Production Notes

Production Notes
Worksheet 4.2: Storyboard a Scene
Storyboards are one of the most effective planning tools available for a video
production. Feature films use them, corporate clients usually demand them, and in
school they can make the difference between getting something shot on time and getting
In this exercise, you will storyboard a short scene that takes place in the school.
The scene should start with someone walking down a hallway, stopping at a locker,
gettting something out, closing the locker and then proceeding back down the hall. The
total length of the video is going to be 20 seconds and will contain exactly 6 shots in it.
Use the various types of shots and angles to make this scene interesting to watch.
Remember that storyboards need to be as clear as possible. Add as much detail
to them as you possibly can. Stick figures do not show detail so avoid using them at all
times. The common rule is that the storyboards need to be clear enough for someone
else to go shoot the video without having to ask any questions about what the pictures
mean. This assignment should take 30 - 45 minutes to complete.