1. Name the 5 groups of vertebrate animals. FARM B Fish Amphibians Reptiles Mammals Birds 2. Be able to name 5 characteristics of each type of vertebrate animal. Fish Ectothermic Breathes w/gills Covered in scales Reproduces by laying eggs **streamline bodies **lateral line for protection Amphibians Ectothermic Breathes w/gills at birth and later with lungs Moist, smooth skin Reproduces by laying eggs **Goes through metamorphosis **lives 1st half of life in water and 2nd half on land Reptiles Ectothermic Breathes with lungs Mammals Endothermic Breathes with lungs Birds endothermic Breathes with air sacks Rough, dry skin Covered in fur or hair Reproduces by giving live birth Covered in feathers Reproduces by laying thinshelled eggs **Extra air sack for breathing **hollow bones to help fly Reproduces by laying leathery eggs **Most has claws **Highly intelligent **Jacobsons gland **Swim bladder to regulate water depth 3. Be able to categorize various types of animals. Fish Angler Fish Blue Gill shark Lamprey Amphibian Salamander Newt Bullfrog Caecilian Reptile Tortoise Crocodile Lizard Snake Mammal Elephant Cow Whale Dolphin Bird Penguin Eagle Flamingo Cardinal