Section Heading Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 i Contents Introduction 01 Overview of Schroders 02 Corporate Responsibility 04 Marketplace 06 Workplace 13 Environment 18 Community 22 Contact details 24 Introduction Corporate responsibility is not a peripheral activity for us When we created our Corporate Responsibility Committee three years ago, we recognised that sustainability is becoming increasingly important not only to our clients, but also to our employees, investors and the community at large. With a heritage of over 200 years and stable ownership throughout the period, Schroders has always understood its nonfinancial obligations to society. Corporate responsibility is not a peripheral activity for us; we have put policies and activities in place to ensure that the Group acts in a socially responsible way in its day-to-day operations and we encourage employees to do the same. As an asset manager, we seek to achieve financial returns for our clients that meet their investment objectives. Analysing the social responsibility activities of those companies in which we invest has a part to play in achieving those returns. As a result, we are not only concerned with our own corporate responsibility activities, but we also monitor the activities of the companies in which we invest. Companies who operate at an environmentally and socially sustainable level are also more likely to deliver long-term shareholder value. We recognise fully the importance of climate change and this year we are pleased to report that our Global Climate Change Fund was named ‘Best Climate Change Investment fund’ at the 2009 Climate Change Investment Awards run by Incisive Media in conjunction with Holden & Partners. We were one of the first asset mangers to launch such a fund in 2007, and continue to believe that climate change will be the main driver of industrial change over the next 20 years. We also apply these principles of reviewing climate change and monitoring our carbon footprint to our business. After introducing a system for monitoring CO2 emissions two years ago, we have seen our CO2 output decrease by 10 per cent. for our London offices in 2009. We continue to research new ways to reduce this further for the future. Our London head office was awarded the Gold Award in the City of London’s Clean City Scheme, placing us in the top 100 out of 1,400 buildings in the scheme which promotes the principles of reduce, reuse and recycle. Alan Brown Chief Investment Officer Chairman of Corporate Responsibility Committee Director Schroders plc We are committed to continually measuring our progress, both absolutely and through benchmarking against external performance, as well as engaging with our stakeholders to ensure we meet their expectations. Operating worldwide from 32 offices in 25 countries provides us with a significant challenge. We recognise that the importance of sustainability can vary between cultures and a key priority will be to ensure that we continue to work together, across all our global operations, in creating a long-term sustainable future. At Schroders, asset management is our business and our goals are completely aligned with those of our clients – the creation of long-term value. A diverse product range: £167.9 billion funds under management Multi-asset 16% Private Banking 8% We manage £167.9 billion on behalf of institutional and retail investors, financial institutions and high net worth clients from around the world, invested in a broad range of asset classes across equities, fixed income and alternatives. We employ more than 2,600 talented people worldwide, operating from 32 offices in 25 different countries across Europe, the Americas, Asia and the Middle East, close to the markets in which we invest and close to our clients. Equities 47% Fixed income 16% Alternatives 13% Worldwide offices: Schroders has developed under stable ownership for over 200 years and longterm thinking governs our approach to investing, building client relationships and growing our business. We adopt the same approach to Corporate Responsibility. As at 31 March 2010. Bermuda Cayman Islands Mexico City New York* Philadelphia* More information can be found online at 2 * Investment centres Overview of Schroders Asset Management: Private Banking: Equities £79.5bn (2008: £44.1bn) Multi-asset £26.8bn (2008: £18.6bn) Fixed income £26.9bn (2008: £14.3bn) Alternatives £21.0bn (2008: £14.7bn) Asia Pacific Emerging markets Europe Global Quantitative equities UK US Equities Fixed income Private equity Property Structured products Aggregate and multi-strategy Government Global Investment grade credit High yield Tax-exempt Cash/liquidity Commodities Currency Emerging market debt Funds of hedge funds Private equity funds of funds Property Amsterdam* Copenhagen Frankfurt Geneva* Gibraltar Guernsey Jersey London* Luxembourg Madrid Milan* Paris Rome Stockholm Zurich* Dubai* Beijing Hong Kong* Jakarta* Seoul* Shanghai* Singapore* £13.7bn (2008: £11.4bn) Advisory and discretionary asset management on behalf of high net worth individuals and family offices Cash management Custody and execution services Deposit taking Specialised lending Sydney* Taipei* Tokyo* 3 Our core values Schroders has a long-standing commitment to sustainability, maintaining consistently high standards in all areas of corporate responsibility. We seek to: –Attract and develop the best people; –Reduce our environmental footprint; –Support the communities in which we operate; –Be transparent in our operations and reporting; and –Encourage and support these principles in the companies in which we invest. Schroders is an index component of both the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and the Dow Jones STOXX Sustainability Index. We are also included in the FTSE4Good Index, which is designed to identify companies that meet globally recognised corporate responsibility standards. As a major investor, we recognise that how we behave can influence other companies. k wo r am Pa ss Inno vati on Te io n y grit Inte Our Values Excellence together We work as a team to create value for our clients. 4 Corporate Responsibility Our stakeholders, with whom we maintain an ongoing dialogue, include shareholders, clients, employees, regulators, non-governmental organisations, the wider community and companies in which we invest. We endeavour to develop close relationships with all stakeholders. Our behaviour is influenced by our core values: Integrity: We are honest, open and uncompromising in our commitment to our standards. We welcome the responsibility that comes with the trust our stakeholders place in us. development of Schroders’ policies on corporate responsibility and their implementation throughout the Group as we look to embed corporate responsibility principles in all our activities and culture. Our approach to corporate responsibility is built around four main areas: –Marketplace; –Workplace; –Environment; and –Community. Passion: We share a deep rooted belief in what we do. We demonstrate this through the dedication, enthusiasm and energy we bring to our work. Innovation: We challenge the established way of doing things and seek to anticipate future developments. Teamwork: We work as a team to create value for our clients. We value the contribution of individuals and encourage healthy debate. Excellence: We strive to deliver the best and continually look for ways to improve. Governance structure The Board is responsible for corporate governance and corporate responsibility within the Group. Alan Brown, Group Chief Investment Officer, chairs the Corporate Responsibility Committee that oversees all employee, environmental and community involvement issues. This Committee is responsible for the 5 Marketplace Responsible Investment As a fund manager, the direct environmental and social impacts that we have are relatively small in comparison to other sectors. It is through our investment activities that we have the greatest environmental and social impacts. During the investment process, we have a responsibility to take into account the environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance of the assets we invest in and we endeavour to be responsible investors when exercising our duties to our clients. Schroders has operated a responsible investment (RI) policy for over a decade. We became a signatory to the UN Principles of Responsible Investment (UNPRI) in 2007 which we believe reflected the policies and processes that we already had in place. In applying these to our business, we aim to help clients align both their responsible investment and financial objectives. Equities Schroders believes that an analysis of ESG issues and their impacts on investments is a fundamental part of the stock valuation and selection process. ESG analysis provides a greater understanding of the quality of the company and its management. Specific ESG issues can also potentially impact a company’s reputation and share price, for example, labour standards in the supply chain. They can also have a direct impact on operating costs, for example, the impact of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme for electric utilities. Our analysis allows us to integrate ESG considerations into the investment process and to inform our engagement and voting activities. Integration Integration has always been an implicit part of our investment process. However, in 2009 we have developed processes for capturing these views explicitly throughout our global equity range. This work is undertaken by the company analyst and supported by our ESG specialists. The company analyst has discretion as to how ESG information is integrated into financial fundamentals. An example is provided by sector analyst James Gautrey below: ...“I try to think whether any of these [ESG] factors will actually impact the price investors will be willing to pay for that stock i.e. its fair market value. If necessary, I might then make a subtle adjustment to the fair value to reflect this. So, for an emerging market stock with poor governance and/or reporting standards, the lack of transparency and proper management practices should mean it trades at a discount to identical peers which do not share the same problems.” Regional teams have developed different ways of assessing the ESG performance of the stocks in their coverage. Schroders has always had an entrepreneurial approach to investment and we encourage our managers to implement processes and structures that are suitable to the markets in which they operate. Some teams have developed a simple rating process, whilst others have preferred to adopt more qualitative processes, without ratings. ESG information is captured on our proprietary internal information systems, alongside all internal company and sector research. ESG coverage by desk Region Responsible Investment Process Companies with an ESG investment view No. of Companies in investment universe (with financial rating) % of investment universe with ESG rating Large Cap 6 UK Integration / Engagement 50 214 23 Continental Europe Integration / Engagement 34 159 21 North America (US) Integration 65 270 24 Latin America Integration 70 103 68 Pacific Ex Japan Integration 8 75 11 Japan Integration 185 221 84 Emerging Asia Integration 252 328 77 Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) Integration 151 163 93 Global Integration 67 Undefined universe N/A Marketplace Engagement At Schroders, we use the term ‘engagement’ to refer to those instances where we are engaging specifically with companies on ESG issues to monitor the ongoing corporate responsibility and corporate governance (CG) performance of a company. This analysis helps us to fill gaps in our analysis, as well as allowing us to make suggestions for change if a company’s corporate responsibility or corporate governance performance is below acceptable standards. We also monitor the reasons behind engagement, whether they are investor or company led. Investor-led engagement refers to instances where we have initiated contact. This is as a result of our own internal analysis or collaborative engagement projects. Company-led engagement is where a company has approached us, or is presenting its corporate responsibility performance to the market. We also monitor engagement related to voting on a shareholder resolution at a company’s AGM that relates to environmental or social issues. The graph below provides a review of our engagement activity on environmental and social issues. The increase in engagement since 2004 reflects the extension of our SRI engagement programme from a UK focus to a Pan-European focus. Voting Schroders takes its responsibility as an institutional shareholder seriously, and looks to make use of voting rights in line with our fiduciary responsibilities, in the interest of our clients. We vote on any proxy requests relating to companies listed in the UK or outside the UK and for non-UK clients on proxy requests relating to the following securities: –the largest 500 International (non-UK) holdings by value; –the largest 300 UK holdings by value; –European smaller company and Japanese holdings where Schroders holds above 5 per cent. of equity market capital; and –securities which local regulations require to be voted. In 2009, Schroders voted for 46,410 resolutions at 5,022 Annual General Meetings/Extraordinary General Meetings worldwide, 626 (12 per cent.) in the UK and 4396 (88 per cent.) overseas. Schroders Global Voting Records 2009 UK Total Total resolutions voted on: For Pan-European RI engagement activity undertaken by ESG specialists since 2000 UK Overseas Overseas % of % of Total Total Against Total Resolutions 5,974 17 30,190 83 36,164 265 3 9,981 97 10,246 6,239 13 40,171 87 46,410 Number of engagement occurrences 00 8 5 3 01 23 02 12 2 29 03 33 1 16 04 33 30 05 06 09 41 30 07 08 24 1 48 60 2 32 11 46 2 51 28 59 ■ Investor Led ■ Company Led ■ Voting 7 Environmental and social shareholder resolutions Of these resolutions, less than one per cent. was specifically on social, environmental and ethical issues. As in previous years, most of these were tabled at the AGM’s of US companies. Voting decisions made by the RI team are decided based on: –whether the resolution will benefit shareholders; –an analysis of the purpose and quality of the resolution; –the level of public disclosure or transparency of the company; and –whether there have been historical voting actions on the same issue and how we voted in the past. A breakdown of our voting record in this area is provided below. The number and subject of resolutions varies each year due to changes in our investment strategies altering the types of companies in which we invest. In 2009, labour standards and equal opportunities remained the greatest area of concern for shareholders, with a high number of resolutions. Resolutions on climate change and greenhouse gases were also popular, reflecting ongoing shareholder concerns about the risks and opportunities that climate change presents to companies. There was also a rise in health care resolutions due to the public policy reform in the USA, and ongoing demands for improved disclosure on CR issues. Finally, ethical resolutions on animal welfare and testing are a trend since 2005, and reflect the use of shareholder resolutions by animal welfare campaign groups. A full breakdown of the issues on which we have voted is provided in the table opposite. Schroders’ International voting record from 2000-2009 on SRI shareholder resolutions (number of resolutions voted on) Number of resolutions 00 9 28 01 9 2 02 62 15 1 03 37 27 04 05 8 55 35 17 7 8 06 70 38 07 08 09 85 8 49 77 9 28 3 64 61 41 2 56 ■ For ■ Abstain ■ Against We believe that climate change will be the main driver of industrial change over the next 20 years. 8 Marketplace Breakdown of Social, Environment and Ethical (SEE) voting issues Issues 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Animal Testing/Welfare 8 8 13 14 18 4 1 0 0 0 Genetically Modified Organisms 1 2 3 6 6 5 2 5 5 3 Weapons 5 2 5 5 6 9 4 0 3 2 Tobacco 5 2 3 8 5 8 7 2 4 0 Miscellaneous 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 1 Ethical Environment Toxic Chemicals 0 1 3 3 3 5 3 2 4 0 Greenhouse Gases & Climate Change 15 12 14 7 5 12 6 2 2 0 Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency 0 1 1 5 0 5 5 3 4 1 Nuclear Power 3 8 10 7 4 12 12 3 4 1 Access to Protected Areas 0 1 1 3 2 2 0 3 2 2 Environmental Policy/Programme 0 1 0 3 1 1 2 5 3 2 Forestry 2 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 Miscellaneous 8 2 6 1 1 3 1 0 0 3 Equal Opportunities 16 12 13 12 7 10 9 6 9 5 Labour Standards 12 27 22 25 16 13 16 16 17 7 HIV/AIDS 0 0 0 1 4 8 2 0 0 0 Drug Pricing/Access 0 0 1 0 7 5 1 4 6 4 12 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Health & Safety 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 0 1 0 Pay Disparity 1 0 3 1 1 3 2 0 0 0 Miscellaneous 2 2 5 9 2 7 4 0 2 1 Corporate Social Responsibility/Social Environment Ethical/Sustainability Report 6 4 11 8 3 5 3 0 0 0 Link pay to ESG 0 0 2 1 1 2 1 0 1 0 Miscellaneous 0 1 1 0 1 4 2 1 5 5 99 92 122 123 95 127 90 53 73 37 Social Health Care Other Total number of resolutions voted on 9 Thematic Schroders Global Climate Change Fund Schroders launched the Global Climate Change Fund in June 2007. It has delivered outperformance against the MSCI World Index, shown in the graph opposite, since inception to 31 December 2009 and was named ‘Best Climate Change Investment fund’ at the 2009 Climate Change Investment Awards. We believe that climate change will be the main driver of industrial change over the next 20 years. The investment strategy of the fund is to invest in companies that stand to gain from efforts to abate climate change emissions or to adapt to changing climatic conditions. This view is supported by the accelerating pace of national and international policy action on climate change, which is creating a favourable medium and long term outlook for companies involved in efforts to mitigate or adapt to climate change. The Stern Report (2006) states that to avoid an average global warming of 2oC or more by the end of the century, emissions per unit of GDP need to be cut to 25 per cent. of 2006 levels by 2050. Our internal research expertise identifies companies that are benefiting from efforts to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions or adapt to a changing climate. Currently, about 80 per cent. of the fund is invested in companies emphasising mitigation, and 20 per cent. of the fund invested in companies emphasising adaptation. Mitigation investments, mainly driven by policy and legislation, include companies involved in clean energy, energy efficiency, low-carbon energy and sustainable transport. Adaptation investments include companies exposed to investments in water management, agricultural productivity and forestry. The impacts of adaptation are deemed to be slightly longer term in nature, although adaptation investment needs to be made now to reduce costs in the long run. Schroders Global Climate Change Fund performance since inception** versus the MSCI World Index 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Jul 07 Dec 07 Jul 08 Dec 08 Jul 09 Dec 09 –– Global Climate Change Fund –– MSCI World Net Dividend Reinvested Source: Schroders, Bloomberg. *ISF Schroder International Selection Fund. Performance shown is the “I” share institutional share class net of all management fees. NAV to NAV (Bid to Bid). The Index is the MSCI World Net Dividends Reinvested. **Inception date 29th June 2007. Ethical FUM Schroders provide screening services for some of its clients based on their specific investment criteria. This could involve excluding stocks based on moral issues, such as tobacco, alcohol or pornography, or on issues such as labour rights breaches or environmental contamination. The following table shows total ethical funds under management (FUM) since 2005 and the proportion that this represents of Group FUM. Ethical FUM using December Year End data Year Ethical FUM (£bn) Percentage of overall Group FUM 2009 3.8 2.6 2008 3.7 3.3 2007 6.0 4.4 2006 4.2 3.3 2005 4.5 3.6 Pooled funds In addition to ethical FUM of £3.8bn which are actively screened, in 2009 we also had another £4.8bn of FUM which are ‘monitored’ for their exposure to companies with investments in Sudan. Where it is not always possible to exclude companies from funds, for legal and financial reasons, clients have instead chosen to be informed of their exposure on a regular basis. In May 2009, Schroders launched its first religious pooled Syariah fund in Indonesia. The investment objective of the Schroder Syariah Balanced Fund is to provide potential for capital growth through exposure to a multi-asset portfolio comprised of Syariah-compliant equities, Islamic bonds (Sukuk), and Syariah-based money market instruments, in accordance to the Islamic principals in the capital market. 10 Marketplace Industry involvement In addition to implementing responsible investment practices, we also promote and support them actively at industry level. We speak at, host or attend industry events and, in 2009, events have covered a wide range of subjects including, human capital management, health and safety, sustainable consumption, ecosystem services, water and climate change. We are involved in the following initiatives: Initiative Description UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Forum European Social Investment Forum Corporate Leaders Group on Climate Change – Copenhagen Communiqué Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change UKSIF’s aim is to ensure that the UK finance sector is the world leader in advancing sustainable development through financial services. ( 2000 EUROSIF is a pan-European group whose mission is to Address Sustainability through Financial Markets. ( The Copenhagen Communiqué was a statement from the international business community ahead of the UN Copenhagen climate change conference in December 2009. It set out the business case for taking progressive policy action on climate change and urged global politicians to adopt these measures. ( Schroders was a founding member of the IIGCC, which was established to raise awareness amongst institutional investors about the risks and opportunities presented by climate change, as well as encourage improved corporate disclosure on the issue and to engage with policy makers ( The CDP was established to encourage increased disclosure on corporate climate change strategies. Schroders has been very actively involved in the CDP, as a special adviser, signatory and participant. ( Recognising the serious implications of water scarcity to economic growth and sustainable business and the current lack of awareness and focus on the issue the WDP was established to encourage increased disclosure on this. Schroders has been actively researching the implications of water scarcity since 2007 and became a signatory to this initiative in 2009, when it was established. ( The Forest Footprint Disclosure Project (FFD Project) is a new UK government-supported initiative, created to help investors identify how an organisation’s activities and supply chains contribute to deforestation, and link this ‘forest footprint’ to their value. Schroders was an original backer of this initiative. ( The UNPRI are in essence a set of principles encouraging best practice in responsible investment. Schroders became a signatory to the UNPRI in 2007 ( The Finance Lab is a collaborative initiative that aims to re-think the financial system and take practical action to stimulate transformational change, so that finance serves the interests of society and the environment. Schroders has lent its support to this WWF initiative since its inception in 2009. 2005 Carbon Disclosure Project Water Disclosure Project Forest Footprint Disclosure Project UN Principles for responsible Investment The Finance Lab Year joined 2009 2003 2007 2007 2009 2007 2009 11 Marketplace Property Our Property investment process incorporates a review of the environmental and social factors concerning both the properties we own and manage directly, and the properties we invest in indirectly through third party funds. We believe that factoring corporate, social and environmental responsibility considerations into the design, construction and operation of buildings can increase their long term market value and improve investment performance whilst reducing our tenants’ operational costs. Through careful management of these issues, Schroders can also reduce exposure to the risks of adverse publicity, as well as staying ahead of emerging legislation in real estate on properties that we manage. Energy Performance Certificates were introduced as a first step in the UK government’s target of reducing greenhouse gases by 80 per cent. by the year 2050. The most immediate legislative requirement facing property owners is the introduction of the Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRC), a new mandatory emissions trading scheme to improve energy efficiency and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emitted. CRC will affect large electricity and gas consumers who will be required to participate in the scheme, monitor their emissions and purchase allowances sold by the Government, for each tonne of CO2 they emit. This new legislation makes it clear that property investors would be failing in their fiduciary responsibility if the energy efficiency of property assets was not a key consideration when making buy or sell decisions. 12 Direct Management Most of Schroders’ property assets are directly owned and our property team has focused on sustainability issues for several years. These include reviewing the impact on the environment from site pollution, strategies to clean up and reposition Brownfield sites and focusing on matters relating to climate change. The team also works with the occupiers of our buildings on waste recycling, lower energy consumption and water conservation to reduce the environmental footprint of our buildings. We participate in an external benchmarking service which measures sustainability factors in Schroders’ UK property funds against a universe of properties owned by other institutional investors. Factors include energy efficiency, water efficiency, recycling and risk of flooding. The results were presented at our Sustainability Awards ceremony, an annual all-day event that brings together our fund management teams, partners and service providers, to focus on sustainability and climate change issues that could impact investment performance across our portfolios. Reporting We have a separate Responsible Property Investment (RPI) policy that outlines our role and responsibilities as owners, managers and developers of property assets. We are developing further our reporting systems to allow formal monitoring of our performance on key RPI issues. We continue to formalise our investment practice into policy statements, but our approach remains focused on delivering on-site solutions to achieve our clients’ objectives effectively. Through our membership of industry bodies, we also continue to lobby for greater reporting standardisation against a backdrop of competing benchmarks, questionnaires and voluntary codes that may often conflict with regulations. Workplace Workplace Schroders has more than 2,600 employees across 32 offices in 25 countries. Our aim is to be an employer of choice wherever we operate and one of our strategic priorities is to develop, manage and retain our talented people in order to deliver to our potential. We work to ensure that our employee policies and procedures reflect best practice within each of the countries where we operate. For us, this means having policies and practices that make Schroders an attractive place to work and which encourage our employees to act ethically and to be aware of and participate in the wider community. It also means ensuring that our employees understand the strategic aims and objectives of the Group, are clear about their role in achieving them, as well as being aware of and participating in the wider community. We seek to ensure that our workforce reflects, as far as practicable, the diversity of the many communities in which we are located. We also recognise the diverse needs of our employees in managing the responsibilities of their work and personal lives, and believe that achieving an effective balance in these areas is beneficial to both the Company and the individual. Wherever possible, we will look to offer a flexible approach to determine when, where and how work can be done. Gender Breakdown Male 56% Female 44% Length of Service (years) 10+ 399 5-10 481 3-5 492 1-3 <1 905 226 Age Profile (years) 50+ 217 40-50 708 investing together 35-40 566 30-35 25-30 593 350 <25 69 o 13 Communication We communicate with all UK employees worldwide through multiple channels, via email, the Group intranet, a quarterly magazine, ‘Inside Schroders’, and a monthly newsletter, ‘Success Inside Schroders’. We also use all employee meetings, ‘Inside Schroders Live’, to facilitate the exchange of views with senior management and discuss the Group’s progress in meeting its objectives. Money In the UK we have an Employee Consultation Forum consisting of employees elected by their peers, who meet regularly with management to discuss jointly employee-related matters. This Forum also provides feedback and recommendations to the senior management team. Give As You Earn (GAYE) Remuneration Our approach to remuneration is consistent with our ambition to be an employer of choice. We have developed flexibility to enable our employees to personalise elements of their remuneration package to suit their own needs and ambitions. We recognise that individuals have different personal requirements dependent on where they are in both their life stage and career. We use a flexible benefits scheme, ‘Flex’ in the UK, to complement our goals of attracting, retaining and developing the best people, which allows UK employees to personalise the remuneration and benefits that they receive. Defined Contribution Pension Scheme Group Life Assurance Personal Accident Insurance Group Income Protection Share Incentive Plan (SIP) We offer a defined pension contribution rate for UK employees at a core level of 14 per cent. of pensionable salaries. If employees make a further 3 per cent. contribution then this will be matched by a further 3 per cent. contribution from Schroders. This allows employees to receive a 20 per cent. pension contribution at a personal cost of only 3 per cent. Pension arrangements in other locations are dependent on local market practice. Flex also offers the opportunity for employees to invest up to £125 per month in Partnership shares in Schroders plc, with a matching contribution from Schroders of up to £50 per month. We also offer UK employees the opportunity to make charitable donations which are again matched up to a maximum of £200 each month. We recognise that individuals have different personal requirements dependent on where they are in both their life stage and career. 14 Workplace Work Ride2work scheme The Ride2work scheme provides UK employees with the opportunity to hire a bicycle and associated safety equipment for 12 months, free of tax and National Insurance, provided that all the equipment is used mainly for journeys to work. Life Holiday Medical care scheme Dental insurance Childcare vouchers MyDiscounts We recognise the importance of ensuring that the work/life balance of our employees is appropriate. Employees are given the opportunity to buy or sell a maximum of five days holiday each year or to ‘roll-over’ five days holiday if they have been unable to utilise them during the year. Recruitment We operate an Employee Referral Scheme that is designed to attract the best candidates by providing a financial reward to current permanent employees for introducing new recruits to Schroders. We believe that we provide one of the most comprehensive training programmes in the fund management industry, offering a range of opportunities for graduates to join our Investment, Distribution and Infrastructure divisions. Structured in-house training is combined with a wide range of external courses and study for professional qualifications. The result is a well-rounded scheme that develops both professional skills and personal effectiveness, equipping our employees to play a key role in driving our future business success. After a successful graduate milkround at selected UK universities, we received a record number of applications for the 2010 graduate programme. 16 graduates have been hired to join the Company in August 2010, 14 of these based in the UK and two who will join the inaugural Asia graduate programme. Schroders offers annual internships where students work in the London office for eight weeks, undertaking specific projects and learning about the asset management business. Successful interns are then considered for places on the graduate programme. Medical care, dental care and childcare vouchers options are also available to provide our UK employees with the flexibility to match the composition of their remuneration to their personal circumstances. ‘My Discounts’ is a scheme available to UK employees which offers exclusive savings on national and local clothing and accessory brands, as well as tickets. 15 In August 2009, we also held a work experience day for 15 to 18 year olds, to provide an insight into career opportunities within Financial Services. 50 students attended and enjoyed an interactive day of presentations, business games and careers advice delivered by Schroders employees. Personal Development Our performance management process consists of an annual performance appraisal against agreed objectives and our core values. The performance process is used to inform decisions on remuneration, career development and progression. We have also partnered with the Financial Services Skills Council (FSSC) to offer specialist advice on how to increase awareness of roles within the financial services sector. We have provided input into ‘Directions’, an online careers information portal where young people can access information on the range of careers available to them within Financial Services. We use a global performance management system designed to support all employees and managers through the key stages of the performance management cycle. The system provides a defined structure to ensure that career development is approached in a consistent and structured manner. Over the course of the year, we encourage review and tracking of progress against objectives. Learning & Development In creating a high performing organisation, we recognise the importance of encouraging all of our employees to learn, develop and fulfil their potential. We are dedicated to providing our employees with the opportunities and experiences they need to achieve their potential and grow their knowledge, skills and capabilities. Our aim is to provide products and services to support our employees in identifying their development needs and determining an action plan to meet them. To assist in achieving this goal and promoting our core values, we have a ‘stages of development’ framework. This allows individuals to identify how they should be demonstrating our core values within four key areas of competence at each stage of their career. An internal learning schedule is also available to all employees, offering a wide range of opportunities to assist in development needs and meeting goals. Schroders has continued its partnership with Inmarkets to deliver online training via the Fincarta platform. This ‘e-Learning’ platform offers a comprehensive library of online courses on finance, regulation and IT topics. Access to the e-Learning portal is given via the internet, allowing content to be viewed globally, including via home computers. Through our Educational Assistance Policy, we encourage all of our people to complete professional qualifications relevant to their role. In recognition of the employee investment in achieving such qualifications, we offer competitive educational assistance, which includes provision of financial support and study leave. We have introduced a sales development programme that focuses on providing our client-facing employees with a formalised framework for the development of core skills. The programme will involve all clientfacing employees, of all levels of experience, globally, incorporating sales, product and relationship management roles. Our key goal is to maintain market-leading standards and to ensure that these are applied across our global network consistently. This framework will also provide the basis for our recruitment and induction of new employees. 16 Progression and Recognition Schroders is committed to internal progression to ensure that we retain our most talented people. We have a global role-based title structure to provide career paths to help our people develop and progress. In addition to strengthening the performance culture of the Group, the structure ensures greater flexibility for employees to move into new roles, taking on more responsibility as opportunities arise, reinforcing our meritocratic approach. All role descriptions are accessible on the intranet so that employees can gain access to information regarding the skills and experience required to undertake each role within the Company. Diversity We are committed to providing equal opportunities and we seek to ensure that our workforce reflects the diversity of the many communities in which we operate. Our culture values diversity, harnessing individual strengths and differences to surface the best ideas and insights. We recognise that through the attraction and retention of a diverse workforce we are better able to understand the needs of all our clients. A flexible working policy has been developed to recognise the diverse needs of employees in managing the responsibilities of their work and personal lives. We believe that achieving an effective balance in these areas is beneficial to both the Group and the individual. Our flexible working policy is open to all permanent employees with more than 26 weeks’ service. Flexible working arrangements offer broader scope to determine when, where and how work can be done. We do not believe that hours of attendance constitute the only measure of an employee’s contribution. We know how important it is to measure outcomes and results. Whilst flexible arrangements are not suitable for all roles, rethinking the way work can be done and allowing employees to balance their multiple commitments can improve productivity, provide extended hours of service and help recruit and retain quality employees. Workplace It is the Group’s policy to give full and fair consideration to applications for employment from disabled persons, having regard to their particular aptitudes and abilities. For the purposes of training, career development and progression, we seek to ensure that disabled employees, including those who became disabled during the course of their employment, are treated on equal terms with other employees. We have in place formal policies to address harassment and bullying, and which document our commitment to ensuring our employees are treated with respect and dignity whilst at work. A sabbatical policy has been implemented to enable employees, with three or more years continuous service, to take an unpaid leave of absence of up to 12 months. Examples of where sabbaticals may be granted include educational leave, to take up a temporary post in public service (including a charity) or extended travel for two months or more. High ethical standards We actively promote high ethical standards. Concerns about behaviour or decisions that are perceived to be unethical can be raised by employees through our internal ‘whistleblowing’ process. Personal securities trading by employees is also regulated. Employees are not permitted to solicit or accept any inducements which are likely to conflict with their duties. Training is provided in relation to these issues and in relation to money laundering, terrorist finance, data protection and treating customers fairly. Health and safety The health and welfare of our people are very important to us. We promote high standards of health and safety at work and have a globally implemented health and safety policy, which we expect all employees to follow. This highlights our commitment to ensuring employees are provided with a safe and healthy working environment. Gym facilities are also provided at our head office in London to encourage employees to enjoy a healthier lifestyle. Similar healthcare arrangements are also offered in many of our overseas offices. In our London offices, a Sports and Social Committee organises monthly events, open to all employees. There are a number of sports teams which play throughout the year, including football, hockey and basketball as well as social events, such as cookery lessons, theatre, museum tours and team quiz events. We recognise that workplace stress is a particularly important health and safety issue. We are committed to identifying and reducing workplace stress and offer workplace counselling and occupational health doctors to provide specialist advice on stress management. We appreciate that individuals may, at different times in their lives, have various sensitive issues that they may need help with. In order to give support where we can, Schroders offers a confidential counselling helpline in the UK. This provides employees and their dependants with access to a 24-hour, confidential counselling helpline service in respect of a variety of issues including stress, marital, legal or financerelated problems. This service is strictly private and confidential and there is no individual case feedback to Schroders. Future plans In 2010, our in-house focus will be to provide employees with the opportunity to develop their communications, sales and management skills. 18 employees took part in a pilot of the Fundamentals of Management programme in the autumn of 2009. The programme aims to develop skills and knowledge to enable a confident transition from an operational role to a role including management responsibilities, and will be rolled out to the rest of the business throughout 2010. In the UK, we operate an integrated healthcare approach whereby our private medical health provider and occupational health clinics work together to promote wellness amongst our employees. We offer the following facilities, without charge: –VDU eye screening; –Flu and business travel vaccinations; –Well Woman & Well Man screening; and –Private GP services. 17 Environment During 2009, we continued to make a number of key improvements to help minimise our environmental impact. We remain committed to continuous improvement in this area and to the promotion of positive environmental practices. We measure our performance in terms of waste management, energy usage and water usage. We are members of Green500, an initiative from the London Development Agency, which works with organisations to achieve carbon reduction goals as well as providing, in the future, independent verification of carbon savings. Towards the end of 2009 we began the process of seeking Carbon Trust Standard accreditation and expect to receive this during early 2010. Waste management In 2009, we saw a 42 per cent. reduction in waste generation in our main London offices, which are occupied by 50 per cent. of our employees. This followed the introduction of further recycling initiatives and employee awareness campaigns during the year. We aim to recycle or reuse over 90 per cent. of our waste, and although this year’s performance falls just short of this we have managed to significantly reduce the absolute amount of waste we generate. Waste recycled or used (per cent) Waste generated (tonnes per employee) 2007 2008 2009 91 82 88 0.40 0.23 0.15 We also continue to work in conjunction with charities and local schools, operating specific recycling schemes for books, stationery, cooking oil, coffee grounds, spectacles, mobile phones, batteries and toner cartridges, all of which are reused or used in manufacturing of alternative products. Proceeds from our toner cartridge recycling activities are used to support overseas development works to provide clean water, healthcare, emergency relief and educational supplies. Schroders was awarded the Gold Award in the City of London’s Clean City Scheme in 2009. A change to the scheme rules has meant that, due to the size of our company, Schroders no longer qualifies for the Platinum award which we have won for four years running. The Gold award places us in the top 100 out of 1,400 buildings in the scheme, which recognises good waste management and effective recycling. 18 Environment Energy usage Our energy usage is one of the most significant direct impacts that our operations have on the environment. During 2009, we developed and improved our carbon management policy. Our ambition is to reduce the carbon footprint of our London operations by 15 per cent. by 2012, when measured against our baseline figure for 2007. To date we have achieved a reduction in our carbon footprint of 13 per cent. From January to October 2009 our head office was supplied with 100 per cent. ‘renewable’ electricity. In November, we procured a contract for the supply of electricity that is exempt from the climate change levy that runs to 31 October 2011. We have also introduced other initiatives, including re-usable cups in place of paper vending cups, sharing of desk top printers, making double-sided printing the default setting, installing energy efficient lighting, new technology and controls to reduce our usage of gas and water and setting our PCs to automatically switch off overnight. We continually review best practice and new innovations to implement appropriate energy efficient solutions and measure the impact of these initiatives, wherever practical. In total, energy consumption for 2009 across our Gresham Street, Gutter Lane and Wood Street offices has decreased by nine per cent. This reduction primarily reflects the introduction of more energy efficient systems and advanced controls, and the consolidation of space and IT computer systems. Energy consumption We use the National Grid Rolling Average, as recommended by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, to calculate CO2 equivalent emissions relating to the electricity element of our total energy consumption. During 2009 we finalised our programme of space consolidation and have reduced our space footprint in the London offices by around 20 per cent. since 2007. This has contributed significantly to our energy, waste and water consumption metrics during this time. Our IT data centres are high users of energy, directly through the consumption of electricity and indirectly as a result of the energy used to keep the rooms cool. We continually assess ways of reducing the energy loading of these areas and have made significant progress through the work to consolidate and remove redundant IT equipment and through increasing the temperature within our IT rooms. During 2009, work was undertaken to reduce the number of IT servers through the use of virtualisation technologies, which is a technology that allows multiple applications to exist on a single piece of hardware (the server) without contention. As a result, we have fewer servers in our data centre and they are all working more efficiently than they used to. MWh 07 11,972 08 11,475 09 10,440 CO 2 tonnes (excluding travel) 07 5,842 08 5,659 09 5,098 19 Water usage (London only) We are also committed to the efficient use of water and encourage our employees to conserve water. Our consumption of piped water in London has reduced by 12 per cent. in 2009, primarily as a result of water efficiency initiatives introduced during the year. Information Technology (UK) In 2009 we continued to work with our major computer services provider to ensure a resilient IT environmental policy. This included monitoring the waste outputs of all IT processes and investigating techniques to reduce waste streams whenever possible. The manufacture of each desktop PC requires over 240 kilograms of fossil fuels, approximately 10 times the weight of the computer itself. It is important that whenever possible, all IT hardware is refurbished and reused once its time at Schroders has ended. All Schroders PCs in the UK which have been refreshed have their disk drives wiped clean before being sent for reuse. Once PC hardware has reached the end of its life, it is processed for refurbishment or reuse by a specialist IT equipment recycler. All network equipment and other hardware is also disposed of in an ecologically friendly way. Our third party supplier selection procedure contains an environmental awareness factor. Since the European Parliament directive on Waste Electronic Equipment (WEE) was incorporated into English law in 2005, the emphasis on the disposal of IT and communications equipment in a safe and efficient method has become a determining factor within the tendering process. Procurement (UK) Procurement of environmentally friendly goods forms an increasingly large element of our environment management programme. When selecting suppliers, their approach to corporate responsibility forms a key part of the contract award process, and we continue to adopt a policy of active engagement with our key suppliers to minimise the environmental impact arising from their operations, both on and off site. Paper and printing (UK) We work closely with our outsourced reprographics provider, Williams Lea, to ensure high management standards minimise the impact their services have on the environment. During 2008, new presentation covers, printed on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) approved paper were introduced and continue to be used. In our general office printers and copiers we use Elemental Chlorine Free paper that is Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified and produced in an ISO14001 accredited mill. To aid the reduction in paper usage document scanning has been enabled on the copiers and we encourage employees to only print documents where necessary. The default setting for all desktop printers has been set to double sided, where possible. Our consumption of paper used by networked printers and multifunction photo copier/printers reduced by 27 per cent. in 2009. In the London offices, the Night-watchman software programme puts PCs into standby mode after 10pm each evening, reducing power consumption and consequently CO2 emissions. We estimate that the reduction in power consumed is 400kWh for each PC. Through the Night-watchman IT software programme, savings in the region of £25,000 to £30,000 and 120 tonnes of CO2 continue to be made per annum. Our consumption of piped water in London has reduced by 12 per cent. in 2009. 20 Environment Travel Employees in London travel to work almost entirely by public transport. Cycle racks, showers and changing facilities are provided to encourage employees to cycle to work, as well as our Ride2work scheme (through Flex), which has seen a 20 per cent. increase in the number of employees participating in this scheme. Our travel policy encourages our employees to use video conferencing as an alternative to business travel and to reduce our CO2 impact, with our collective aim to keep our travel down to the minimum level consistent with supporting and developing our business. In London we have seen a 39 per cent. reduction in distance travelled in 2009, compared with 2008 and since 2007, a 45 per cent. increase in video conferencing usage. Actions taken to align our cost base to the more challenging market conditions throughout 2009 will have contributed positively to this. Where business travel cannot be avoided, alternative, more environmentally friendly modes are used in place of flying, wherever viable. Communication and engagement We promote environmental awareness and initiatives via our Intranet and internal notice boards and seek feedback from employees wherever possible. We participate in external performance benchmarking with organisations such as the Carbon Disclosure Project and the FTSE Group responsible investment unit. Our works with the Green500 and Carbon Trust Standard have allowed us access to best practice advice, information on furthering our environmental performance and external verification of the steps we have taken and benefits derived. We review the environmental performance of key service suppliers throughout the year and work closely with them to minimise the effects our operations have on the environment. Events In 2009, Schroders worked towards making its large UK events as carbon neutral as possible and compliant with BS8901 – a British Standard written to encourage the production of sustainable events, which was prompted by the forthcoming 2012 ‘first green’ Olympic games. To be compliant, the event organiser must engage all stakeholders, such as the venue, caterer and technical crews, in the planning stages of an event. They then work together to produce a management policy, identify issues, create objectives and set key performance indicators and targets which focus on the sustainability of all of the event components. Schroders are proud to be leading the way in corporate event sustainability and successfully gained BS8901 compliance for six large conferences in 2009, and aim to increase this for 2010. 21 Community We encourage all employees to participate in the community and in civic and charitable causes. We believe that involvement is valuable to the individual’s personal development, as well as the community. Charitable giving Our charitable giving is focused on employee choice, with the Group ‘matching’ employee donations and sponsorship. In 2009, donations totalled £0.6 million (2008: £1.1 million), reflecting the impact of the challenging market conditions on our profitability. In 2009, we have focused our efforts on employee choice, through matched payroll giving and other matched donation schemes. 22 A number of our offices operate payroll giving schemes, of which the UK scheme remains the largest, with 21 per cent. (2008: 19 per cent.) of employees participating. Charitable donations of £202,000 were made through this scheme and we again received the Payroll Giving Quality Mark Gold Award in 2009, which recognises that over 10 per cent. of employees donate money to charity via our payroll. Community Volunteering As well as making financial donations, employees are encouraged to spend time working in the community. Employees globally are able to take up to 15 hours paid leave per year to provide volunteer services. A wide variety of charities are supported this way, as individuals give their ‘Schroders time’ to charities with which they have a personal connection. In London, Schroders is a corporate supporter of the Hackney Schools’ Mentoring Programme (HSMP), established in 1996 by the East London Business Alliance and Hackney Learning Partnerships. Our employees continue to mentor 14 and 15 year old students in the London Borough of Hackney with the aim of increasing students’ self confidence and improving their academic performance. The intention is to allow them to gain experience of the working world and broaden their aspirations. 2009, 30 students from the Elizabeth Garrett School in Hackney were invited to Schroders to find out more about the skills necessary to succeed in the City and to try their hand at an interactive trading game. We plan to continue supporting the Brokerage in 2010 by hosting a number of other events for local schools and community colleges. Employees have also worked with a homeless charity in the UK and participated in other voluntary schemes overseas. Throughout 2009, we continued to support The Brokerage, a City-based charity that runs programmes to help young people living in London’s inner-city boroughs to understand the opportunities available to them in the City and Canary Wharf. In November 23 If you have any comments on what we have done so far or on how we can improve further, then please email us at For further information, please contact: Emma Tovey Head of Corporate Communications Meriel Crawford Communications Support 31 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7QA Telephone no: +44 (0) 207 658 6000 24 Photography by Michael Heffernan. w34663