Meeting Name: Chart of Accounts Date: October 17, 2013

Meeting Name: Chart of Accounts
Date: October 17, 2013
Time: 11:30 pm to 12:30 pm
Location: DOE – Turlington 814
Welcome and Introductions
Current Reporting Requirements for Educational Entities
Chart of Accounts Project Initiative and Activities
Review of UCOA Reporting Requirements
School Districts
Next Steps
DFS – Christina Smith, Danielle Kosberg, Asheema Vemuri
DOE – Mark Eggers, Link Jarrett, Janice Hutchison, Stephanie Hofheinz, Jeff Ewaldt,
Kim Russell, Becky Pruett. Theresa Schwarz, Suzanne Tart (Colleges/FCO), John
Holdnak (Colleges)
Leon – Merrill Wimberley
FADSS – Joy Frank
Telephone Call in Attendees:
Brevard – Karen Strickland
Orange – Rick Collins, Margo Martens
Palm Beach – Heather Knust
Pasco – Olga Swinson
St. Johns – Dawn Posey
Seminole – Paul Duran
Hillsborough – Susan Garcia
Marion – Alice Pasada
Meeting minutes:
CS provided an overview of the UCOA project using the UCOA presentation document.
She stated that DFS would propose a common reporting format from entities for
transparency purposes. She also mentioned that she expects 90% of the entities to
crosswalk to the UCOA accounts rather than modify their systems.
DOE members stated that the Final report should also include that this is an unfunded
mandate and will be costly to the entities.
Several questions were asked on the level of detail for Revenues and expenditures.
Christina stated that entities should mimic how they report currently in their systems and
report at the same level. Accounts should be rolled up to the UCOA level.
School District members on the phone line explained that they already report monthly at
a very detailed level and this would be time consuming and taking away valuable
teaching time.
Employee Salaries – Members recommended that the Salaries should not be rolled up
into one account and should be more specific. Leon County Schools CFO recommended
the account be split into Salaries and Benefits (all other benefits rolled into this account).
Contracted Services – Members stated that this account for them will increase from 4 to
26 accounts.
Travel – They maintain only 3 accounts currently and the UCOA implementation will
have to add another 18 accounts to their list. CS stated that it is a challenge and she
suggested to submit comments on the Travel Account.
Charter Schools – Members asked if Charter schools should report separately. CS asked
them to send the link to the survey if they are not included by the reporting entity.
Additionally, she stated that the school districts should decide if they want to pull in the
charter schools or let them submit the survey themselves.
Heather Knust from Palm Beach School District stated that all their information is
submitted to the AG’s office and they report annually to DOE. This reporting
requirement takes away valuable teaching time.
School level Cost Reports – Heather stated that the Cost reports are very detailed and
provide transparency. These reports are used for accountability FHP –Cost Program.
These reports are also used by Legislature for funding purposes. CS stated that DFS will
look at the cost reports.
Members stated that quarterly detailed reports are submitted to the AG’s office which
includes the check #s and the amounts. They questioned whether this reporting is
Frequency – Seminole School District representative asked about the frequency of
reporting. CS stated that they had proposed a hypothetical date range and is not set in
stone. She has given a worst case scenario.
CS closed the meeting by stating that entities should do their best to complete the survey
and provide comments.
SB1292 was introduced by Senator Alexander during the
2011 Legislative Session and eventually adopted into
Chapter 2011-44,Laws of Florida. Intent of the law is:
“that a mechanism be provided for obtaining detailed,
uniform reporting of government financial information
to enable citizens to view compatible information on the
use of public funds by governmental entities”
“that uniform reporting requirements be developed
specifically to promote accountability and transparency
in the use of public funds”
Chapter 215.89, Florida Statutes requires DFS to propose a
Draft Uniform Chart of Accounts (COA) to establish
uniform reporting requirements for all units of
The statutory timeline to be followed is as follows:
 July 1, 2013 – Publish the Draft COA
November 1, 2013 - Comments on COA are due from
reporting entities
January 15, 2014 - Submit recommended COA and
estimated costs of adopting and implementing to
Governor and Legislature
Established Project website:
Project concept and timelines presented to Cities,
Counties, Universities, and Colleges
◦ Presented at 19 meetings/conferences
Reviewed Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports
(CAFR) and audit reports of reporting entities
Met with Legislative, DOE, DEO, and Auditor General
Established an Advisory Workgroup. Workgroup
reviewed recommended COA and provided feedback on
challenges for implementation and the differences
across the reporting entities
Awarded contract to KPMG to collect, validate, and
summarize cost estimates
Developed a crosswalk of current to proposed COA to
assist reporting entities
Distributed over 2,300 emails/letters to reporting
entities regarding upcoming survey
Developed material for webinars to educate reporting
entities on the cost estimate process
Launched cost estimate survey on September 16th
Conducted 3 webinars that included live Q&A Sessions
Chapter 215.89 (2)(a) F.S., “Charts of account” means a
compilation of uniform data codes that are to be used for
reporting governmental assets, liabilities, equities,
revenues, and expenditures to the Chief Financial Officer.
Uniform data codes shall capture specific details of the
assets, liabilities, equities, revenues, and expenditures
that are of interest to the public.
Reporting requirements are currently divided into two
 Assets, Liabilities, and Equity – reported annually at a
level that can be validated with Financial Statements, may
include accounts that are of specific interest to the public
or Legislator
 Revenue , Expenditures, and Other Sources & Uses –
reported monthly at a lower level of detail in order to
provide transparency to the public on funds received and
expended by each reporting entity (aka “check book”
reporting). There is no intent to reconcile this
information with financial statements.
Reporting Entities may not utilize all accounts and are
required to report only on the accounts applicable to
their operations
The amount reported for each account will need to be
broken down to a specific level for the organization and
Frequency of reporting will be either annually or
monthly depending on the type of account
Account Type
Reporting Level
Reporting Frequency
Basis of Accounting
Entity and Fund Level
Modified or Full Accrual
Entity and Fund Level
Modified or Full Accrual
Entity or Fund Level
Modified or Full Accrual
Lowest operational
level recorded for the
organization and fund
Lowest operational
level recorded for the
organization and fund
Other Sources
and Uses
Lowest operational
level recorded for the
organization and fund
Cash, Modified, or Full
(determined by reporting
entity’s accounting system)
Cash, Modified, or Full
(determined by reporting
entity’s accounting system)
Cash, Modified, or Full
(determined by reporting
entity’s accounting system)
The Draft Chart of Accounts is available on the
Chart of Accounts Project’s website
The proposed Chart of Accounts lists each account
with a definition that should ensure there is no
overlapping of financial information reported in
other accounts
The Chart of Accounts are presented in
alphabetical order within the account grouping –
Assets, Liabilities, Equities, Revenues,
Expenditures, and Other Sources and Uses
The Department has also posted a crosswalk of the
reporting entities’ current accounts to the
proposed Chart of Accounts.
The crosswalk was developed based on review of
the reporting entities financial statements.
Effort required to report revenue and expenditures
monthly. Today many counties accumulate financial
information on an annual basis. To report monthly,
each constitutional officer may need to report from their
individual accounting systems
Ability to report information at a lower level in the
Reliance on direct support organizations and
component units to provide their own financial
reporting by the due dates
Require annual totals for Revenue and Expenditure
amounts reported on the Financial Statements be
included in the annual reporting requirements. DFS
would validate these amounts for the local
Note: Amounts reported monthly would not be audited
or reconciled
Municipalities and Special Districts that are not required
to have a financial audit pursuant to Section 218.39,
F.S. would be exempt from the monthly reporting