Miss Kay’s Fifth Grade News October 16, 2015 Reading/Literacy Most of the students have finished their feature articles! This week we learned a lot about the Microsoft Word program. Many people have the idea that kids know everything about technology and it is “so easy” and “natural” for them, but when it comes to word processing, centering text, making columns, saving documents correctly, and other details of the program, they need instruction! It has gone well and I am very pleased with the kids’ articles. Next week we will begin our nonfiction reading unit. Science This week in Earth Science students began analyzing how pollution moves through water, sand, and other types of soil. Ask your child about the lake model he or she built and how the pollution (food coloring) moved through it! Coming Up Math This week in math the class has worked with the standard multiplication algorithm. This is the traditional way to solve multi-digit multiplication problems that you and I learned when we were in school. *Multiplication *Nonfiction reading strategies *Earth Science *Geography Bee registration *Harry Potter Day is coming! Your little Muggle is encouraged to dress like a wizard or witch. Black shirt and pants, witch/wizard hat, cloak, robe, or cape, and Hogwarts colors are all welcome. The day has not yet been determined but I will be letting you know very soon.