French Revolution (Know your governing bodies!) France…. Background

French Revolution
(Know your governing bodies!)
Buildup of _______________ in 15th-16th centuries
Largely _________________
__________________ (Protestant) a sizeable minority
Fighting b/t______________ and___________________
1598- _______________________: promoted ___________________ tolerance
Strengthening the Crown
Cardinal _____________________- advisor to ________________ monarch
Goal: strengthen the __________________
___________________: inherited throne at ________yrs. Old
Reign _________________
“___________________”, “Most Christian King”, _____________ right
Palace of _____________________
_________________ Edict of Nantes
Appoints Jean Baptiste Colbert as ______________ advisor
_______________________= need for empire
Increase _______________= more _________________= more
Numerous wars= ______________
French Revolution
Economic __________________:
_________ debts
Poor ________________ policies
Poor __________________
_____________ lifestyle of ___________________
1789- Louis XVI summoned ________________________
governing body with members from each ______________
Had not met in _________ years (_________________)
__________________ between the estates at the meeting
June 17, 1789- ____________ Estate declares __________________ the
July 14, 1789- storming of ______________________
August, 1789- ____________________ of Rights of ___________
__________- new Constitution ratified
Created ________________Monarchy; King retains ________________ power
______________ and ___________________ invade France to restore _______________
______________________ was sister of Austrian Emperor
Continued ______________= another new_____________________
Declares France a _________________
Established the __________________ as the new ____________________ body
1793: Convention (led by radical __________________) imprison _______________ family and
____________________ king and queen
Reign of ________________:
____________________ once again _____________ out
Committee of __________________ created and facilitate the revolution
Led by _____________________________ and_________________
Thousands ___________________
Eventually, ___________________ too was _________________
1795: yet another _________________ established, called the___________________
Rise of Napoleon
Directory created strong ________________
______________ Bonaparte popular _____________________ man
________ at the time
1799: _______________ Directory and declares himself ______________________
_____________ ruler
Many_________________ reforms
Napoleonic ____________ (1804)- implemented some Enlightenment ___________ and
equality for ___________
Begins to build a French _______________ in Europe
Conquers _____________, ________________, ____________,________________, and
parts of ___________
1804- crowns himself _______________
_________: empire at its ___________
1812: attacks _____________= __________________
Conquered areas use this as _______________ to defeat and ____________________ Napoleon
But, _________________ about how to restore ___________
1813- Napoleon _____________, tries to _____________ power
Defeated at _____________________ and permanently exiled to __________________, later
____________ there.
Other _____________ meet to restore balance of ________________
Congress of Vienna
1815: Congress of _____________
French _______________ return to pre-Napoleonic _______________
Returned _______________ of areas _______________ by ________________
French monarchy ________________, but with ___________________ limits
1830: another ___________ created, lasts until _________________ of 1848
1852: ____________ Napoleon established a _____________ French empire
1870: Louis-Napoleon __________________ and yet ________________ republic created
How is all that for __________________????? This is just one example of how confusing
________________ _______________ can be.