RUBRIC TIC-TAC-TOE ACTIVITIES FOR CANYONS Role Play Alternate Ending Comic Strips Costumes and props realistic for characters_____ Appropriate for characters and setting_____ Frames in sequence, tells story accurately_____ Accurate scene_____ Ending creative and feasible_____ Clearly drawn_____ Good voice projection and expression_____ Correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar_____ Clear writing with correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar_____ Written script_____ At least two pages_____ Each strip has 4 or more panels____ Realistic dialogue_____ Possible points_____ Possible points_____ Possible points_____ Book Cover Create Song Lyrics and Music Picture and Paragraph Includes details about the book_____ Appropriate Content_____ Picture and paragraph show natural setting_____ Uses persuasive language_____ Has a rhythm_____ Clear, neat writing with correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar_____ Words and music go together_____ Written and visual details of setting(s)_____ Lyrics include details about the book_____ Explains how the setting affected the story_____ Performance is clear and pleasing___ Correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar_____ Possible points_____ Possible points_____ Possible points_____ Letter Dodecahedron Time Line 3 or more reasons given to support point of view_____ Dodecahedron is sturdy/ has 12 sides____ Has 10 or more events_____ Reasons supported by facts or examples_____ Accurate info from Canyons____ Colorful visuals_____ Original and creative_____ Correct sequencing of events_____ Correct spelling, punctuation, or grammar_____ Clear writing with correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation____ Clear, neat writing with correct grammar, spelling and punctuation_____ Colorful/ clear visuals_____ Title____ Uses Bloom’s Taxonomy as guide for fact for each side_____ Well-plotted time spans____ Correct business letter format_____ Possible points_____ Possible points_____ Possible points_____