Chapter 2: Energy and Matter Name__________________________

Chapter 2: Energy and Matter
1. Energy is the capacity to do ___________ or produce ______________.
2. The law of _________________ ____ __________________ says that in any process, energy is
neither created nor destroyed.
3. Energy of position is called ___________________ energy.
4. Energy of motion is called ___________________ energy.
5. Reactions which release energy are ______________________.
6. Reactions which absorb energy are ______________________.
7. Temperature is a measurement of the average _________________ ________________ of particles.
8. Name the 3 scales used to measure temperature:
9. The zero point on the Kelvin scale is _________________ _____________ (______°C) (_____K)
10. What happens at absolute zero? _______________________________________________________
11. Convert 301 K to Celsius _________
12. Convert -100. Celsius to K _________
13. Boiling point of water:
________° F
_________ K
14. Freezing point of water:
________° F
_________ K
15. Which two temperature scales have units of equal size? ______ & ______
16. During a phase change _________ increases or decreases, but _____________________ stays constant!
17. Anything that has mass and volume is known as ___________________.
18. A _____________ holds a particular shape and has a definite volume.
19. A _____________ does not hold its own shape but it does occupy definite volume.
20. A _____________ has no definite shape or volume.
21. The characteristics of a substance that can be observed without altering the identity of the substance
are called __________________ properties
22. The characteristics of a substance that can only be observed by altering the substance are called
____________________ properties
23. A _______________ change does not alter the identity of a substance.
24. A _______________ change does alter the identity of the substance.
25. Name four signs that a chemical change is taking place:
26. The law of _______________ __ _____________ says that matter, like energy, is neither created nor
destroyed in any process.
27. Changes in shape or size are ___________________ changes.
28. Changes in state (phase) are _____________________ changes.
29. Dissolving is a ______________________ change.
30. Burning is a ________________________ change.
2-4 Compounds
31. A/an _______________is a substance that cannot be separated into simpler substances by chemical
32. A/an _______________is a substance that contains two or more elements combined in a fixed
33. Elements are abbreviated with _____________, which consist of one or two letters. Compounds are
represented with __________________.
34. Elements and compounds are ___________ _________________. Every substance has a unique set
of _____________________ and _____________________ properties.
35. The best way to decompose water into oxygen and hydrogen is by __________________________.
2-5 Mixtures
36. A mixture is a ________________ blending of two or more pure substances.
37. A mixture that has visibly different parts is called ________________________.
38. A mixture that does not contain visibly different parts is called _________________________.
39. Name, describe and give an example of three types of homogeneous mixtures:
40. Name, describe and give an example of two types of heterogeneous mixtures:
41. Match the separation technique with the mixture or compound (some may be used more than once.)
a. chromatography
_____ salt and water
_____ chlorophyll in leaves
b. crystallization
_____ oil and water
_____ water
c. distillation
_____ sand and water
_____ sugar water
d. filtration
_____ alcohol and water
_____ molten salt
e. electrolysis
_____ water soluble ink
_____ iron fillings and water
42. How could you separate a mixture of iron fillings and sand? _________________________________
43. Distillation separates by differences in _____________________ _________________.