Unit 1 Early Civilizations
The time period in history before written records is referred to as:
a. Pre-civilization
b. Pre-recorded time
c. Pre-history
d. Pre-society
The skills and knowledge available to a people is known as:
a. Artifacts
b. Agriculture
c. Government
d. Technology
A person without a permanent home who moves about constantly in search of food is known as a/an:
a. Artisan
b. Nomad
c. Archaeologist
d. Anthropologist
Who is given credit for uniting Egypt?
a. King Solomon
b. King Menes
King David
d. King Saul
Which mountain range is important to both the Indian and Chinese civilizations?
a. Rockies
b. Alps
c. Appalachians
d. Himalayas
The Chinese religion in which the leader had many wise proverbs is known as:
a. Confucianism
b. Solomonism
c. Taoism
d. Buddhism
The Illiad is the story of the:
a. Trojan War
b. Persian War
c. Peloponnesian War
d. Civil War
The Punic Wars were fought between the Romans and the:
a. Greeks
b. Sumerians
c. Carthaginians
d. Etruscans
Which emperor initiated a 200 year era of peace known as the “Pax Romana?”
a. Claudius
b. Augustus
c. Nero
d. Caligula
10. Which of the following tribes was actually the last tribe to defeat Rome, causing the fall of Rome?
a. Franks
b. Visigoths
c. Huns
d. Vandals
11. Explain the difference between poly theistic and monotheistic.
12. List the four major early civilizations know in world history, and correctly identify the river valley that
caused each to flourish. (8 pts)
Unit 2 Islam, Byzantine Empire, Middle Ages
13. Agricultural estates owned by landlords were called_______________.
a. Manors
b. Serfs
c. Farms
d. Kingdoms
14. Europe was viewed as backward by other peoples of the world because __________.
Lack of technology
Lack of agricultural development
Both a and b
Neither a nor b
15. Lesser lords who swore loyalty to a more powerful lord (king).
a. Knights
b. Vasssals
c. Monks
d. Bishops
16. Spain was created after the marriage of Ferdinand and ____________.
a. Isabella
b. Castille
c. Aragon
d. Guinevere
Unit 3 Renaissance
17. What document, written by Martin Luther, criticized the practices of the Roman Catholic Church?
18. List the 3 primary teachings of Martin Luther.
19. What is the Calvinist term that means God preordains everything?
20. What was the nickname of King Henry VIII’s Catholic daughter?
21. Feeling a threat from Protestants, Pope Paul III established a reform movement with three goals. Name them.
22. What were 3 effects the Renaissance had on exploration?
23. What was the important invention that was used to indicate direction?
24. If you were a cartographer, what would you do?
25. During the 1600s, Europe’s financial system was based on a policy of European nations accumulating wealth,
establishing colonies, and developing industry to achieve power. What was this system called?
26. Where did the following 4 nations send explorers.
27. The system of trade used during the age of exploration involved ships leaving Europe carrying goods to
Africa, trading these goods for slaves, which were brought to America and sold for sugar and tobacco. These
products in turn were brought back to Europe. What was this type of trade called?
28. Philip II of Spain had a force of 130 ships and 33,000 sailors known as what?
Unit 4 Age of Revolutions
29. List and describe the three Estates during the Old Regime.
30. On July 14, 1789, the French Revolution began as citizens surrounded which Paris prison in order to capture
weapons stored there in order to defend themselves against government troops?
31. Fully describe the fate of King Louis XVI after the National Convention. What was he charged with and
what was his punishment?
32. Who was the leader of the Jacobins, eventually becoming the dominant leader of France initiating the socalled Reign of Terror?
33. Who was the young general in the French army who ordered the coup against the Directory, setting up a
dictatorship, declaring himself to be emperor of France?
34. Where did Napoleon experience his final defeat?
35. List at least 3 reasons why the Industrial Revolution started in England.
36. Of the following men-Robert Blakewell, Cyrus McCormick, and Jethro Tull-who invented or developed the
A. Seed drillB. Theories relating to animal breedingC. Reaper37. Name the first successful English settlement in North America.
38. The Governor appointed a group of advisers to help him rule each colony. What was this group?
39. The other house of the colonies’ lawmaking body was the group elected by the people of the colony. Name
this group.
40. The Townshend Acts placed sales taxes on a variety of goods. Name three of these goods.
41. What was the first plan of government for the United States?
42. Name the term for the form of government in which power is divided between a central authority and a union
of states that retain some power.
Unit 5 World In Conflict
43. What was the triggering event that started World War I?
44. Name the British passenger ship that was sunk killing over 1200 people including over 100 Americans.
45. In what famous correspondence did the German foreign secretary try to make an alliance with Mexico
promising that a German victory would return parts of the United States back to Mexico?
46. Name the peace plan by President Wilson that was delivered to the American Congress in January, 1918.
47. A.
Name the Russian tsar who killed thousands for treason.
Name the Russian tsar who tried to Europeanize Russia.
Name the Russian tsar who was the last absolute monarch of Russia.
48. What new device helped the British detect enemy Planes?
49. What marked the turning point for Eastern Europe in the war?
50. Which country began an all-out invasion of China in 1937?
51. Why did the U.S. enter the war?
52. Where was the most notorious death camp? (name of the death camp)
53. On what date and year did the bombing of Pearl Harbor occur?
54. Who were the Big Three?
55. What was the Enola Gay?
56. What organization was established as a result of WWII to help keep world peace?
57. Who decided to drop the first atomic bomb? (person)
58. What was the last German attack? (what battle)
Unit 6 Cold War
59. In 1946, who declared that the Soviets had in a sense trapped the nations of Eastern Europe behind an “iron
60. What was the policy of the United States towards communism that sought to prevent its spread?
61. In 1949, with East-West tensions rising, the United States joined other Western nations to form what military
alliance against the Soviets? (Give the full name.)
62. In response to the above alliance, the Soviets formed what military alliance of Soviet-controlled countries?
63. Who was the UN commander of the forces in Korea at the beginning of the conflict?
64. In the Election of 1952, who was the victor after he promised to end the war in Korea?
65. During the cold war period, many Americans’ fears of a communist conspiracy heightened, believing that
fellow citizens were communist sympathizers or spies. This outbreak of fear is known as what?
66. In 1959, communism was brought to the doorstep of the U.S. in Cuba. Who was the new communist leader
in Cuba?
67. In October 1962, U.S. officials learned that the Soviet Union had placed nuclear weapons in Cuba. After
tense negotiations, what is this event referred to that saw the Soviets agree to remove their weapons after a
bold order from President Kennedy?
68. East-West tensions continued to rise in the early 1960s after the Soviets built what in order to prevent the
flight of refugees seeking to escape the oppression of East Germany?
69. Those in America who supported the Vietnam War effort were known as what?
70. Those in America who opposed the Vietnam War effort were known as what?
71. Name the U.S. president who attempted to promote a foreign policy based on morality and truth rather than
military or economic considerations.
72. Who used the Iranian hostage crisis to his advantage and easily win the Presidential Election of 1980?
73. What is the nickname for the above military plan?
74. In August 1990, what country seized control of Kuwait, an action that would lead to the Persian Gulf War?
75. Who was the president of the above country?