If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone (270-646-2236), email (christina.hall@barren.kyschools.us) or send a note inGthe blue daily folder. Also, there is a chat feature if you have signed up for Remind. What Are We Learning This Week? Reading- We will be learning to Clip Offs Congratulations to the following students for clipping off the top of the behavior chart this week: Ava, Ciara, Karlie, Connor, Briar, Gracie J., Christian, Libby Kate, Lily & Kinsley recognize our name in print. We will also be learning letters and sounds. We will listen to lots of stories and learn about 3 ways to read a book. Writing- We will be working on the correct way to hold a pencil. We will also be learning to neatly write our name “the kindergarten way” with beginning capital letter and the rest lowercase. Math- We will be working on calendar Grandparents’ Picnic Lunch & skills (days of the week, months of the Patriots’ Day Program year and weather). We will be counting Austin Tracy will have a special picnic and sorting. We will be learning about lunch for grandparents on Thursday, Sept. and writing numbers 1-5. We will also 10. There will also be a special Patriots’ Day be learning to take turns and work with Program in the gym beginning at 1:00. We a partner. would like to invite all of our kindergarten parents and families to attend!