STRUCTURE DETERMINATION USING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY Molecular View of Anatomy: Infectious Diseases Rutgers Honors Program Seminar, Spring 2011 ELECTRON MICROSOPY (EM) EM is a well-established imaging technique that generates highresolution 2D images of very small objects. This lecture provides an overview of EM as a tool to investigate the 3D shapes of medium to large macromolecular assemblies. 2 GROWTH OF EM METHOD FOR DETERMINING STRUCTURES OF MACROMOLECULAR ASSEMBLIES **2010 update** EMDB: 983 maps PDB: 358 models 3 FROM SAMPLE TO STRUCTURE 5 SOME COMMON TERMS Cryo EM = biological samples are preserved in vitreous ice and imaged by EM at cryogenic temperatures. Single Particle Reconstruction = 3D map generated by averaging 2D images of many individual specimens in multiple orientations. Tomogram = 3D map of a single specimen generated by integrating multiple images of the specimen taken at different angles. 4 SAMPLE TYPES Type Examples Reconstruction Method Typical Resolution Single particles Icosahedral viruses, GroEL, ribosome Single particle reconstruction 20-3 Å Filaments Flagella, filamentous viruses, actin, tubular crystals Helical reconstruction 15-3 Å 2D crystals Catalase, aquaporin, tubulin Electron crystallography 10-2 Å Ensembles HIV capsids, cell cytoskeleton Electron Tomography 40-20 Å 6 SINGLE PARTICLES • MW lower limit: ~200 kDa Virus Ribosome 7 Image sources: EMDB, Joachim Frank, Sacha De Carlo SINGLE PARTICLES—POINT SYMMETRY Cyclic Octahedral Dihedral Tetrahedral Icosahedral 8 FILAMENTS Acetylcholine receptor tubular crystal Tobacco Mosaic Virus Image: Actin-myosin complex Image: 9 HIGH RESOLUTION—SINGLE PARTICLE, FILAMENT (4-5 Å) GroEL Tobacco Mosaic Virus Ludtke et al (2008) Structure 16: 441-448. Sachse et al (2007) JMB 371: 812-835. 10 2D CRYSTALS Aquaporin 2D crystals, electron diffraction Lipid-protein interactions 11 Gonen et al. 2005. Nature 438:633-8. ENSEMBLES Reconstruction of HIV capsids by cryoEM tomography 12 Benjamin et al. 2005. J. Mol Biol. 346:577-588. SPECIMEN PREPARATION GRID SUPPORT 3.05 mm 400 divisons/inch 1 division/66 microns Copper or other metal Manufactured “holey carbon grid” Holes typically 2 microns diameter 13 NEGATIVE STAIN VS. VITREOUS ICE Specimen in Stain uranyl acetate • High contrast image • No special temperature control • Essentially no radiation damage • Particle distorted • Image = stain “shell” around the particle • Low resolution method: 20-15 Å • Great choice for initial sample screening Cryogenic Specimen vitreous ice layer • Low contrast image • Sample maintained at cryogenic temperature (85 K) • High radiation damage • Particle undistorted • Image is of the actual particle • Higher resolution obtained: 15-4 Å • Best choice for reconstruction 14 IMAGING--TEM MICROSCOPE Sample 15 Image: Film or CCD camera CRYO EM EXPERIMENT CHARACTERISTICS Images must be taken with low electron doses to prevent radiation damage 3D maps of single particle, filament, and 2D crystal maps are generated by averaging over thousands of individual particles 3D maps of unique structures are generated by “tomography”. 16 Image: DATA COLLECTION AND INITIAL IMAGE PROCESSING STEPS Collect image set (20-100 images, vary focus) Pick Particles (4000-100,000) Perform contrast-transfer-function (CTF) correction for particles from each image Center, align, classify particles 17 PARTICLE SELECTION Raw image Auto-Select particles Particle Composite For 1 raw image 18 CONTRAST TRANSFER FUNCTION (CTF) (A) Wedge object (B) image of wedge object taken slightly out of focus shows inversions of contrast for increasing spatial frequencies 19 Downing & Glaeser, Ultramicroscopy 108: 921-928 (2008). CTF CORRECTION Fourier Transform Of an EM image Phase inversion 20 RECOVERING 3D FROM 2D 21 figure from Joachim Frank RECONSTRUCTION CYCLE Preliminary 3D Model Make Projections Particle Stack Match Particles To Projections Create Class Averages Update 3D Model 22 RECONSTRUCTION CYCLE Preliminary 3D Model Make Projections Particle Stack Match Particles To Projections Create Class Averages Update 3D Model 22 EXAMPLE RECONSTRUCTION Particles (~17000 total) First refinement cycle projections averages Final refinement cycle projections averages 23 Brian Hudson, Rutgers EULER DISTRIBUTION OF CLASSES 24 FOURIER SHELL CORRELATION—MAP RESOLUTION Divide particles into two sets, calculate 2 independent reconstructions “FSC” measures agreement of the 2 maps as a function of resolution Position where FSC is 0.5 typically reported as the map resolution 25 MAP QUALITY Common reconstruction resolutions: 8-15 Å Rare: 4-5 Å Theoretical limit: < 2 Å Sources of degradation of map quality: Specimen Imaging Data processing 26 MAP QUALITY—RIBOSOME 27 figure from Joachim Frank STRUCTURE ANALYSIS Methods to interpret EM map volumes: SEGMENTATION – identifying contiguous parts of the map representing individual components or chains. FITTING – placement of atomic coordinate models from other experimental methods. REFINEMENT – adjusting atomic model to improve fit to the map. 28 SEGMENTATION (a) herpes simplex capsid heterotrimer (b) Epsilon 15 bacteriophage 29 Images from Wah Chiu FITTING Rossmann, M. G. et al 2004. Curr Opin Struct Biol 14:171-80. Kostyuchenko, V. A. et al 2005 Nat Struct Mol Biol 12:810-3. EMDB: EMD-1048 PDB: 1pdf, 1pdi, 1pdl 1pdm, 1pdp, 2fl8 30 COMPOSITE MODEL T. thermophilus RNAP holoenzyme Mukhopadhyay et al. (2008) 3dxj CAP + αCTD + DNA Benoff et al. (2002) 1lb2 αCTD + σ70 region 4 + DNA Lara-Gonzalez et al, ms in prep DNA positions -23 to +20 Lawson et al. (2004) model E. coli αNTD dimer Zhang & Darst (1998) 1bdf E. coli σ70 regions 1.2 to 2 Malhotra et al. (1996) 1sig E. coli β’GNCD Chlenov et al. (2005) 2auk 31 3iyd Hudson et al (2009) 3D VISUALIZATION MAP+MODEL 32 REFERENCES Frank, J. 2006. Three-dimensional electron microscopy of macromolecular assemblies : visualization of biological molecules in their native state. 2nd ed. New York : Oxford University Press. Chiu, W., M. L. Baker, and S. C. Almo. 2006. Structural biology of cellular machines. Trends Cell Biol 16:144-50. Nickell, S., C. Kofler, A. P. Leis, and W. Baumeister. 2006. A visual approach to proteomics. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 7:225-30. Taylor, K. A. and Glaeser, R.M. 2008. Retrospective on the early development of cryoelectron microscopy of macromolecules and a prospective on opportunities for the future. J. Struct. Biol. 163:214-223. 33 RESOURCES Structural Biology EM Research Resource Centers NCMI: NRAMM: NCMIR: RVBC: Bio3D: EM software tools: Software_tools_for_molecular_microscopy EMDB: Icosahedral Virus database: 34 MOVIES BASED ON CRYOEM DATA Microtubules: T4 virus: cntn_id=100420&org=MCB&from=news Ribosome: Actomyosin/kinesin: T4 virus 35