Chapter 30: Business Fluctuations Introduction


Chapter 30: Business Fluctuations



Business Cycles are alternating periods of ups and downs in the economy.

Phases of the Cycle


A business cycle shows four distinct phases:







A Trough is the lowest point in a business cycle.


A Depression is a severe trough.



During a Expansion phase, output expands and income increases.



In a Peak phase, real GDP is at its highest level.



During the Recession phase, income and consumption decline.

Length and Intensity of Phases


Business cycles vary in frequency and intensity.

Economic Causes of Business Fluctuations

The Under-Consumption Theory


Variations in consumer spending cause economic fluctuations.

The Volatile Investment Theory


Changes in inventory investment cause fluctuations in economic activity.


Inventory Cycles are the cycles of low inventory and production during recession, and high inventory and production during good economic activity.

The Expectations Theory


Changes in expectations cause business cycles.

The Innovations Theory


Innovations are a prime cause of business cycles.

The Monetary Theory


Changes in the availability of money and interest rates cause business fluctuations.

The Multiplier-Accelerator Theory


The Principal of Acceleration suggests that the level of investment is proportional to the rate of change of output.


The capital-output ratio is the ratio of the value of capital to total output. (eg. Its takes $4 worth of capital to produce $1 of output per year)


A change in income leads to an accelerated change in investment.


Required Investment = v(Change in Total Output)

 K = required capital stock

 Y = Total Output

 K/Y = v


Multiplier-accelerator interaction intensifies the business cycle.

Politics and the Business Cycle


The Political business Cycle is caused by the government’s use of its spending and taxing powers to secure its political future.

The Real Business Cycle


The Real Business Cycle theory suggest that the main causes of business cycles are shifts in aggregate supply.

Have we Conquered the Business Cycle


Through the correct use of stabilization policies, we have managed to avoid severe depressions.

Forecasting Business Cycles


Leading Indicators turn downward before the cycle peaks and upward before the trough.


Coincidental Indicators coincide exactly with the business cycle.


Lagging Indicators turn downward after the cycle peaks and upward after the trough.


Economists use leading indicators to help them forecast business cycles.
