BAO CHU’S SEARCH FOR THE SUN R. Efpatridis – ETS 4U1 In this myth the focus is not on religious beliefs but rather the story of a hero. Based on the information presented in the myth, list the traits that help Bao Chu the most on his quest: 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. List any additional heroic qualities that seem are valued in society as inferred from reading “Perseus” and “The Death of Osiris” 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. Foreshadowing – a number of events in this myth become predictable because of the hints provided: a man turns into a star, a coat melts ice, and a demon army disappears. Warnings, events, physical clues like Liu Chun’s slipper and even a character’s mood can all foreshadow future events in a text. In the space provided, write the event that is predicted based on the information below: Ex. “The phoenix hung its little head as if in sorrow” (124). The phoenix has news of Liu Chun’s death 1. “From there I will guide others who quest for the sun” (124). What is foreshadowed? 2. “One day Hui Niang thought she saw a light in the east. But it was not the sun” (124). What is foreshadowed? 3. “Bao Chu . . .turned around and saw a small dark figure approaching him. When the figure came closer, he could see that is was an old woman . . .The phoenix rose up on Bao Chu’s shoulder and flapped its wings angrily” (130). What is foreshadowed? 4. “He turned around to speak to her, but she was gone” (131). What is foreshadowed? Each event below is foreshadowed in the myth. Write the hint that foreshadowed each incident in the space provided. 5. Bao Chu dies after he frees the sun. Hint: “Hui Niang also knew that she might lose Bao Chu” (126) 6. The demons try to defeat Bao Chu by making Hui Niang cry for him. Hint: 7. Bao Chu needs the bag of soil the villagers gave him to continue. Hint: This myth emphasizes the importance of helpers. For each helper, list how each assists the main character on his journey. Liu Chin Hui Niang The phoenix The people of the different villages: Hui Niang is depicted as the ideal and mother. Outline how this image is developed in the myth: In this myth, how does the message about good vs. evil differ from how the same theme is developed in The Death of Osiris? Your Personal Journey In the Chinese myth, Bao Chu goes on a search for the sun. On the way, he runs into many barriers and problems, but he also received assistance along the way to reach his goal. The recurring story is repeated in “Perseus” and “The Death of Osiris.” Outline your life as a search. What is your goal? What might be some obstacles that you might face along the way to prevent you from reaching “your destination”? What are some events, successes or people in your life that will help you reach your goal? Chart your life out using a symbol of your journey – road, map, etc.- and use key words, phrases, symbols, and images to indicate the major elements of the quest along with the accompanying details at each relevant stage of your journey. You may choose to include only things that have actually happened to you or items that you expect to occur. /5 Knowledge and Understanding of the quest motif and hero’s journey - included all stages in appropriate order /10 Thinking – use of specific details and supporting evidence about yourself at each stage of the journey /15 Communication – use of language conventions; use of images and symbols to accurately represent stages of the journey, use of colour, placement, use of space to convey message; neatness and creativity /5 Application – ability to use skills and knowledge to transfer information to a new form