KDE Writing Program Review 2015 Kentucky Department of Education

Kentucky Department of Education
KDE Writing Program Review
Program Review
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Demonstrator 1. Student Access
All students have equitable access to high quality curriculum and instruction. Full implementation of a writing curriculum encompasses reading, speaking
and listening opportunities.
Limited/No Implementation
Needs Improvement
Students have limited or
inconsistent access to literacy
learning opportunities.
Students have access to literacy
opportunities, but connections among
the literacy strands (reading, writing,
speaking, listening and language use) are
Students participate in intentionally
planned literacy learning opportunities
to explore ideas and design products
across content areas.
Students engage in literacy
learning opportunities and help
create customized plans and
instruction to match their learning
To what extent does the school provide access for all students to participate in intentionally planned literacy learning opportunities to explore ideas and design products across
the content area?
b) Students have limited access to
equipment and materials.
b) Students have some access to equipment
and materials.
b) Students have access and use
equipment and materials designed to
meet their individual needs as
determined by data (e.g., formative
b) Students strategically plan for and
use a variety of
equipment/technological tools and
materials designed to meet and
enhance their individual needs.
To what extent do students have access and use equipment and materials designed to meet their individual needs as determined by data (e.g., formative assessments)?
Teachers provide limited or
inconsistent differentiated
strategies in literacy instruction.
Teachers provide some differentiated
strategies in literacy instruction
according to student need.
Teachers instruct the complex
processes, concepts and principles of
literacy using differentiated
strategies that make instruction
accessible to all students.
Students use differentiated
strategies in self-directed learning
demonstrating personalized
learning of complex processes,
concepts and principles of
To what extent do teachers instruct the complex processes, concepts and principles of literacy using differentiated strategies that make instruction accessible to all students?
Evidence: dialectical journals, extended responses, ILPs, reflective writing, LTF lessons, LDC modules.
Teachers use claim, data, warrant for analytical and expository writing. Magnet teachers are also incorporating more Bring Your Own Device days into classroom
Language Arts teachers conference with students one on one over essays and assign portions of the essay for revision.
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Science classes are incorporating more short writing prompts as do nows and are assigning longer writing pieces, such as essays, to improve student writing. They
have also developed a common rubric for scoring writing in their content area.
Social Studies is incorporating more writing to explain activities in their classes.
Rationale: We are currently at a proficient level for demonstrator 1 (student access). All students receive comprehensive writing instruction primarily through
language arts but through other contents as well. Students engage in daily literacy activities across all content areas. The following are examples: learning logs,
exit slips, discussion questions, journals, etc. In order to improve instruction we need to train teachers to use a common process for analytical writing / essays
based on Laying the Foundation Strategies. Content areas also need to work together to develop sustained writing tasks that include various readings and research.
Next Steps:
Content areas will continue to work together to develop sustained writing tasks that include various readings and research.
Train new teachers in claim, data, warrant for analytical and expository writing.
More regular review of communications portfolios in Language Arts PLCs.
Utilize Encore class time to remediate with the ECE population
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Demonstrator 2. Aligned and Rigorous Curriculum
An aligned and rigorous curriculum provides access to a common academic core for all students as defined by state standards.
Limited/No Implementation
Needs Improvement
a) Curriculum lacks vertical and
horizontal alignment to the Kentucky
Core Academic Standards.
Curriculum is partially aligned
vertically and horizontally to the
Kentucky Core Academic Standards
a) Curriculum is aligned vertically and
horizontally to the Kentucky Core
Academic Standards for Language
a) Curriculum is aligned vertically and
horizontally to the Kentucky Core
Academic Standards and monitored to
ensure effective implementation with
a focus on 21st Century Skills taught in
the context of core subjects and
interdisciplinary themes.
To what extent does the school ensure that the language arts curriculum is aligned vertically and horizontally to the Kentucky Core Academic Standards for Language Arts?
b) Curriculum lacks integration of the
strands of literacy (reading, writing,
speaking, listening, and language
use) to explicitly instruct and develop
communication skills.
b) Curriculum integrates the strands of
literacy (reading, writing, speaking,
listening, and language use) to
instruct and develop communication
b) Curriculum integrates the strands of
literacy (reading, writing, speaking,
listening, and language use) across
content areas to explicitly instruct
and develop communication skills.
b) Curriculum integrates the strands of
literacy (reading, writing, speaking,
listening, and language use) to apply
communication skills to meaningful
work across content areas.
To what extent does the curriculum integrate the strands of literacy (reading, writing, speaking, listening and language use) across content areas to explicitly instruct and
develop communication skills?
Curriculum provides limited
opportunities for students to use
Curriculum provides opportunities
for students to utilize technology to
communicate information.
Curriculum provides opportunities for
students to apply technology
effectively as a tool to research,
organize, evaluate and
communicate information.
c) Curriculum provides opportunities for
students to use technology as a tool to
access, manage, integrate and create
To what extent does the school ensure opportunities for students to apply technology effectively as a tool to research, organize, evaluate and communicate information?
d) Communications portfolio
demonstrates limited student
development of writing and
communication skills.
d) Communications portfolio reflects
student interests and represents the
development of writing and
communication skills only across
some content areas.
d) Communications portfolio
demonstrates student interests and
the integration of writing and
communication skills across the
content areas and over time.
d) Communications portfolio is used by
students to demonstrate novel, new
and worthwhile ideas while
elaborating and refining those ideas to
maximize creative efforts and
effectively communicate both locally
and globally.
To what extent do communication portfolios demonstrate student interests and the integration of writing and communication skills across the content areas and over time?
Curriculum provides limited
opportunities for students to practice
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Curriculum provides opportunities
for students to practice 21st century
Curriculum provides opportunities for
students to practice 21st century
critical thinking, collaboration,
Curriculum provides opportunities for
students to actively use knowledge as
it is being learned through applying
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21st century critical thinking, problem
solving and communication skills.
critical thinking, problem solving
and communication skills.
creativity, problem- solving and
communication skills and to connect
these to real world experiences.
the skills of critical thinking, problem
solving and creativity to content
knowledge and collaborating and
communicating locally and/or
To what extent does the curriculum provide opportunities for students to practice 21 st century critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, problem-solving and communication
skills and to connect these to real world experiences?
 Extended Response writing,
 lab reports,
 LTF lessons,
 Power point amendments,
 On Demand writing,
 Debatable issues,
 Art Analysis and Critiques,
 Article Writing, DBQ (document based questions),
 LDC (literacy design collaborative)
 Each content area submitted a writing plan
We are currently at proficient for this indicator. Most content areas incorporate instruction that is explicitly designed to build literacy skills in our students.
Debates, online research, claim/data/warrant instruction, document based questions, and LDC modules are examples of just some the strategies teachers are using to
improve literacy. All teachers have been trained to use claim, data, warrant and are using that strategy on a more consistent basis in their daily instruction.
Next Steps: Communications portfolios do not include all content areas. The BCMS Writing Plan still needs to be revised to reflect new literacy standards, and
communications portfolios need to cover all content areas.
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Demonstrator 3. Instructional Strategies
All teachers implement instructional strategies that provide quality experiences, variety of activities and access for all students.
Limited/No Implementation
Teachers provide instruction that has
limited connection to specific
learning objectives.
Needs Improvement
Teachers provide instruction that
results in achieving specific
literacy learning objectives.
Teachers, students, and others
provide literacy instructional
strategies and models that assist
in achieving specific learning
a) Teachers, students, and others provide
instruction, models and
demonstrations that address specific
literacy learning objectives and
provide time for students to apply this
learning for further inquiry, design
and interactive collaborative settings.
To what extent do teachers, students, and others provide literacy instructional strategies and models that assist in achieving specific learning objectives?
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b) Students research only information
around a topic chosen by the teacher.
b) Students research information
around a topic of personal
interest and demonstrate
b) Students research information to
seek a new or deeper
understanding around a topic
and demonstrate new
understanding through
b) Students research information to seek
a new or deeper understanding based
on inquiry around a topic and
demonstrate new understanding
through products that may be used by
others for further understanding of the
To what extent do students research information to seek a new or deeper understanding around a topic and demonstrate new understanding through products?
Students rarely use technological
tools, resources, and applications in
reading, writing, speaking, listening
and language use at school.
Students access and use
technological tools, resources and
applications in reading, writing,
speaking, listening and language
use to meet general
communication goals.
c) Students demonstrate media
literacy through regular use of
technological tools, resources and
applications in reading, writing,
speaking, listening and language
use to meet specific
communication goals.
d) Students demonstrate media literacy
through regular use of technological
tools, resources and applications in
reading, writing, speaking, listening
and language use to evaluate or
communicate using critical thinking
To what extent do students demonstrate media literacy through regular use of technological tools, resources and applications in reading, writing, speaking, listening and
language use to meet specific communication goals?
d) Students are only infrequently
expected to integrate what is learned
when using technology with what
they learn offline.
d) Students seldom integrate what is
learned when using technology
with what they learn offline to
develop understanding and
d) Students integrate what is learned
when using technology with what
they learn offline to develop
understanding and communication.
d) Students demonstrate their media
literacy by integrating what is learned
when using technology with what
they learn offline, making global
connections, creating and
To what extent do students integrate what is learned when using technology with what they learn offline to develop understanding and communication?
Students are rarely given
opportunities to practice
communicating using appropriate
audience, form, and purpose.
Students sometimes are given
opportunities to practice
communicating using appropriate
audience, form and purpose.
Students use varying strategies
and demonstrate an
understanding of communicating
to audiences in different forms and
for various purposes.
e) Students communicate with various
audiences in different forms and for
different purposes both locally and
To what extent do students use varying strategies and demonstrate an understanding of communicating to audiences in different forms for various purposes?
Students are rarely given the
opportunity to engage in
conversations with teachers or peers
during the writing process.
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Students are given opportunities
to engage in conversations with
the teacher during the writing
Students engage in discussion
with teachers and peers to inform
the writing process and are
provided with a means to
publish/share work.
f) Students take part in sustained
engagement and collaboration with
teachers, peers, and outside experts to
design literacy projects, ask questions
and refine literacy products.
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To what extent do students engage in discussion with teachers and peers to inform the writing process and publish/share their work?
Teach 2 Learn ADVANCE teaching strategies,
Bring Your Own Device days,
Sketch journals in art,
Claim, Data, Warrant,
LTF lessons, Dialectical journals,
Document based questions.
LDC modules in language arts and science.
Extended responses in social studies.
Webquest on Night using Chromebooks.
Use of Chromebooks to complete peer editing.
Use of writing plan in each content area
Rationale: We are proficient in the area of writing instruction and strategies. Teachers provide direct instruction and models for various writing assignments.
Through programs such as Read 180 and Reading Plus, we use technology to improve reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language use. Student writing reflects
an awareness of audience, form, and purpose. 7 th and 8th grade language arts are teaching the concepts of rhetoric and persuasion at high levels and students are
demonstrating this knowledge through writing speeches, creating advertisements, and classroom debates. Consistent strategies are in place for analytical writing
especially in the area of open responses and essays (claim, data, warrant).
Next Steps: While writing is prevalent across all content areas, sustained research / analytical writing pieces need to be further developed. We also need to more
direct instruction in the areas of persuasive and rhetorical writing assignments in language arts, science, related arts, and social studies classes. Content areas also
need to work together to develop sustained writing tasks that include various readings and research. New teachers will be trained claim, data, warrant for analytical
and expository writing.
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Demonstrator 4. Student Performance
All students have access to an aligned and rigorous curriculum, where instructional strategies are of high quality and inclusive, resulting in
student performance at a consistently high level.
Limited/No Implementation
Needs Improvement
a) Students are inconsistent or limited in
demonstrating understanding of
differing communication structures
related to disciplines and purposes.
a) Students demonstrate an understanding
of communication structures for
specific disciplines and purposes.
Students craft communications
distinctive to specific disciplines
and purposes.
Students go beyond mastery of skills
and/or curriculum to explore and
expand their own learning and
opportunities to gain expertise and
write as content experts applying
that knowledge to the kinds of
questions and problems experts in
that field tackle.
To what extent do students craft communications distinctive to specific disciplines and purposes?
b) Students rarely have opportunities to
build on the ideas of others and are
inarticulate in their attempts.
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b) Students respect cultural differences
and attempt to build on ideas of others
and articulate their own ideas.
b) Students respect cultural differences
and work effectively with people
from a range of social and cultural
backgrounds (face-to-face or
virtually) to build on and articulate
their own ideas.
b) Students, in both face-to-face and
virtual collaborations, create new
ideas and increase innovation and
quality of work by building on ideas
of others and articulating their own
ideas, with depth and complexity.
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To what extent do students demonstrate a respect for cultural differences and work effectively with people from a range of social and cultural backgrounds (face-to-face or
virtually) to build on and articulate their own ideas?
Students rarely or inconsistently have
opportunities to learn and work
together to problem-solve and
generate products.
Students learn and work together
with teachers, peers, and others
either face-to face or through the use
of a wide variety of online
communication tools and
environments to problem-solve and
generate products, events or
presentations with a local and/or
global purpose.
To what extent do students learn and work together with teachers, peers and others, either face-to-face or virtually, to problem-solve and generate products/outcomes tied to
curriculum and learning goals?
d) Students seldom reference the work
of others as models to inform their
Students learn and work together with
teachers and peers to problem-solve
and generate products.
d) Students are indiscriminate in their
reference of others work as models to
inform their work.
Students learn and work together
with teachers, peers and others
either face-to-face or virtually to
problem-solve and generate
products/outcomes tied to
curriculum and learning goals.
d) Students refer to works of quality
and substance as models to inform
their work.
d) Students create works of quality and
substance that are used as models to
inform others’ work.
To what extent do students refer to works of quality and substance as models to inform their work?
Mood lesson over the Outsiders,
Inquiry lessons in science,
Music PowerPoints,
Exit slips,
Drama (performing a play),
Poetry books,
student essays on gun control,
student letters regarding ISIS
student essays on themes in short stories,
student TP-CASTT for Visual Poetry Project
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Editorial on the Ebola crisis
We are proficient for the student performance demonstrator. All content areas include assignments that require students to put the writing process to work. Student
writing reflects idea development, awareness of audience, and appropriate structure. Students also engage in critical thinking, problem solving, and peer
collaboration through various writing assignments. Our school population is rather homogenious so most students come from similar backgrounds, however, when
students are exposed to other cultures through the curriculum, they do demonstrate respect and appreciation for people from various cultures.
Next Steps:
In order to improve in this area we need to use more technology to conduct research, produce writing, and publish writing. We also need to include more analytical
writing in all content areas. As our school is lacking diversity, we need to make efforts to expose them to other cultures through assemblies, field trips, technology,
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