Tax Strategy

Tax Strategy
Schroders will comply with its tax obligations worldwide and will only engage in reasonable tax planning that is aligned
with commercial and economic activity. We will follow the terms of the UK’s Double Taxation Treaties and relevant
OECD guidelines for international tax matters.
We will maintain an open and transparent relationship with the tax authorities in the key jurisdictions in which we
operate. In the UK, Schroders was one of the first businesses to enter into a framework agreement with HMRC. Under
this framework, we agreed to keep HMRC informed of business activities, results and key developments as they arise
and proactively disclose issues, risks and uncertain tax positions, and we continue to be committed to conducting our
tax affairs in this way.
We will utilise tax incentives or opportunities for obtaining tax efficiencies where these:
do not carry significant reputational risk or significant risk of damaging our relationship with the fiscal authorities in
the key jurisdictions in which we operate,
are aligned with the intended policy objectives of the governments which introduced the incentives,
do not have a material adverse impact on “above the line” results, and
are aligned with business or operational objectives.
We will manage tax risk in such a way as to ensure that key risk areas are monitored and material risks minimized.
We will adhere to the CBI’s seven tax principles for UK business.
We will comply with the requirements of the UK’s Code of Practice on Taxation for UK Banks.