 as of June 30, 2015. Fixed Assets Fixed asset purchases are recorded at cost. Donated fixed assets are recorded at fair value on the date of the gift. Assets are capitalized if the value at acquisition exceeds $5,000 and the estimated useful life exceeds three years. Depreciation is provided over the estimated useful life computed on the straight-line method. Funds Held for Others Funds held for others consist of funds held for investment purposes from affiliated entities, primarily other Foundations within the University system. 11 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — CONTINUED — 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) Income Taxes The Foundation has received a determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service stating that it is exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (the “IRC”). However, it would be subject to tax on income unrelated to its exempt purposes (unless that income is otherwise excluded by the IRC). The tax years ending June 30, 2015, 2014, 2013, and 2012 are still open to audit for both federal and state purposes. The Foundation is not classified as a private foundation. Expense Allocation The costs of providing various programs and activities have been summarized on a functional basis in the Statements of Activities. Certain shared costs have been allocated among the programs and supporting services benefited. Reclassifications Certain items have been reclassified from prior year amounts to conform to the current year presentation. Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Significant estimates are used in the determination of allowance for doubtful accounts, discount rates used in net present value calculations, and the useful lives of property and equipment. Present value calculations are used in the valuation of contributions receivable, funds held in trust, and annuity liabilities. 2. Fair Value of Financial Instruments The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair value of each classification within the financial statements: Cash and notes payable - Fair value approximates carrying value due to the short maturity of these financial instruments. Contributions receivable - The fair value of promises to give that are due in one year or more is estimated by discounting the estimated future cash flows using an estimate of the Foundation’s earnings rate. 12 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — CONTINUED — 2. Fair Value of Financial Instruments (Continued) Investments - The fair value of debt and equity security investments are estimated based on quoted market prices. For other investments for which there are no quoted market prices, a reasonable estimate of fair value could not be made without incurring excessive costs. It was not practical to estimate the fair value of the alternative investments. These investments are carried at the capital account value. Assets Held in Trust – The fair value is estimated using multiple methods. The CLAT’s held by others are valued using the present value of future cash flows. The CRUT’s held by others (majority of Held by Others) are valued at the fair value of the investments held as reported by the custodian. Annuity obligations - These liabilities are carried at actuarially determined present value, which approximate fair value. When quoted market prices are not available, fair values are based on estimates using present value or other valuation techniques. Those techniques are significantly affected by the assumptions used, including the discount rate and estimates of future cash flows. In that regard, the derived fair value estimates cannot be substantiated by comparison to independent markets and, in many cases could not be realized in immediate settlement of the instrument. The following levels of input for measurement of fair value have been defined to assist the user in evaluating the fair value disclosure information: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Quoted prices in an active market for identical assets or liabilities. Other quoted prices in active markets for similar assets or liabilities, quoted prices for identical assets or liabilities in markets that are not active for transactions or availability of information, other observable sources of information, and information derived principally from or corroborated from observable sources of information. Unobservable sources of information, primarily management’s assumptions about potential market participants. 13 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — CONTINUED — 2. Fair Value of Financial Instruments (Continued) The estimated fair values of the Foundation’s financial instruments are as follows and are included in the statement of financial position under similar descriptions for both June 30, 2015 and 2014: Description Financial assets requiring fair value disclosure: Cash and cash equivalents Investments Assets held in trust by others Assets held in trust by the Foundation Contributions receivable $ $ Financial liabilities requiring fair value disclosure: Annuity obligations Notes payable $ $ 8,819,346 346,714,600 66,714,159 $ 745,053 43,049,096 466,042,254 745,053 $ 319,803,451 $ $ 8,819,346 304,282,159 5,956,893 $ 60,757,266 $ $ 60,757,266 (2,384,895) $ (2,384,895) $ (22,157,226) (22,157,226) (24,542,121) $ (24,542,121) $ Description June 30, 2014 Financial assets requiring fair value disclosure: Cash and cash equivalents $ 7,153,730 Investments 338,617,540 68,971,722 Assets held in trust by others Assets held in trust by the Foundation 801,228 Contributions receivable 35,733,376 $ 451,277,596 Financial liabilities requiring fair value disclosure: Annuity obligations Notes payable Fair Value Measurements at Reporting Date Using (Level 1) (Level 2) (Level 3) June 30, 2015 42,432,441 - 43,049,096 $ 85,481,537 - $ $ - Fair Value Measurements at Reporting Date Using (Level 1) (Level 2) (Level 3) $ $ (2,571,108) $ (12,201,619) (14,772,727) $ 7,153,730 297,243,307 6,090,032 801,228 311,288,297 $ $ (2,571,108) $ (12,201,619) (14,772,727) $ 62,881,690 62,881,690 - $ $ $ $ 41,374,233 35,733,376 77,107,609 - 14 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — CONTINUED — 2. Fair Value of Financial Instruments (Continued) $ Hedge Funds 13,905,685 Fair Value Measurements Using Significant Unobservable Inputs (Level 3) Hedge Private Preferred/ Fund Equity Restricted Contributions of Funds Partnership Stock Receivable $ 19,068,700 $ 6,300,019 $ 252,783 $ 33,348,830 Ending balance-June 30, 2013 Total dividends included in changes in net assets Total gains or losses (realized/unrealized) included in changes in net assets Purchases, issuances, and settlements Return of capital Cash out of dividend/ realized gain Change in contributions receivable Ending balance-June 30, 2014 Total dividends included in changes in net assets Total gains or losses (realized/unrealized) included in changes in net assets Purchases, issuances, and settlements Return of capital Cash out of dividend/ realized gain Change in contributions receivable Ending balance-June 30, 2015 $ 34,908,534 $ - $ The amount of total gains or losses for the year ended June 30, 2015 included in changes in net assets attributable to the change in gains or losses relating to assets still held at June 30, 2015 $ 1,456,717 $ - $ - - 110,801 - - 110,801 - 4,199,001 1,143,038 1,226,030 805,655 18,403,094 - (20,294,730) - 1,895,039 (1,636,519) - - 3,403 (1,636,519) - (829,640) - - (829,640) - 6,645,355 - 28,675 - 463,501 - - 1,957,273 (1,142,975) - - (1,098,253) 33,451,817 - 1,456,717 6,853,576 1,024,278 Total 72,876,017 $ 1,277,061 2,384,546 35,733,376 - - 28,675 - 1,313,488 - - 1,957,273 (1,142,975) - - (1,098,253) (606,730) $ (606,078) $ 2,384,546 77,107,609 670,331 $ (606,730) $ 7,315,720 43,049,096 - 7,315,720 $ 85,481,537 $ 243,909 15 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — CONTINUED — 2. Fair Value of Financial Instruments (Continued) The investments reported as level 3 methods for determining fair value consist of Private Equity Partnerships, Hedge Funds, Preferred/Restricted Stock and Contributions Receivable for which the ownership terms and conditions restrict the marketability of the investments resulting in the valuation method previously described. The following describes the restrictions to assist in the assessment of the investment holdings: Private Equity Partnerships – The Foundation holds ownership positions in four partnerships with investment strategies of investing in private equity (distressed companies) and private energy funds. The Foundation cannot redeem its investment in these funds until the final liquidation of the partnerships. The distressed equities fund is in the late stage of its life and has an estimated three (3) years left until the majority of the capital has been returned. This partnership is valued at $3,958,023 at June 30, 2015. The amount of unfunded commitments related to this investment is $238,113. One private energy fund is in the early stage of its life and has an estimated seven and one-half (7.5) years left until the majority of the capital has been returned. This partnership is valued at $2,183,140 at June 30, 2015. The amount of unfunded commitments related to this investment is $1,404,338. The other private energy fund is in the early stage of its life and has an estimated nine and one-half (9.5) years left until the majority of the capital has been returned. This partnership is valued at $132,647 at June 30, 2015. The amount of unfunded commitments is $2,973,334. The final private energy fund is in the early stage of its life and has an estimated nine and one-half (9.5) years left until the majority of the capital has been returned. This partnership is valued at $579,766 at June 30, 2015. The amount of unfunded commitments related to this investment is $2,509,756. Hedge Funds – The Foundation holds ownership shares in several hedge funds with investment strategies including fund to fund long/short equity managers. The funds’ requirements for liquidity/withdrawals range from 15 days written notice for monthly liquidation to 95 days written notice for quarterly liquidation and contributions/purchases are accepted either monthly, quarterly, or annually with some having a minimum deposit/withdrawal up to $250,000. Management believes that the investment strategies employed and availability of other Foundation resources allow the Foundation to be unaffected by the liquidity restrictions. Restricted Stocks – The Foundation held ownership of 2,093,543 shares of EKF Diagnostics Holdings PLC restricted stock valued at $.32 per share as of June 30, 2015. This stock has a lock-up period - no shares may be sold, transferred or disposed of for 6 months following the EKF Diagnostics merger with Selah Genomics, Inc., and no shares may be sold, transferred or disposed of in months 7 through 24 following the merger without the consent of the nominated advisor of EKF Diagnostics. EKF Diagnostics is traded on AIM - the London Stock Exchange, and is not traded on any US exchange Therefore, to liquidate its shares, the Foundation will be required to trade through an international trade desk. 16 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — CONTINUED — 2. Fair Value of Financial Instruments (Continued) Contributions Receivable – Contributions receivable represent the fair value of promises to give that are due in one year or more. The fair value is determined by discounting the estimated future cash flows using an estimate of the Foundation’s earnings rate. No public or secondary market exists for contributions receivable. 3. Investments The following summarizes the fair values of investments by investment pool at June 30, 2015 and 2014: Years Ended June 30, 2015 2014 Fair Value Readily Marketable University Foundations Pool Other Donor - Restricted Endowments - Not Readily Marketable $ 24,061,989 317,152,315 5,500,296 $ 346,714,600 Fair Value $ 23,777,609 308,953,835 5,886,096 $ 338,617,540 Investments are composed of the following: Years Ended June 30, 2015 2014 Fair Value Money Funds Fixed Income Mutual Funds Stocks and equity mutual funds Real Estate Other/Alternative Investments $ 3,350,574 57,424,923 238,648,725 1,814,646 45,475,732 $ 346,714,600 Fair Value $ 3,489,404 56,208,327 232,936,541 2,384,646 43,598,622 $ 338,617,540 17 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — CONTINUED — 3. Investments (Continued) The Foundation’s participation in a pooling of investments program with other foundations of the University, collectively known as the University Foundations, consisted of the following: June 30, 2015 University Foundations Portion Owned by Pooled Investments USC Educational Foundation Fair Value Fair Value Investment Pools: Money Funds Stocks Equity Mutual Funds Fixed Income Mutual Funds Other/Alternative Investments Total Investment Pools $ 4,317,236 175,938,797 124,745,734 45,331,492 55,370,929 $ 3,346,446 136,837,303 96,474,208 38,732,249 41,762,109 $ 405,704,188 $ 317,152,315 June 30, 2014 University Foundations Portion Owned by Pooled Investments USC Educational Foundation Fair Value Fair Value Investment Pools: Money Funds Stocks Equity Mutual Funds Fixed Income Mutual Funds Other/Alternative Investments Total Investment Pools $ 4,489,201 161,331,573 129,095,903 45,152,572 53,214,991 $ 3,488,883 125,475,227 101,310,562 38,581,991 40,097,172 $ 393,284,240 $ 308,953,835 Investment income from cash equivalents and investments is comprised of the following for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014: Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted $ 3,053,884 2,892,941 $ 2,648,953 6,750,264 $ - $ 5,702,837 9,643,205 $ 5,308,416 47,645,452 $ 5,946,825 $ 9,399,217 $ - $ 15,346,042 $ 52,953,868 Unrestricted Dividends and interest Gains Totals 2015 2014 18 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — CONTINUED — 4. Assets Held in Trust Assets held in trust are comprised of the following at fair value as reported by the custodian or trustee: June 30, 2015 2014 Held by others: Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Held by the Foundation: Temporarily restricted Total assets held in trust $ 64,748,007 1,966,152 $ 67,005,570 1,966,152 66,714,159 68,971,722 745,053 745,053 801,228 801,228 $ 67,459,212 $ 69,772,950 Changes in funds held in trust are comprised of the following for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively, and are reported as increases/decreases in contributions received. Temporarily Restricted Unrestricted Held by Foundation Held by others $ $ - $ $ (6,497) 228,131 221,634 Permanently Restricted $ $ Totals 2015 - $ $ (6,497) 228,131 221,634 2014 $ 138,823 6,744,768 $ 6,883,591 Distributions received from funds held in trust by others were recognized as temporarily restricted contributions in the amount of $2,695,288 and $2,806,733 for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. Distributions and other expenses paid from funds held in trust by the Foundation are included as expenses on the financial statements and totaled $7,530 and $90,590 for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. 19 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — CONTINUED — 5. Contributions Receivable The Foundation has recognized unconditional promises to give as contributions receivable due to be collected as follows as of: June 30, 2015 2014 Receivable in less than one year Receivable in one to five years Receivable in six to ten years Receivable in more than ten years $ Less, allowance for uncollectible pledges Less, discount for time value of money Contributions receivable, net (5,605,695) (13,133,141) $ 43,049,096 3,847,360 51,322,473 5,551,092 1,067,007 61,787,932 $ 3,015,891 43,793,287 4,613,175 273,834 51,696,187 (4,471,625) (11,491,186) $ 35,733,376 The discount to net present value was calculated using the estimated earnings rate of 8.32% as of June 30, 2015 and 2014. 6. Notes Payable In the prior years, the Foundation had an agreement with the University of South Carolina that calls for the University to loan a portion of its endowment funds to the Foundation whereby the Foundation will invest these funds. The agreement stipulates that the Foundation is to pay the University a required return equal to the amount that could have been earned at the South Carolina State Treasurers Office. Principal amounts and accrued interest are payable to the University upon demand with not less than 30 days notice. Any excess earnings over the required return are restricted to be used by the Foundation for scholarships. This note was paid off during the year ended June 30, 2015. The principal balance on this note was $6,445,101, at June 30, 2014. Accrued interest payable totaled $23,847 at June 30, 2014, and is included in accrued interest payable on the Statement of Financial Position. Additionally, the Foundation entered into an agreement with the University of South Carolina Alumni Association (the “Association”) to invest up to $2,450,000 at guaranteed rates up to 1.5% until the Association requests the funds. The Foundation owed $2,157,226 and $756,518 at June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively, under this agreement. Accrued interest payable totaled $11,115 and $13,578 at June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively, and is included in accrued interest payable on the Statement of Financial Position. 20 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — CONTINUED — 6. Notes Payable (Continued) Also, the Foundation entered into an agreement with the University of South Carolina Business Partnership Foundation (the “BPF”) to invest up to $5,000,000 at guaranteed rates up to 1.0% until the BPF requests the funds. The Foundation owed $5,000,000 and $5,000,000 at June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively, under this agreement. Accrued interest payable totaled $89,881 and $45,510 at June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively, and is included in accrued interest payable on the Statement of Financial Position. On June 25, 2015, the Foundation obtained a line of credit with a bank in the amount of $20,000,000 with a floating interest rate equal to the 30 day LIBOR rate plus 1.20%. Interest only payments are due beginning August 2, 2015. The entire outstanding principal balance, along with any outstanding accrued interest is due on June 25, 2017. As of June 30, 2015, the outstanding balance was $15,000,000. As a result of these agreements, the Foundation recognized interest expense of $312,298 and $597,649 for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. 7. Funds Held for Others The Foundation had $8,561,564 and $7,880,875 for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively, for funds held for affiliated entities. 8. Debt Guaranties/Contingencies/Commitments The Foundation has agreed to be a guarantor for the repayment of a total of $19,135,000 of bonds issued by the University of South Carolina Development Foundation (the “Development Foundation”). At June 30, 2015 the outstanding balance on these bonds was $11,266,075. The Foundation has guarantied under a guaranty agreement the repayment of an $8,500,000 line of credit taken out by the Development Foundation. As of June 30, 2015, the outstanding principal balance was $8,075,000. The Foundation has guarantied under a guaranty agreement the repayment of a $15,000,000 line of credit taken out by the Development Foundation. As of June 30, 2015, the outstanding principal balance was $13,175,076. As reported in Note 2, the Foundation has committed to invest an additional $7,125,541 in Private Equity Holdings. This money is payable upon demand. 21 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — CONTINUED — 8. Debt Guaranties/Contingencies/Commitments (continued) During the current fiscal year, the Development Foundation entered into a bond financing agreement for the construction of a new dormitory. The total debt under this agreement will be $92,700,000. The current outstanding balance was $43,691,893 as of June 30, 2015. The USC Educational Foundation is providing a guaranty on portions of this debt that will be reduced once certain benchmarks are reached, as set forth below. The Development Foundation is paying the Educational Foundation a 1% annual guarantor’s fee, as set forth below. In addition, the Development Foundation is agreeing with the Educational Foundation that, in the event of a default on the financing and enforcement by the lenders of the guaranties, any guaranty payment to the lenders will be made first by the Development Foundation to its $15 million limit before the Educational Foundation has to pay on its guaranty, and the Development Foundation will repay the Educational Foundation with interest for any guaranty payment made by the Educational Foundation. a. b. c. d. e. f. Guaranty Benchmarks, Limits and Fees: At bond closing (July 31, 2014) At completion of Phase 1 (Estimated to be July 31, 2015) At completion of Phase 1A (Estimated to be July 31, 2016) One year after meeting 1.2 Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) (Estimated to be September 1, 2017) Two consecutive years at 1.2 DSCR (Estimated to be September 1, 2018) Three consecutive years at 1.2 DSCR (Estimated to be September 2019) Total guaranty fees to be paid to the Foundation Limit of Guaranty $75 million $50 million $25 million Guaranty Fee $750,000 500,000 250,000 $15 million $10 million $0 150,000 100,000 $1,750,000 9. Board Designated Funds Quasi-Endowments have been designated totaling $5,136,494 and $4,759,289 at June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. Quasi-endowments are established from time to time in an effort to manage the use of funds received without donor restrictions. The quasi-endowments may be created to fund an established program or project of one of the Colleges or Departments. Additionally, quasi-endowments may be established to provide funding for new and/or changing initiatives. 22 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — CONTINUED — 10. Temporarily Restricted Net Assets At June 30, 2015, temporarily restricted net assets are available for the following specific program services: $ 43,049,096 Contributions receivable Awaiting full endowment level and temporary investment earnings Annuity and Life Trust Agreements 38,059,351 70,861,367 $ 151,969,814 Net assets released from donor restrictions by incurring expenses, satisfying the restricted purposes, or by occurrence of other events specified by donors were $18,825,084 and $19,370,805 for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. 11. Permanently Restricted Assets Permanently restricted net assets of $213,372,492 at June 30, 2015 are restricted to investment in perpetuity, the income from which is expendable to support the Foundation’s objectives. During the normal course of business, investment losses may cause a temporary invasion of corpus for certain permanently restricted endowments. These negative balances amounted to $1,263,441 and $564,658 at June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. Management believes that these declines are temporary. 12. Operating Lease During the year ended June 30, 2014, the Foundation entered into an operating lease for certain equipment to be used for teaching and research at the McNair Center at the University of South Carolina. Future payments under this lease are as follows: Year Ending June 30, 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Amount $ 400,000 212,500 212,500 212,500 212,500 $ 1,250,000 23 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — CONTINUED — 13. Endowments The Foundation’s endowment consists of approximately 2,000 individual funds established for various purposes. It includes donor-restricted contributions and other amounts as required by GAAP. Net assets associated with the endowment are classified and reported based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions. Interpretation of Relevant Law The Board of Directors of the Foundation has interpreted the South Carolina Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (SCUPMIFA) as requiring the preservation of the fair value of the original gift as of the gift date of the donor-restricted endowment funds absent explicit donor stipulations to the contrary. As a result of this interpretation, the Foundation classifies as permanently restricted net assets (a) the original value of gifts donated to the permanent endowment, (b) the original value of subsequent gifts to the permanent endowment, and (c) accumulations to the permanent endowment made in accordance with the direction of the applicable donor gift instrument at the time the accumulation is added to the fund. The remaining portion of the donor-restricted endowment fund that is not classified in permanently restricted net assets is classified as temporarily restricted net assets until those amounts are appropriated for expenditure by the Foundation in a manner consistent with the standard of prudence prescribed by SCUPMIFA. In accordance with SCUPMIFA, the Foundation considers the following factors in making a determination to appropriate or accumulate donor-restricted endowment funds: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) The duration and preservation of the fund. The purposes of the Foundation and the donor-restricted endowment fund. General economic conditions. The possible effect of inflation and deflation. The expected total return from income and the appreciation of investments. Other resources of the Foundation. The investment policies of the Foundation. Endowment composition by type of net asset consists of the following as of June 30, 2015: Unrestricted Total net assets less, Board designated quasi endowments less, other funds not meeting endowment definition Total endowment Temporarily Restricted $ 67,192,144 $ 151,969,814 (5,136,494) - Permanently Restricted Totals $ 213,372,492 - $ 432,534,450 (5,136,494) (40,611,627) (115,855,567) (2,033,511) (158,500,705) $ 21,444,023 $ 36,114,247 $ 211,338,981 $ 268,897,251 24 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — CONTINUED — 13. Endowments (Continued) Changes in endowment net assets for the year ended June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2014 are as follows: Beginning endowment net asset balance - July 1, 2013 Investment return Contributions Other revenue Net assets released from restrictions Appropriation of endowment assets for expenditures Ending endowment net asset balance - June 30, 2014 Reclassifications by management Investment return Contributions Other revenue Net assets released from restrictions Appropriation of endowment assets for expenditures Ending endowment net asset balance - June 30, 2015 Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted $ 11,451,342 5,005,082 3,111,430 96,635 8,650,421 $ 18,122,744 $ 181,516,668 30,436,454 3,165,106 9,555,664 (15,461,185) 6,458,911 (6,266,087) 22,048,823 1,606,444 172,803 106,101 4,485,805 (6,975,953) $ 21,444,023 36,263,119 8,976,257 2,976,828 (12,101,957) $ 36,114,247 Permanently Restricted Totals $ 211,090,754 35,441,536 15,832,200 96,635 (351,853) 197,531,243 54,733 9,619,955 4,133,050 (6,266,087) 255,843,185 54,733 10,582,701 12,769,586 106,101 (3,483,102) $ 211,338,981 (6,975,953) $ 268,897,251 During the year ended June 30, 2015, management reclassified certain net assets for UPMIFA reporting purposes only. These reclassifications resulted in a net increase in UPMIFA net assets of $54,733 as noted above. Funds with Deficiencies From time to time, the fair value of assets associated with individual donor-restricted endowment funds may fall below the level that the donor or SCUPMIFA requires the Foundation to retain as a fund of perpetual duration. In accordance with GAAP, deficiencies of this nature that are reported in unrestricted net assets were ($2,451,990) and ($2,050,822) as of June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2014, respectively. These deficiencies resulted from unfavorable market fluctuations and continued appropriation for certain programs that were previously approved and were critical initiatives deemed prudent by the Board of Directors. Return Objectives and Risk Parameters The Foundation has adopted investment and spending policies for endowment assets that attempt to provide a predictable stream of funding to programs supported by its endowment while seeking to maintain the purchasing power of the endowment assets. Endowment assets include those assets of donor-restricted funds that the Foundation must hold in perpetuity or for donor-specified periods. Under this policy, as approved by the Board of Directors, the endowment assets are invested in a manner that is intended to produce investment returns at least equal to inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index plus a 4.5% pay out and 1.5% for associated fees while assuming a moderate level of investment risk. 25 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — CONTINUED — 13. Endowments (Continued) Strategies Employed for Achieving Objectives To satisfy its long-term rate-of-return objectives, the Foundation relies on a total return strategy in which investment returns are achieved through both capital appreciation (realized and unrealized gains and losses) and current yield (interest and dividends). The Foundation targets a diversified asset allocation that places a greater emphasis on equity-based investments to achieve its long-term return objectives within prudent risk constraints. Spending Policy and How the Investment Objectives Relate to Spending Policy The Foundation has a policy of appropriating for distribution each year 4.5 percent of its endowment fund’s average fair value over the prior 5 quarters through the calendar year-end proceeding the fiscal year in which the distribution is planned. In establishing this policy, the Foundation considered the long-term expected return on its endowment. Accordingly, over the long term, the Foundation expects the current spending policy to allow its endowment to grow at an average of 7 to 8 percent annually. This is consistent with the Foundation’s objective to maintain the purchasing power of the endowment assets held in perpetuity or for a specified term as well as to provide additional real growth through new gifts and investment return. 14. Related Party Transactions The Foundation provided direct support to the University of South Carolina for general departmental expenditures, scholarships, equipment purchases, and construction of buildings which totaled $35,037,077 and $24,144,057 for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. The Foundation had accounts payable to USC in the amount of $5,023,856 and $6,431,982 for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. The Foundation has entered into the following agreements with USC and its affiliated entities: University Specialty Clinics Salary supplements for certain University employees were paid in the amount of $423,916 and $324,814 for 2015 and 2014, respectively. USC Development Foundation The Foundation paid the USC Development Foundation for building occupancy cost in the amount of $186,000 and $170,500 for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. The USC Development Foundation paid the Foundation $282,213 and $232,105 in fiscal years 2015 and 2014, respectively for various operational costs, including salary support, equipment, investment advisory fees, etc. As of June 30, 2015 the USC Development Foundation owed the Foundation $750,000 in Debt Guaranty fees. 26 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS — CONTINUED — 14. Related Party Transactions (Continued) USC Loan Fund The provisions of the USC Loan Fund are described in Note 6. Short-term Library Advance Under this agreement, the Foundation has agreed to advance up to $3,000,000 to the USC Library for construction costs and interior furnishing with an interest rate of 2%. The library owed $1,961,920 and $2,284,037 to the Foundation for the years ended June 30, 2015 and 2014, respectively. These funds will be repaid over time by the USC Library. Alumni Association Loan Fund The provisions of the Alumni Association Loan Fund are described in Note 6. BPF Loan Fund The provisions of the BPF Loan Fund are described in Note 6. Funds Held for the Educational Foundation of USC Lancaster At June 30, 2015 and 2014, the Foundation held for the Educational Foundation of USC Lancaster $8,441,382 and $7,809,556, respectively. Guaranties of Debt of the USC Development Foundation The provisions of the Guaranties of the Debt of the USC Development Foundation are described in Note 8. 15. Subsequent events Subsequent events were evaluated through September 15, 2015, which is the date the financial statements were available for issue. Events occurring after that date have not been evaluated to determine whether a change in the financial statements would be required. 27 OTHER FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION SCHEDULE OF FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 Scholarships, Tuition Reimbursements and Awards Scholarships and tuition reimbursements Salary, supplements and benefits Contributions Contractual services and professional fees Rent (office, telephone, copier) Food supplies Printing and advertising Fundraising Construction costs, office equipment and maintenance Office supplies Postage and freight Telephone Insurance Other program supplies and sundries Plaques, engraving and framing Grants, awards and honoraria Conferences and travel $ Salary, Supplements and Benefits 10,313,379 - $ Support and Operational Costs 4,629,626 - - - - 115,814 - -CONTINUED- $ 1,639,935 1,200 1,110,402 8,684 7,748 458,491 24,020 2,020 57,712 11,368 4,855 7,227 Fundraising and Advancement $ 5,400 254,737 975 20,287 334 601,398 113,335 267 1,003 13,196 9,038 456 3,326 13,399 Other Program Services $ 1,636,369 1,424,944 1,018,943 1,062,298 201,629 21,275,739 266,361 15,787 13,189 551,450 196,654 38,534 359,752 665,498 Total $ 10,313,379 6,269,561 1,642,969 2,790,083 1,028,602 1,090,333 201,963 601,398 21,847,565 290,648 18,810 26,385 609,162 217,060 38,990 483,747 686,124 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION SCHEDULE OF FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2015 (CONTINUED) Scholarships, Tuition Reimbursements and Awards Salary, Supplements and Benefits Support and Operational Costs Fundraising and Advancement - - 275,064 66 - 9,371 5,074 15,393 - 4,745,440 $ 3,608,792 Property and use tax Fees, subscriptions and dues Instructional materials Housing, room costs and moving expenses Trust and annuity expenses Interest expense - USC Endowment Funds loan Interest expense - USC Alumni Association loan Interest expense - USC Business Partnership loan Total Expenses $ 10,313,379 $ $ 1,066,989 Other Program Services Total 46,193 528,783 124,331 342,960 607,381 246,759 21,168 44,371 $ 30,689,093 55,564 808,921 124,331 358,419 607,381 246,759 21,168 44,371 $ 50,423,693 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION SCHEDULE OF FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 Scholarships, Tuition Reimbursements and Awards Scholarships and tuition reimbursements Salary, supplements and benefits Contributions Contractual services and professional fees Rent (office, telephone, copier) Food supplies Printing and advertising Fundraising Construction costs, office equipment and maintenance Office supplies Postage and freight Telephone Insurance Travel Other program supplies and sundries Plaques, engraving and framing Grants, awards and honoraria Conferences and travel $ 9,128,881 13,580 - Salary, Supplements and Benefits $ 3,831,423 318,842 - -CONTINUED- Support and Operational Costs $ 1,593,851 13,025 965,334 178,652 7,652 89,584 23,122 1,600 30,475 1,820 9,397 86 65 6,556 Fundraising and Advancement $ 6,000 41,580 6,763 33,625 260 579,034 7,863 595 12,855 1,305 4,101 8,197 401 3,249 4,856 Other Program Services $ 1,683,657 1,000,804 196,038 1,013,415 274,392 9,440,094 152,968 23,838 14,612 220,293 546,238 173,695 76,805 357,655 67,787 Total $ 9,128,881 5,425,274 1,702,682 2,007,718 381,453 1,054,692 274,652 579,034 9,537,541 176,685 25,438 27,467 252,073 552,159 191,289 77,292 693,391 79,199 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION SCHEDULE OF FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 (CONTINUED) Scholarships, Tuition Reimbursements and Awards Salary, Supplements and Benefits Support and Operational Costs Fundraising and Advancement - - 1,262 18,255 4,150,265 $ 2,931,993 Property and use tax Fees, subscriptions and dues Instructional materials Housing, room costs and moving expenses Trust and annuity expenses Interest expense - USC Endowment Funds loan Interest expense - USC Alumni Association loan Interest expense - USC Business Partnership loan Bad debt expense Total Expenses $ 9,142,461 $ 9,209 303 - Other Program Services 75,154 151,621 112,687 256,803 46,933 540,141 13,578 43,930 7,394 3,815 - - $ 732,754 Total $ 16,490,532 76,416 179,085 112,687 260,921 46,933 540,141 13,578 43,930 7,394 $ 33,448,005