November 2015 ST. CHARLES GARNIER SCHOOL Mississauga East Remembrance Day and Peace

November 2015
4233 Central Parkway East, Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 1M7
(905) 275-0509
Mississauga East
Family of Schools
Remembrance Day and Peace
In the rising of the sun and its going down,
we will remember them.
M.J. Vowles
D. Giansante
In the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter, we will remember them.
In the opening of the buds and the rebirth of spring, we will remember them.
In the rushing of the leaves and in the beauty of autumn, we will remember them.
So long as we live, they will live too.
Catholic School
Council Chair/Vice Chair:
E. Gomes
A. Costa
G. Predko
C. DaSilva
T. Lariviere
The Virtue for the
Month of November is…
This month we will celebrate the virtue of Conscience. It’s the voice of God within us. As
you develop your conscience, you will learn to make decisions that will ensure you always
have peace in your life. Our conscience reminds us how to act towards other people and
how to be a good friend. The right thing is not always the easiest thing to do.
Principal’s Message
Trustee/Past Chairman:
A. Abbruscato
(905) 890-0708
Ext. 24239
(416) 459-0126
Sts. Peter and Paul Parish
4070 Central Parkway East
Miss., ON L4Z 1T6
(905) 273-6630
Let us Remember
During the month of November, let us pay a very special tribute to those who have joined
our Father in Heaven. It is because of them we enjoy each day here on earth. Let us keep in
mind the families of those who were lost in the various wars. We thank them for our freedom. We thank them for the peace we live in each day.
Our virtue for the month is Conscience. Students are challenged to stop and think before
acting and let their conscience help them know right from wrong. As a family you may want
to discuss the virtue of Conscience and help your child develop a better understanding of
making good decisions.
M. J. Vowles, Principal
Parish Pastor:
Fr. Sol Paranas
Associate Pastor:
Fr. Charles Ogugbuaja
M. Morta
Visit our Website:
Thanksgiving Food Drive:
Our Thanksgiving Food Drive was a huge success. Thank you to all families who donated
non-perishable food items prior to Thanksgiving. St. Charles Garnier students were able to
collect over 600 items that were donated to the Open Door for distribution to those in need.
Thank you to Mrs Eneh and her class for organizing the collection and to Mrs. Sappong for
delivering all the boxes.
Save the Date:
St. Charles Garnier Christmas sing-a long is scheduled for Friday, December 18th at
9:30a.m. Please come and join us in singing your favorite carols.
You are also invited to join your child and share some “Christmas Joy”. Students will be
painting ornaments and welcome you to join them.
Monday, December 14
Gr. 1 - Mrs. Giansante
FDK - Mrs. Kicinski
Gr. 3 - Mrs. Ricketts
Gr. 4/5 Mrs. Kraljevic
Gr. 6/7 - Mr. Marchant
Tuesday, December 15
Gr.1/2 - Ms. Mammoliti
FDK - Mrs. Corapi
Gr.3/4 - Mrs. Valentine
Gr. 5/6 - Mrs. Mullin
Gr. 7/8 - Mrs. Sappong
Progress Report Cards and Interviews:
On Tuesday, November 17th, students in grades 1-8 will bring home their progress reports.
This report is designed to show a student’s development of learning skills and work habits
during the fall of this school year as well as a student’s general progress in
working towards the achievement of curriculum expectations in all subjects.
Students will not be receiving letter grades indicating achievement on this
Interviews, if needed, will be held on the evening of Thursday, November
Open communication between home and school is very important. Although we will be
reporting to you formally during the school year, please feel free to send your child’s teacher
a message in the agenda or call and ask for the teacher to call or set up an appointment if
you have questions or concerns. A phone call at the onset of a concern usually resolves
itself before it becomes a problem. On our part, if we have any concerns about your child,
we will contact you at the earliest opportunity.
Catholic School Council:
Welcome to our 2015-2016 School Council. Mrs. E. Gomes is Chair, Mrs. A. Costa is Vice
Chair, Mrs. A. Ferrrante is Treasurer and Mrs. A. Ellison is secretary. All parents welcome
to attend. Meetings will be held at 6:30p.m. on January 14, March 3 and April 25.
The meetings are held in the staff room.
Advent Mass:
Please join us for our Advent Mass on December 11th at 9:30a.m. It will be held HERE at
the school due to the construction at the Church. Reconciliation will take place on
Wednesday, December 2nd at 9:30a.m. here at the school as well.
Sports Update:
Cross Country
We had approximately 50 dedicated runners who participated as members
of our cross country team at the Mississauga East meet on Monday, October 19th at
Centennial Park.
The following students represented our school at the Board meet on October 26th:
Xymonna, Matthew, Shumai, Martina, Lucas, Miguel, Rosie, Natalie. All students
finished in the top 36 . What an accomplishment!!! Thank you to Mr. Marchant for
training these students.
Our boys and girls Junior volleyball teams have finished their season. Both teams played
well and showed great sportsmanship. During regular season play, the boys team
advanced to the Mississauga East tournament which was held on October 14th. The boys
team won the tournament and advanced to the Board finals on October 21st where they
narrowly lost in the final game. We are very proud of both our teams and a big thank you
is extended to Mr. Marchant for coaching both teams and Mrs. Kraljevic for managing
both teams. Congratulations!!!
Our Intermediate boys and girls volleyball season has begun and we wish both teams good
luck. Thank you to Mr. Marchant for coaching the boys and girls teams and to
Mrs Kraljevic for managing both.
Girls Intermediate Volleyball Team
Boys Intermediate Volleyball Team
"Upper Canada Chorus":
We are proud to share that four St Charles Garnier students were selected to sing with the wellknown children's choir "Upper Canada Chorus" and the Toronto Pops Orchestra, in a production of
Les Miserables earlier this month.
As well, the entire choir had the opportunity to open the Brampton Beast hockey game with an "A
capella" version of our national anthem. Thank you to Ms. Wizinski for her work with the choir.
Reporting Head Injuries:
Even when it appears to be insignificant, we inform parents of all reported head injuries
at school. We do this in recognition of the potential danger of any injury to the head area.
Our intent is not to alarm you, but to keep you informed. Please remind your child to let
a staff member know if they bump their head or if they get hurt at school.
Lunch time:
Between 11:45a.m. and 12:45p.m. our secretary has her lunch. Student volunteers help in
the office. They are not to open the doors. The few times you have to drop off a lunch or
pick up your child we ask you to do this prior to 11:45 or after 12:45 so that an adult will
be available to let you in.
2016-17 Kindergarten Registration:
Registration for Kindergarten for the 2016-17 school year, will take place on:
Monday, January 25, 2016
7 p.m. - 9 p.m.*
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Friday, January 29, 2016
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
* Snow Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2016, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Grade 4 parents/guardians who wish to enroll their child in a Grade 5 Extended French class for September 2016 are
invited to attend an information meeting on:
Thursday, January 14, 2016 @ 7:00 p.m.
St. Thomas More School
3270 Tomken Road
Mississauga - L4Y 2Y7
Year 2 Kindergarten parent(s)/guardian(s) who wish to enroll their child in a Grade 1 French Immersion class for
September 2016 are invited to attend an information meeting at:
French Immersion centres
Session location
Date and time
St Gertrude
St Pio of Pietrelcina
St Pio of Pietrelcina
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
7:00 p.m.
Kiss ‘n Ride:
Thank you to the parents who use the Kiss’n Ride appropriately, you make it so much safer for our children. Your patience
is appreciated. Kindergarten parents are reminded that if they drive to the school they have two options; to park in an
available parking space OR to use the Kiss ‘n Ride lane. Parents are not to park in the spot reserved for disabled people or in
the Fire Routes (which is everywhere not designated as a parking spot). Under no condition should parents be parking right
in front of the front doors of the school. It is illegal.
School Safety:
Dogs ar e not allowed on school pr oper ty. A dog’s behavior and r esponse ar ound str anger s can
be unpredictable; for example, dogs sometimes jump on visitors or children. Although dogs can be
good pets, they can be scary to some other people, and pose an allergic response to others. Therefore,
dogs must not be exercised on school property or brought to school when dropping off or picking up
Bullying vs Conflict:
There is a difference between Bullying and Conflict. Here
is a chart that suggests some of the differences.
Most importantly — bullying results in one person feeling like he/she is in danger.
Happens in secrecy or out
of the way places
Someone is targeting one
Threats are used and bullies hurt people with
words or actions
Are not friends with their
Happens where everyone
can see what’s happening
Usually has lots of people
around and involved
May involve fighting but
both people fight and it
usually stops quickly
Usually the problem is
worked out and people are
friends again.