4 Grade Newsletter September 14-18 th

4th Grade Newsletter
September 14-18
Reading- This week in literacy we will learn
how to determine the main idea and
supporting details. We will also use the
suffixes –ist and –ive to determine word
Upcoming Events
September 18: Burgundy and Gold
Spirit Day- Dress in Burgundy and Gold
September 22: Data Night 5-7 p.m.
September 29: High Attendance Day
Math- Fourth grade students will begin
learning to solve multi-step word problems
using bar models to illustrate multi-digit
addition. They will rotate through learning
stations and have an assessment on Friday.
October 5-9: Fall Break
November 2-3: No School
Writing- This week we will review student
samples and score them using a rubric.
Later in the week we will begin the process
of developing our own narrative writing.
Please sign and return agenda sheets
each week.
Mid-terms went out Friday. Please sign
and return to school this week.
Data Night forms are due as soon as
possible. Please let us know if you
need another form.
Science- Fourth grade students will continue
learning about properties of light. Students are
expected to create models to demonstrate
understanding of how light reflects off surfaces
and enters the eyes. Rangers from Mammoth
Cave will be at Austin Tracy on Tuesday to
present a program. There will be an assessment
over light on Friday.