John Green

Name: _________________
Date: __________________
John Green Crash Course:
1. Agricultural Revolution
17. Indian Ocean Trade
2. Indus River Valley
18. The Mongols
3. Mesopotamia
19. Venice & Ottoman Empire
4. Egypt
20. Kiev, Russia & the Mongols
5. Religions in India
21. Columbus and Zheng He
6. Ancient China
22. Renaissance?
7. Persia
23. Columbian exchange
8. Alexander the Great
24. Atlantic Slave Trade
9. Roman Republic or Empire?
25. Spanish empire & silver
10. Christianity
26. Seven Year War
11. Fall of Rome
27. American Revolution
12. Silk Road
28. French Revolution
13. Islam
29. Haitian Revolutions
14. Dark Ages?
30. Latin Am Revolutions
15. Crusades
31. Industrial Revolution
16. Mansa Musa in Africa
Go to Youtube and play the John Green videos. Then write 3 facts and 1 thing learned in your spiral. Attached is a list
of videos seen in class.
Name: _________________
Date: __________________