Nutrition Learning Target Presentation

What you need to teach and know for each learning target
LT #1 I can describe the benefits of nutrition
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Benefits of nutrition: Supports normal growth, maintains strong muscles, provides energy,
reduce risks of developing illness later in life.
LT#2 I can describe how to choose nutritious foods.
Six classes of nutrients
5 food groups
LT #3 I can explain the different types of energy we get from food.
How do the following provide energy: carbohydrate, fat, protein
LT #4 I can explain the different types of carbohydrates and why they are important.
What are the two forms that body stores extra energy.
Four types of sugars
Benefit of fiber in the body
LT #5 I can describe the different types of body fat.
Be able to list unsaturated and saturated fat sources
Two ways to get saturated fat out of diet (pg 180)
How to read a food label
LT #6 I can explain how protein benefits the body.
Where is protein found? (6 sources listed)
Protein deficiency
LT #7 I can explain the major roles and sources of vitamins.
List 5 foods high in beta-carotene
Importance of Vitamin A- Half a million children in the world go blind from lack of vitamin A.
Be able to list 5 vitamins and a source of each.
LT #8: I can describe the importance of minerals in the human body.
Calcium is most abundant mineral in body
Be able to list 5 minerals and source
60% of your body is water