UNIT 3 THEME: ¿Quién soy yo? [Who am I?] LEARNING TARGETS INTERPRETIVE Listening I can understand when someone describes themselves or someone else. Reading I can understand some basic personal information found in short readings. I can understand simple questions about myself or someone else. INTERPERSONAL Person-to-Person I can answer questions about physical characteristics, personality. I can ask questions to find out basic information about someone else. PRESENTATIONAL Speaking I can describe myself including personality & physical characteristics. Writing I can write about myself including my personality & physical characteristics. I can describe someone else including age, personality, and physical characteristics. I can write about someone else including their age, personality, & physical characteristics. UNIT 3 THEME: ¿Quién soy yo? VOCBULARY ¿Cuántos años tienes? Tengo _____ años. ¿Cuántos años tiene? Tiene _____ años. ¿Cómo eres? Soy… ¿Cómo es? Él / Ella es… agradable desagradable simpático(a) antipático(a) cómico(a) / gracioso(a) chistoso(a) serio(a) tímido(a) atlético(a) extrovertido(a) aplicado(a) / ambicioso(a) perezoso(a) inteligente interesante aburrido(a) fuerte débil organizado(a) desorganizado(a) paciente impaciente generoso(a) talentoso(a) artístico(a) creativo(a) estudioso(a) alto(a) bajo(a) feo(a) guapo(a) bonito(a), lindo(a) gordo(a) How old are you? I am _____ years old. How old is he/she? He/She is_____years old. What are you like? I am… What is he/she like? He/She is… pleasant unpleasant nice mean funny, comical funny, "joker" serious shy, bashful athletic outgoing hard-working lazy intelligent interesting boring strong weak organized disorganized patient impatient generous talented artistic creative studious tall short ugly handsome pretty fat [Who am I?] UNIT 3 THEME: ¿Quién soy yo? delgado(a) flaco(a) calvo(a) viejo(a) joven Tengo… Tienes… Él/ Ella tiene… ojos verdes ojos azules ojos castaños el pelo _____ rizado liso largo corto rubio castaño moreno pelirrojo canas las gafas el aparato los granos el bigote la barba el tatuaje la cicatriz thin skinny bald old young I have… You have… He/ She has… green eyes blue eyes brown eyes _____ hair curly straight long short blond brown dark red gray hair glasses braces pimples mustache beard tattoo scar GRAMMAR Memorized forms of the verbs SER and TENER. Noun/adjective agreement for gender and number. CULTURE Day of the Dead ASSESSMENTS 2 vocabulary quizzes (150 pts each) Listening & reading quiz (200 pts) [Who am I?] UNIT 3 THEME: ¿Quién soy yo? [Who am I?] Performance assessment: write about yourself and another person, giving basic personal information, physical description, and a description of his/her/your personality. (400 pts) NOTES NOUN – a word for a person, place or thing ALL nouns in Spanish have gender. masculine: ends in “o” feminine: ends in “a” alumno – student (male) alumna – student (female) ARTICLES – a[an] or the masculine feminine a[an] un una the el la el alumno – the student (male) la alumna – the student (female) un alumno – a student (male) una alumna –a student (female) ADJECTIVE – word that describe a noun. generally come after noun in Spanish must match noun’s gender el alumno serio la alumna seria PLURALS If the word ends in a vowel, add –s. la casa las casas If the word ends in a consonant, add –es. difícil difíciles If the word ends in a “z”, change the “z” to “c” and add –es. El lápiz los lápices UNIT 3 THEME: ¿Quién soy yo? [Who am I?] PLURAL OF ARTICLES – Articles must be made plural to match their noun. DEFINITE ARTICLES Singular [the] plural [the] masculine el los feminine la las el alumno los alumnos la alumna las alumnas INDEFINITE ARTICLES Singular [a, an] plural [some, a few] masculine un unos feminine una unas un alumno unos alumnos una alumna unas alumnas PLURAL OF ADJECTIVES – Adjectives must be made plural to match the noun they describe. El alumno serio los alumnos serios la alumna seria las alumnas serias **Everything must match in gender masculine / feminine) and in number (singular / plural) SUBJECT PRONOUNS 1st person singular (1 person) 2nd person I you plural (more than 1 person) yo tú (familiar) we vosotros(as) you (plural) [y’all] 3rd perso n él (familiar: in Spain only) ustedes [Uds.] (formal) usted [Ud.] (formal) he, it (masculine) nosotros(as) they (all male/mixed) ellos UNIT 3 THEME: ¿Quién soy yo? she, it (feminine) ella [Who am I?] they (all female) ellas SER – to be 3rd person 2nd person 1st person singular (1 person) nosotros(as) SOY I am SOMOS we are ERES you are (familiar) vosotros(as) you (plural) are [only in Spain] yo tú plural (more than 1 person) usted él ES ES ella ES SOIS you are (formal) ustedes he/it is ellos SON ellas SON she/it is SON you (plural) are (formal) they are