Ma r c h 2 01 6
A Lenten Prayer for March
450 Hillcrest Avenue
Mississauga, ON L5B 4J3
A. Reilly
R. Patterson
S. DeMaestri
Head Secretary
B. French/T. Szpytko
Catholic School Council
T. Lariviere
Superintendent of Schools
M. Pascucci
Trustee, Board Chair
C: 905-302-3096
B: 905-890-0708 x 20161
F: 905-890-0888
E: mario.pascucci@dpcdsb.org
W: www.TrusteePascucci.ca
Almighty and Everlasting God,
You have given the human race,
Jesus Christ our Saviour as a model of humility.
He fulfilled your Will by becoming Man
And giving His life on the Cross.
Help us to bear witness to You
By following His example of suffering
And make us worthy to share in his
We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your
Principal’s Message
B. Iannicca
Trustee, Ward 7
H: 905-270-0536
In keeping with Father Daniel Zanon tradition, our
Catholic School Council and parent volunteers prepared
pancakes for the entire school community on Shrove
Tuesday. The children thoroughly enjoyed the day.
Thank you so much to all the parents who volunteered
their time to make this such a success.
Fr. Camillo Lando
St. Catherine of Siena
Parish Church
Lent provides us the opportunity to pause, reflect and
refocus on our faith. In observance of this most Holy
Season, please encourage your child to take extra time
to pray, and to make a deliberate effort to give and
March14 – 18
On Tuesday, March 8th, our grade two students will
receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation. We wish
them every blessing at this most important time in
their faith development.
On behalf of the school staff, I wish you a holy and
blessed Easter, A. Reilly
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March 2016
March 2016
Father Daniel Zanon School Newsletter
Father Daniel Zanon School Newsletter
School Hours and Lunch Table
In March we
celebrate the Virtue
of Kindness
Please be reminded of the school’s
hours of operation. Please see the daily
schedule below:
8:45am – Supervision Begins
9:00am – Entry
12:00 -1:00pm – Lunch
3:30pm – Dismissal
Please make efforts to ensure that your
son/daughter is arriving at school on
time for classes. Classes begin at
9:00am sharp and it can be disrupting if
individual students are habitually late.
We have many parents who drop off
lunches for their children at school. A
table has been placed inside the office
for lunches. Lunches MUST be labeled
with your child’s name. Classes are
NOT to be interrupted for students to
pick up lunches. Please let your child
know in the morning if they should
expect to have a lunch dropped off.
They should be responsible to come
down and pick up their own lunch.
A Person of Kindness…
Attendance, March Break and Easter Holidays
 Says nice things
about others so they
feel good about
 Sticks up for people
who are picked on
or need help
 Refuses to join
others who are
intimidating, mean
or hurtful
 Watches and looks
for ways to help
those in need
As in past years, we ask that parents continue to notify/call the school in the event
of a student absence or late. This greatly assists our safe arrival program. The
attendance line is available 24 hours a day to report absences.
God has given us the gifts of
friends and companions to
keep us company and to help
us out along the way. Every
person in our lives carries the
Spirit of God. As brothers
and sisters who share one
Holy Spirit, we are all
valuable to God. We have all
been given the fruit of the
Spirit called kindness.
Kindness can only be seen
through actions. It’s not
enough to say I will be kind or
I am kind. We must show that
we are kind by our words and
our actions. Through prayer
and concentration, we can get
better at showing kindness to
everyone we meet.
Please call 905-279-3722, press 1. Leave the following information on the
voicemail: a) Date of absence b) Student’s full name c) Grade and Teacher d)
Reason e) Date of return. When a student is late to school, they must report to the
office to sign-in prior to going to class.
Please note that March 14th to March 18th (inclusive) is March Break. Also,
March 25th is Good Friday and March 28th is Easter Monday. Please note that
there are no scheduled classes for students on these days.
Arrival & Supervision
Father Daniel Zanon School operates from 9:00am -3:30pm for all students. Our
lunch hour is: 12:00. We would like to take this opportunity to remind parents that yard
supervision begins 15 minutes prior to the start of the school day. For the safety of your
child(ren) we ask that you DO NOT drop your child off at school prior to 8:45am and
arrange for pick-up PROMPTLY at 3:30pm
School Tardiness
It is an expectation that students are to be on time for all classes and events and
arrive to school prepared for learning. According to research, attending school
regularly and being on time, are deemed to be two of the most important keys to
student success. The second school term has started. Through observation and
school records, it is apparent that many of our students are arriving to school
late. Students who arrive late miss important opening announcements, the
beginning of their morning classes, and may also cause a distraction for their
classmates and teachers. So when students are late, they miss out on not only
their own learning opportunities, but also may interfere with the learning
opportunities of their classmates. School classrooms, with an increased emphasis
on interactive learning and participation make missed time more difficult and
often impossible to make up. Successful efforts to address this concern will
involve a good relationship between the school and home in order to place our
students on the path to educational success and well-being. As part of a schoolwide strategy, in order to foster a culture of on-time attendance, students who
demonstrate improvement will be recognized through various incentives (e.g.,
certificates, “sunshine” notes, stickers…). Please help us to eliminate any
future tardiness. By working together in partnership, we can achieve this goal.
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Father Daniel Zanon School Newsletter
March 2016
Visitor/Volunteers and Criminal Reference Checks
For the safety of staff and students, all visitors to our school (including parents)
are required to enter the building through the front doors of the school and report
immediately to the office. Please note that pets are not permitted on school
property at any time.
Please ensure you sign-in and obtain a visitor’s sticker if you are remaining in the
building for any reason during school hours.
Any individual who works as an employee of the Board or volunteers to assist with
our programs MUST have a Criminal Reference Check (CRC) completed by the Peel
Regional Police. For volunteers, CRC are free of charge. Forms are provided
through the office.
Transportation, STOPR & Courtesy Seats
All bus information for the current
school year is posted on the front
windows of the school. Transportation
eligibility is determined via the Board
Bus policy.
Transportation EAST: 905-890-6000
Special Education Trans.: 905-890-6362
To determine if your son or daughter is
eligible for transportation, please visit
Information regarding this policy as well
as current route information is available
through the STOPR website:
www.stopr.ca. You may also contact
the Transportation Department via the
following contact numbers:
At this time all available Courtesy
Seats have been allocated. We
continue to monitor bus ridership and
will grant seats if any become
available. Thank you for your
patience and understanding.
Scholastic Book Fair – Thank you!
Thank you to our Father Daniel Zanon School Community for supporting our
annual Scholastic Book Fair. This year the community purchased over $5,000
in books and other products. As a result of our successful book fair, we were
able to purchase new books and resources for our library. Your support in
reading and in learning is greatly appreciated.
Sacramental Preparation
Parishioners of St. Catherine of
Siena are asked to review
information provided in the
parish bulletin for specific
information throughout the year.
All meetings will be held at the
Church. Important Dates:
First Holy Communion
Celebration: Apr. 30, 2016
at 3:00pm
First Reconciliation
Celebration: Mar. 8, 2016
at 6:45 pm
Grade 7
Celebration: June 2nd, 2016
at 6:00 pm
A special thank you goes out to our library helpers: Teresa, Ebonnee, Angel,
Anna, Paula, Cecilia, Alicea, Isabella, Lameez, Julia and Cindy for your
assistance in making this a very successful book fair.
Parking Lot Safety and Kiss ‘n’ Ride
Our school driveway is a matter of great
concern in regards to the safety of
students, staff and parents.
PLEASE NOTE: The Kiss ‘n’ Ride lane
is for drop-off/pick-up ONLY. You
CANNOT park your vehicle in this lane.
The Kiss ‘n’ Ride lane is the ONLY place
where drop-off/pick-up can occur.
Vehicles are not permitted to park in
the driveway or bus lane of the school.
Your cooperation in this matter is
greatly appreciated!
Syrian Refugee Fund
Father Daniel Zanon school is pleased to announce
that through our Cookie sales held in January and
February, $560.00 was raised for the Syrian Refugee
Fund. Thank you to all of the Father Daniel Zanon
school community for helping us to help others!
December 2012
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March 2016
Father Daniel Zanon School Newsletter
Father Daniel Zanon School Newsletter
Pretzels for Lent
Pretzels for ShareLife will be
returning to Father Daniel
Zanon during the season of
Lent. The pretzel holds deep
spiritual meaning during the
Lenten season and has been
part of how our school
community celebrates this
special time in our faith.
Letters will be going home
March 4thth and orders will be
collected until March 10th.
Pretzels are delivered to
students in the morning of
Holy Thursday. All proceeds
will be donated to ShareLife.
Severe Weather & Emergency Evacuations
During the winter months, inclement
weather may cause disruption of bus
transportation and regular school
operations. A decision to cancel
transportation and/or close schools is
usually made by 7:00am and will be
announced on the Board website and
the following radio stations:
AM 680 News
AM 740 CBC
FM 98.1 CHFI
FM 104.5 CHUM
In rare circumstances, our students and
staff may need to evacuate the building
as a result of an emergency in the
building or in the nearby community.
Our evacuation site is St. Philip
School, located at 345 Fairview Road W
in Mississauga. Board regulations and
safety precautions require this
contingency plan. Should an evacuation
be necessary, you will be notified as
soon as possible and your child will be
held at St. Philip School until we make
direct contact with a parent/guardian.
Pediculosis (Head Lice)
Although not a communicable disease,
pediculosis (head lice) is a concern to
parents and teachers. Each year it is
common for outbreaks of pediculosis to
occur. Unfortunately, in recent years,
head lice have become increasingly
common throughout North America.
They are parasites which have been
common among human beings for
centuries. They are not connected in
any way with dirt or neglect. Anyone
can be infested with them. We request
that you also check your own children
and, if you find them to be infested, we
would ask you to let us know so that we
may advise you on the proper treatment
for them.
Even if cases are not reported from
the school, it is a wise precaution to
check your child’s head
periodically. Teach them not to use
other people’s combs or hair
If your children do become infested
by head lice, we will ask you to
keep them out of school until after
they have been treated with the
correct shampoo and their hair is
entirely clear of both lice and nits
Further information can be found by
speaking with your pharmacist, health
care provider or contacting Peel Public
Health at 905-799-7700 or visiting
The month of February
got off to a great start
for our Eco Dragonz, as
they promoted important
awareness for National
Winter Walk Day and
National Sweater Day.
The Eco Dragonz have
continued to be busy
preparing events for the
upcoming month.
During the first week of
March, the Eco Dragonz
will be presenting
important information
about reducing our waste
and reviewing
Mississauga’s new
recycling program. They
will also be introducing
our new mascot, Dexter,
the Trash Destroyer
On Wednesday March
23rd, we will be
celebrating our access to
drinkable water during
Remember, let’s make
Earth Day be EVERY Day
at FDZ!
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March 2016
Father Daniel Zanon School Newsletter
Well-being at Father Daniel Zanon School: Christian
Our Catholic School Heritage
Aligning with our Catholic Board Learning Plan and the Board’s Mental
Health and Well-being Framework, Father Daniel Zanon School will be
implementing initiatives to increase student/staff/community wellbeing. Staff and students will be participating in school-wide
Christian prayer meditation. “Christian meditation is rooted in the
Christian tradition. It is a method of being still and listening to God.
It focuses on the present and calls students to be still and to listen
to the voice of God, or as Psalm 46:10 says: Be still, and know that I
am God”. Teachers are presently introducing Christian meditation to
their students. During Holy week, all members of our school
community will begin each morning with Christian meditation. Our
future goal will be to incorporate this form of prayer once a week as
a school-wide practice.
Christian meditation integrates faith into daily life. The Catholic
Register June 5, 2015. Article by John B. Kostoff.
The next installment in
understanding our Catholic Schools
9. What guarantee for separate
Constitution still contain?
In 1867 the Fathers of Confederation
made section 93(1)
Constitution. It states:
affect any Right or Privilege with
respect to Denominational Schools
which any Class of Persons [i.e.
separate school supporters] have by
Law in the Province at the Union.
10. Exactly what separate school
Bullying Awareness & Prevention -- March
Through the Peel Bullying Prevention Program, in conjunction with our
Family Life Program, Father Daniel Zanon students continue to learn key
messages and strategies to recognize and prevent bullying in the school
and beyond. This month’s key message is Bullying can be stopped!
We encourage parents to visit the following sites to support your child’s
development in this regard:
provisions of the last separate school
Confederation, the Separate School
(Scott) Act of 1863. Among others,
the Act provided the following rights:
(a) to form a separate school board
with five or more Catholic heads
of family resident in a public
school jurisdiction;
(b) to receive government grants
equitable with those of the public
school system;
(c) to receive equitable funding;
(d) to
boundaries enlarged;
(e) to elect separate school trustees
with all the powers of public
school trustees.
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March 2016
Father Daniel Zanon School Newsletter
Lunch Procedures & Allergy Awareness
Please be reminded that the school
lunch hour is 12:00 -1:00pm.
Permission forms indicating your son or
daughter’s usual lunch routine (i.e.,
remain at school or go home for lunch)
were sent home in September.
Supervision will be provided throughout
the lunch hour for those students who
remain at school.
For students who will be signing out on
occasion but do not normally do so,
GROUNDS. Please send a note to your
child’s teacher in this regard.
Please notify the office immediately if
your son or daughter has a lifethreatening allergy and follow the
procedure for medication administration
(see previous page). We require all
members of our community to
continue their cooperation in this
regard by ensuring all snacks/lunches
sent to school are peanut, tree nut
and shellfish allergen-free. We also
ask that food products not be brought in
to the classroom for sharing purposes
during in-class celebrations (e.g.,
student birthdays).
As many of you are aware, we have
several staff and students who have
severe, life-threatening allergies to
peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, insect
stings, etc.
Student Accident Insurance
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
School Board annually provides parents
with information regarding costeffective student accident insurance
Although enrolment is voluntary, the
Board encourages parents to take
advantage of this inexpensive
insurance coverage, especially if your
child(ren) participate in sports,
excursions/field trips, other extracurricular activities and/or if parents
do not have dental insurance
Fr. Michael Goetz S.S.
Please take note of the following
upcoming events at Father Michael
Goetz Secondary School.
For further information please
call 905-277-0326 or visit:
Brochures for Reliable Life Insurance
will be sent home in September
Further information regarding this
insurance can be obtained by
contacting Reliable Life Insurance at
1-800-463-KIDS (5437) or by visiting:
DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the
latest board news and
information, follow us
(please also refer to
Sacrament celebration dates
on pg.3)
4th – Gr. 3s to Bradley
7th - Pretzel sales begin
-Lenten Reconciliation
@ 9:15 a.m.
8th – Gr. 2 First
Reconciliation @ St.
Catherine of Siena
11th - Primary Diversity
Movie – p.m.
14th -18th – March Break
21st – 24th – Holy Week
21st - Invitations for Movie
night go home
24th - Stations of the Cross
in the gym @ 1:15
25th - Good Friday
28th - Easter Monday
31st - Virtues Assembly @
1:15 p.m.
-Catholic School
Council Mtg. @ 7:00
1st – Chess Tournament @
St. James School
4th – Movie Night Invites
due back
8th - CSC Movie Night @
6:30 p.m.
11th – P.A. Day (no school)
20th – Spring Picture Day
24th - Catholic School
Council Meeting @
29th –Virtues Assembly @ 10
30th - First Holy
Communion @ St.
Catherine of Siena
Church, 3:00pm
*Pizza Days every Tuesday;
orders MUST be placed in
Please visit our website to
stay up-to-date with current
school events and
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March 2016
Father Daniel Zanon School Newsletter
Parent Engagement Workshop: Literacy Support Software for Home
March 2016
Father Daniel
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Central Committee of Catholic School Councils Conference and Marketplace
Saturday April 9, 2016 @ St. Joseph Secondary School
5555 Creditview Rd., Mississauga, Ont.
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Quick Facts for Parents: Learning About Mental Health
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