October 20 15
Prayer for the Month of October
450 Hillcrest Avenue
Mississauga, ON
L5B 4J3
A. Reilly
R. Patterson
S. DeMaestri
Head Secretary
T. Lariviere
Superintendent of Schools
M. Pascucci
Trustee, Board Chair
C: 905-302-3096
B: 905-890-0708 x 20161
F: 905-890-0888
E: mario.pascucci@dpcdsb.org
W: www.TrusteePascucci.ca
B. Iannicca
Trustee, Ward 7
H: 905-270-0536
Fr. Camillo Lando
St. Catherine of Siena
Parish Church
October 12th Thanksgiving Day
My Father, may I have an appreciation of the wonderful
creations of the earth. Give me a discriminating eye, that I
may know the precious things that thou art growing; and
throughout my life may I love the beautiful, and choose that
which will make my life worthy of growth. Amen.
Principal’s Message
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire community for a wonderful start to this school year. September has been very busy and productive. We enter October knowing that your children are well settled and back in routine Parental involvement in their children’s education is fundamental to student well‐being and achievement at school. I encourage you to communicate with your children’s teachers regularly. Please let us know of any concerns that you have. Our intermediate teachers and students are once again planning Spirit Week – Oct 26 – 30. More information will be sent home soon. Please be advised that Father Daniel Zanon will be a polling station for the federal election on Monday, October 19, 2015. On behalf of the Father Daniel Zanon staff, we wish all of our families a peaceful and plentiful Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for. God bless, A. Reilly Page 2 of 8
October 2015
Father Daniel Zanon School Newsletter
A Message from our Trustee
I want to take this opportunity to welcome you to the beginning of the 2015‐16 school year. I hope your summer was a safe and enjoyable one.
As I travelled throughout our community and beyond during the recent past weeks, I was struck by the number of happy parents and children I saw at church, shopping malls, grocery stores and even the beach, as back‐to‐
school day crept closer and closer. In speaking to parents, one of the themes that stood out was how much everyone was looking forward to “getting back to the routines and rhythms of school.” Well, we’re officially back and, I hope that the first day was enjoyable and memorable for both you and your child(ren).
I look forward to seeing you during the school year. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at (905) 270‐0536. God Bless. Bruno Iannicca (Trustee Ward 7, Mississauga, DPCDSB) Father Daniel Zanon
Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive
The Father Daniel Zanon Youth Faith Ambassadors will be collecting non-perishable food items
from Monday September 28th to Wednesday, October 7, 2015. These items will be donated
to families in the St. Catherine of Siena parish community. Each student at Father Daniel Zanon
School is encouraged to bring one food item to school by Wednesday, October 7, 2015. Items
such as oatmeal, cereal, coffee, tea, canned soup, canned vegetables, canned fruit, tuna, beans,
rice, pasta, tomato sauce, noodles, crackers, granola bars, puddings and jam would be greatly
appreciated. Please check the expiry dates and ensure that packages have not been opened.
We thank you for your support and donations.
The Father Daniel Zanon Youth Faith Ambassadors
Father Daniel Zanon School Newsletter
October 2015
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School Hours & Lunch Table
In October we
celebrate the Virtue
of Empathy
An Empathetic Person…
 Listens attentively
 Watches people’s body
 Responds when
someone is upset
 Can name his/her
 Can see a situation
from another person’s
 Understands that other
people may feel
differently about the
same thing
God has given us the ability
to form connections with
each other - to live together.
Empathy helps us to connect
and live together in safe,
caring and inclusive
An empathetic person
believes that we all share one
Spirit; that we are many
parts of one body because we
are all created in the image
and likeness of God. We know
that God has given us the
virtue of empathy so that we
can learn to appreciate,
accept and care for one
Please be reminded of the school’s
hours of operation. Please see the daily
schedule below:
8:45am – Supervision Begins
9:00am – Entry
12:00 -1:00pm – Lunch
3:30pm – Dismissal
Please make efforts to ensure that your
son/daughter is arriving at school on
time for classes. Classes begin at
9:00am sharp and it can be disrupting if
individual students are habitually late.
We have many parents who drop off
lunches for their children at school. A
table has been placed inside the office
for lunches. Lunches MUST be labeled
with your child’s name. Classes are
NOT to be interrupted for students to
pick up lunches. Please let your child
know in the morning if they should
expect to have a lunch dropped off.
They should be responsible to come
down and pick up their own lunch.
Student Attendance
As in past years, we ask that parents continue to notify/call the school in the event of a
student absence or late. This greatly assists our safe arrival program. The attendance
line is available 24 hours a day to report absences.
Please call 905-279-3722, press 1. Leave the following information on the voicemail: a)
Date of absence b) Student’s full name c) Grade and Teacher d) Reason e) Date of return.
When a student is late to school, they must report to the office to sign-in prior to going to
Pupil Accommodation Review Policy Public Consultation
The Ministry of Education released the new Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline (PARG) in
March 2015. This guideline sets expectations for all school boards on managing and reviewing
underutilized school space, including potential school closures, and for the greater
coordination and sharing of planning related information between school boards and other
community partners.
The guideline requires all school boards in the province to develop or revise Pupil
Accommodation Review Policies and to invite public input into the policy before
it is finalized.
A survey to collect feedback on the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board’s draft
amended Policy 6.51 Pupil Accommodation Review will be available for review and
comment on the Board’s website at www.dpcdsb.org until 4:30 pm on Friday, October 16,
2015. Supporting documents will also be available for reference and review. Please consider
reviewing and providing input on this policy.
Our Annual Open House and BBQ
Our annual Open House and BBQ was held on Thursday, October 1st. The turnout
was fantastic! A big thank you is extended to all staff and parent volunteers who
helped to prepare for the event. Finally, special thanks to you - our parents and
families - who came to visit.
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October 2015
Father Daniel Zanon School Newsletter
Catholic School Council
On September 22nd, our Catholic School Council held its first
meeting of the 2015-2016 school year.
A special congratulations goes out to the following
individuals who were acclaimed to positions on Council:
Co-Chairs – Barbara French and Tomasz Szpytko
Secretary – Mercedita Yee
Treasurer – Rosaria Nogueira
OAPCE Rep – Patricia Magnone
Parish Rep – Patricia Checchia
Teaching Representatives – D. Hoy and T. Mallia Bomben
Thank you to all of the parents who attended and for your
support and dedication on behalf of the students at Father
Daniel Zanon.
General meetings of the School Council will be held on the
following dates at 7:00 p.m. All parents are welcome!
Wednesday, Oct 21, 2015 @ 7:00 pm
Monday, Nov 16, 2015 @ 7:00 pm
Thursday, Jan 21, 2016 @ 7:00 pm
Thursday, Feb 18, 2016 @ 7:00 pm
Thursday, March 31, 2016 @ 7:00 pm
Thursday, April 21, 2016 @ 7:00 pm
Thursday, May 19, 2016 @ 7:00 pm
Wednesday, June 15, 2016 @ 7:00 pm
Sacramental Preparation
Parishioners of St. Catherine of Siena
are asked to review information
provided in the parish
bulletin for
specific information throughout the
of St.will
All meetings
be held at the
Siena are asked to review
information provided in the
parish bulletin
Dates:for specific
throughout the
First Holy Communion
Dec.be7th &
year. AllRegistration:
meetings will
9 , 2015 at 7:30 pm in
held at the
Main Hall of Church
Celebration: Apr. 30th, 2016
at 3:00 pm
First Reconciliation
Celebration: Mar. 8th, 2016
at 6:45 pm
Grade 7
Registration: Feb. 1st & 3rd,
2016, at 7:30 pm Main Hall
of Church
Celebration: June 2nd, 2016
at 6:00 pm
Grade 8
Registration: June 15th &
17th, 2015 at 7:30 pm Main
Hall of Church
Celebration: Dec. 3rd, 2015
at 6:00 pm
Catholic Code of Conduct
All students in the school have been
reviewing the Catholic Code of Conduct
with classroom teachers. This
information can be found in the front of
the student agendas. We kindly ask that
you review these policies with your son
or daughter to ensure consistent
expectations at home and school.
The DPCDSB has updated and modified
their PED Policy. Details are still
forthcoming. At this time, to promote
and maintain a positive and safe Catholic
school climate, all Personal Electronic
Devices (PEDs) are to be kept OFF and
OUT OF SIGHT during school hours. For
the safety of students and protection of
these valuable devices, we kindly
request that these devices remain at
home and are not brought to school. The
school will not be held responsible for
damaged or lost items.
Parking Lot Safety and Kiss ‘n’ Ride
Since our school driveway is a matter
of great concern in regards to the
safety of students, staff and parents,
your cooperation is important and
greatly appreciated.
The Kiss ‘n’ Ride lane is the ONLY
place where drop-off/pick-up can
occur. Vehicles are not permitted
to park in the driveway or bus lane
of the school.
PLEASE NOTE: The Kiss ‘n’ Ride lane The school driveway is frequently
is for drop-off/pick-up ONLY. You
patrolled by Parking Enforcement
CANNNOT park your vehicle in this
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October 2015
Father Daniel Zanon School Newsletter
Halloween Safety
As Halloween approaches, children are
excited by the events of the season.
The following are some safety rules to
review with your children:
 Choose brightly coloured
 Use face paint instead of
 Plan a safe route with your
 Remind your child of road
Remind children not to
enter homes
Always have an adult
check your
candy before eating it
Our Catholic School
To promote our Catholic
School Heritage and its
importance in our
community of faith, please
watch for this column in
upcoming newsletters!
Student Information & Administration of Medication
arents are responsible for ensuring the If your child requires medication,
school has an accurate and up-to-date
record of your address, phone numbers
and emergency contacts for your
child(ren). We ask that you inform the
main office or your child’s teacher
promptly if information changes during
the course of the school year.
please have the necessary forms
completed and return them with the
appropriate medication to the main
office as soon as possible. Forms are
available in the main office should you
need them.
1. How long have Catholic
separate schools been
educating Catholic children
and contributing to the
public good in Ontario?
For about 170 years. In the
Parents are asked to ensure that all
medication and required forms are
updated for those students who require
(or may require) medication to be
administered at school.
St. James in Malton in the
separate schools in many cities,
towns and townships. In Peel,
three separate schools opened
before Confederation (1867):
Drill & Lockdown Procedures / Custody of Children
Father Daniel Zanon School is required
to conduct three fire drills in the fall
and three in the spring. We will also be
conducting two lockdown drills
throughout the year. These drills are
standard practice across the Board and
ensure that in the event of a real
emergency our students and staff can
respond quickly and appropriately. If
you have any questions or concerns
regarding these drills, please speak to
your child’s teacher or the main office.
On rare occasions, we are faced with
difficult situations in which noncustodial parents/guardians arrive at
school asking to visit a student or sign
them out. We are best able to serve
and protect our students when we are
made aware of legal custody
arrangements, visitation rights and
other special circumstances. Please
inform the main office of these issues as
soon as possible and we will ensure your
child’s teacher is aware of the
1830s, St. John’s Agricultural
College (1861) and St. Patrick’s
(1861), both in Wildfield.
2. Has the Ontario
government always
supported separate
Yes, as did its predecessor, the
United Legislature of Canada
Canada West (now Ontario)
during its total life from 1841 to
1867. One of the first pieces of
legislation it passed in 1841
was the Common School Act,
with a separate school clause.
Beautiful office display courtesy of
our secretary – Mrs. DeMaestri
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October 2015
Father Daniel Zanon School Newsletter
Although not a communicable disease, pediculosis (head
lice) is a concern to parents and teachers. Each year it
is common for outbreaks of pediculosis to occur.
Unfortunately, in recent years, head lice have become
increasingly common throughout North America. They
are parasites which have been common among human
beings for centuries. They are not connected in any way
with dirt or neglect.
If cases are found in a classroom, we shall
inform all parents of students in that class. We
request that you also check your own children
and, if you find them to be infested, we would
ask you to let us know so that we may advise
you on the proper treatment for them.
This information can also be obtained from a
pharmacist or the regional health department.
Peel Regional Police – “Street-proofing
Please take this opportunity to review “street
proofing techniques” with your children, as well as
reminding them of the importance of being extra
vigilant, particularly when traveling to and from
 Tell your children to never go anywhere
with a stranger, not to talk to strangers and
to never take anything from them. You
have to teach them what a ‘safe stranger’
is in case they need help. A safe stranger
includes a police officer, a fire fighter, a
cashier, etc.;
 Develop a ‘what if’ game for your children,
to get them thinking of how they would
respond if they felt threatened or afraid;
 Know whom your children play with and
where they go. This includes keeping a list
of their friends’ addresses and phone
 Encourage your child to use a buddy system
instead of walking alone;
 Know the route that your children take to
and from school, and tell them to go
directly home or to their babysitter after
 If possible, go with your child to the bus
stop and meet them when they return from
Even if cases are not reported from the
school, it is a wise precaution to check your
child’s head periodically. Teach them not to
use other people’s combs or hair brushes.
If your children do become infested by head
lice, we will ask you to keep them out of school
until after they have been treated with the
correct shampoo and their hair is entirely clear
of both lice and nits(eggs).
Further information can be found by speaking with
your pharmacist, health care provider or contacting
Peel Public Health at 905-799-7700 or visiting
Courtesy Bus Seating
We received many requests for courtesy
seats for the 2015/16 school year. Every
effort has been made to accommodate
requests. Courtesy seating will begin on
Tuesday, October 13, 2015.
Mosaic Art – Grade 8
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Father Daniel Zanon School Newsletter
October 2015
Our annual Catholic School Council
Fundraising campaign kicked off on
Thursday, October 1st. Students will be
selling chocolate bars from La Montagne
chocolate company. Sales will be from
October 2nd to October 16th. Return
your money by Wednesday, October 7th
and you will qualify for an early bird
draw. Return your money by October
16th and you could win one of many gift
certificates. The top prize is a Season’s
Pass for a family of 4 to Canada’s
Wonderland (parking included)!
Our Annual Terry
Fox Run/Walk
Highway of Peace – Gr. 5/6
TumbleBooks & TumbleBookCloud
TumbleBooks and TumbleBookCloud
libraries can be accessed through the
Mississauga Library website.
About the TumbleBookLibrary:
The TumbleBookLibrary is a collection
of TumbleBooks (animated, talking
picture books) with fiction, non-fiction
and foreign language titles, ReadAlongs (chapter books with sentence
highlighting and narration but no
animation), TumbleTV which consists
of pre-set playlists of a sequence of
Progress Report Cards
Students will bring home a Progress
Report Card on Tuesday, November
17th, 2015. It will communicate the
student’s progress in various subjects as
well as next steps for improvement.
Teachers will contact parents if an
interview is required.
About TumbleBookCloud:
TumbleBookCloud is a collection of
videos and chapter books in
categories which include: Ebooks,
Read-Alongs, Graphic Novels, Videos
(from National Geographic!), and
Audio Books.
The books feature adjustable text
sizes, full narration, and a read-along
function which highlights text as it is
read. These features make
TumbleBookCloud a great tool for
reluctant readers and ESL students.
Plus, all these options can be
switched to manual so readers can
read at their own pace.
On Wednesday,
September 30th,
students from Father
Daniel Zanon
participated in our
annual Terry Fox
Run/Walk. To date we
have collected over
$3,600 surpassing our
school goal of $3,500
and that means that
our Male Staff
members will dye their
hair red. Thank you
again to all of our
parents, families and
friends for giving so
Visitors & Volunteers
For the safety of staff and students, all visitors to our school (including parents) are
required to enter the building through the front doors of the school and report
immediately to the office. Please note that pets are not permitted on school property at
any time.
Please ensure you sign-in and obtain a visitor’s sticker if you are remaining in the
building for any reason during school hours.
Any individual who works as an employee of the Board or volunteers to assist with our
programs MUST have a Criminal Reference Check (CRC) completed by the Peel Regional
Police. For volunteers, CRCs are free of charge. Forms are provided through the
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October 2015
Father Daniel Zanon School Newsletter
Procedures & Allergy Awareness
Please be reminded that the school
lunch hour is 12:00 -1:00pm.
Permission forms indicating your son or
daughter’s usual lunch routine (i.e.,
remain at school or go home for lunch)
have been sent out. Please ensure this
form is returned to the school promptly.
Supervision will be provided throughout
the lunch hour for those students who
remain at school.
For students who will be signing out on
occasion but do not normally do so,
GROUNDS. Please send a note to your
child’s teacher in this regard.
As many of you are aware, we have
several staff and students who have
severe, life-threatening allergies to
peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, insect
stings, etc. Please notify the office
immediately if your son or daughter has
a life-threatening allergy and follow the
procedure for medication administration
(see previous page). We require all
members of our community to
continue their cooperation in this
regard by ensuring all snacks/lunches
sent to school are peanut, tree nut
and shellfish allergen-free. Note that
WOW spread is also not permitted at
school. We also ask that food products
not be brought in to the classroom for
sharing purposes during in-class
celebrations (e.g., student birthdays).
Student Accident Insurance
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District
School Board annually provides parents
with information regarding costeffective student accident insurance
Although enrolment is voluntary, the
Board encourages parents to take
advantage of this inexpensive
insurance coverage, especially if your
child(ren) participate in sports,
excursions/field trips, other extracurricular activities and/or if parents
do not have dental insurance
Retake Day
Our school picture retake day will
be held on Wednesday,
November 4th.
Those students who require a
retake will have their picture
taken at some point during the
Note: Pictures should be
arriving soon!
Brochures for Reliable Life Insurance
have been sent home recently.
Enrolment in the program is required in
writing. Please follow the instructions
in the brochure.
Please return the student accident
insurance parent acknowledgement
form to the school promptly.
Further information regarding this
insurance can be obtained by contacting
Reliable Life Insurance at 1-800-463KIDS (5437) or by visiting:
PLASP – Before and After School Program
PLASP Child Care Services operates
Before and After School Programs at
Father Daniel Zanon School.
Children participate in recreational
activities, are served a nutritious
snack daily and have time for
Fee assistance is available for those
who qualify.
For further information, call
905.890.1711 or visit the website at
(please also refer to Sacrament
celebration dates on pg.3)
5th - Chocolate sales begin
-Early Bird Draw for
Chocolate Fundraiser
Pick up for Food Drive
12 - Thanksgiving Day
No school for students
15th – CSAC Chairs Mtg. @ St
Francis Xavier SS. @
5:30 p.m.
16th -Chocolate Sales end
19th – Family Cross Country
Meet @ Centennial Park
19th -Polling station for
Federal Election
21st – Catholic School Council
Meeting @ 7pm
22nd – Dental Screening
JK/SK, 2, 8
26th – Board Cross Country
Meet @ Centennial
26th – 30th -Spirit week
29th – Virtues Celebration @
11:30 a.m.
City of Mississauga
Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services
Fire Prevention and Life Safety
300 City Centre Drive
2nd Floor
Dear Madame or Sir;
Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services (MFES) are cordially inviting you, your students and
parents to one of our public open houses being held October 6th, 7th and 8th from 4:30pm-8:00pm
at our fire stations. These open houses are part of MFES’s Fire Prevention Week public fire
safety educational events that have been schedule around the city.
The theme for this year’s Fire Prevention Week is “hear the beep, where you sleep” “every
bedroom needs a working smoke alarm”.
In addition, as part of Mayor Crombie’s city wide program to combat hunger, all MFES fire
stations will be collecting items for the food bank. As a token of appreciation, COBS Bread has
donated vouchers for a free loaf of bread to anyone who brings a food bank item. The vouchers
are in limited quantity so attend early.
The fire stations will be hosting fun and interactive evenings featuring fire trucks- tools and
equipment displays, meet the firefighters, fire safety education information to keep your families
safe as well as goodies to take home. At some our stations you can experience the fire safety
trailer and practice your home escape plan in a simulated environment.
The dates for the open houses are as follows:
Tuesday, October 6th
Station 107 - 1965 Dundas St. W
Station 118 – 1045 Bristol Rd W
Station 108 – 2267 Britannia Rd. W
Station 121 – 6745 Mavis Rd
Station 111 – 2740 Derry Rd W
Station 122 - 3600 Thomas St
Station 115 – 4595 Glen Erin Rd
Wednesday, October 7th
Station 105 – 7101 Goreway Dr.
Station 106 - 1355 Winding Trail
Station 114 –5845 Falbourne Dr.
Station 117 – 1090 Nuvik Crt.
Thursday, October 8th
Station 101 - 15 Fairview Rd W
Station 104 – 62 Port St W
Third St
Station 110 – 2316 Hurontario St
Station 103 – 2035 Lushes Ave
Station 112 – 4090 Creditview Rd
Station 102 – 710
(The bolded stations will also have an interactive fire hazard house and fire safety trailer on site).
If you require more information please contact Fire Prevention and Life Safety Office at 905-8965908.
We sincerely hope you will attend one of our open houses to learn more about fire safety.
Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services
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