LIBRARY LEADERSHIP COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 29, 2011 Present: Interim Dean Connie Foster, Amanda Drost for Deana Groves, Timothy Mullin, Brian Coutts, Amy Hardin, Haiwang Yuan, Bryan Carson, Kristie Lowry and Jan Renusch Minutes: The August 15, 2011, minutes were approved as submitted. Dean’s Report: Connie distributed the Java City Report from Jack Montgomery for review. Jack will attend the September 19th meeting and the future of the Java City performances will be discussed. -A discussion on Library Surveys revealed the need for a new updated survey on the Web. -The next LLC meeting is September 19. Web & Emerging Technologies: Haiwang reported that migration of WKU Libraries website to the new OUCampus content management system (CMS) is nearly complete and ready to launch on September 1, ahead of schedule. Haiwang thanks everyone who has been involved in the migration during the summer, particularly Bryan Carson, Sandy Staebell, and Suellyn Lathrop, as well as our student workers William Kotheimer and Aditya Kashyap Tangeda for their hard work! Haiwang also appreciates all those who asked to help during the summer and thanks them for their patience. Haiwang will give a series of indepth training classes in the coming month for the Web & Emerging Technologies Work Group members and all library employees who are interested in learning, particularly those who are responsible for each of the units of the Libraries. The migration of Libraries website to the new system is a paradigm shift, a shift from technical coding to content management. Therefore, Haiwang suggests that all coordinators of the Libraries’ units be responsible for the content of their units, although they can designate others in their units to do the technical work of web development, updating, and maintenance. Haiwang will coordinate all these efforts and offer technical support and training. Migrating the largest website on WKU campus has been a huge project. It’s likened to building a new building and moving all the stuff from an old building. Now that the building has been built and nearly all the stuff moved in, Haiwang welcomes any feedback with regard to the completion and improvement of the website as he and his team work to finish the remnant pages yet to be migrated. Development: Amy is working with the College Heights Foundation to get descriptions of accounts, spendable funds, and who can authorize expenditures. -The letter to Book Fest sponsors and the Smuckers’ proposal will be going out this week. -Amy is waiting on the Library Consultants’ report to determine her FY priorities. -Amy is meeting with John Paul Blair this afternoon regarding the HIK exhibit. -Amy said she had some great news regarding an estate gift to the Libraries from Rad Scott in Alabama and is waiting for documentation. More information is to follow as it becomes available. Literary Outreach: Kristie reported that the events for the Louisa May Alcott SOKY Reads! program will start this week with book giveaways on Thursday. The first will take place at noon in Java City where Alternative Alcott, a collection of Alcott’s thrillers, satirical narratives, and feminist works will be given away. The public library will give away copies of March and Little Women on Thursday at 1pm at Riverview at Hobson Grove. The SOKY Reads! PSAs should be starting on WBKO and WKYU, and a press release has been sent. There was an ad in this Sunday’s Daily News regarding the book giveaways as well. -The winner of the Evelyn Thurman Award has been selected, and work will start on bringing that author to Bowling Green in November. Authors continue to RSVP to Book Fest invitations, and now that Cassandra is back (and once she has a computer) and with Cathi Barth starting September 6, the invitation process should ramp up quite a bit. Approximately 30 authors have confirmed. -The Kentucky Literary Award Committee is being formed, and LouAnn Crouthers from the English Department and Jonathan Jeffrey from Special Collections will be the representatives from WKU. Each Book Fest partner will have two people on the committee, and the award will be presented at the Book Fest’s “Meet the Authors” event. The 2012 award will be given to a work of fiction, and Kristie said that she would take any nominations for the award to the committee for consideration. Authors should have published their book in 2010 or 2011, and the book should either have a strong Kentucky presence or be written by a Kentucky author. The 2013 award will be given to a non-fiction work that meets the same criteria, but has been printed in 2011 or 2012. Department Reports: DLSC: The Java City/Garden Café did not open this morning as promised. It is now scheduled to open Tuesday, September 6. -Construction is running ahead of schedule with several of the HVAC units already in place. -The Education Unit is joining in the 150th Anniversary of Civil War on September 17th with activities all day and with a booth at the International Festival on September 24. -Three DLPS faculty members are participating in the Kentucky Humanities Council Speaker Bureau – Sue Lynn McDaniel, Nancy Richey, and Sandy Staebell. Christy Spurlock spoke at the Kiwanis Club August 24th. -A reception for a folk life exhibit “Yours for the Carters”: The Vintage Sound Collections of Freeman Kitchens had about 50 people in attendance on Saturday afternoon. -A reception for the Robert Morningstar photo exhibit Shooting the Big Shots: Celebrities on the Chautauqua Circuit is scheduled for Monday, September 12. DLPS: New Faculty Orientation - Peggy Wright, Bryan Carson, Amanda Hardin, Nancy Richey, Brian Coutts and DLPS Student Assistant Christopher McConnell used the libraries’ first Jeopardy Game to provide an innovative orientation to the libraries and their services for new WKU faculty. Christopher hosted the game on Monday, August 15 at 2:00 p.m. The libraries’ new red t-shirts were presented to the winners. Information packets were handed out at a noontime fair as well as at the orientation. -DLPS Annual Fall Retreat - This year’s retreat was held at the Carroll Knicely Center on Tuesday, August 23 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The department reviewed WKU’s strategic goals and objectives, discussed ideas for classroom improvement/technology projects and reviewed the budget for 201112. Ideas for Constitution Day/Banned Books Week were reviewed. Reports were received from all units and department standing committees. -DLPS Highlights - A summary of notable achievements by the department was distributed at the retreat. -DLPS Fall Series - The new postcard promoting this year’s fall presentations in the Far Away Places series and the Kentucky Live series has been printed and will be mailed out to our Friends and past attendees. -“We’ve Been Everywhere” - This is the title of a new in-house library series conceived by Peggy Wright and developed by Peggy and Brian. Two programs are planned for the fall and spring semesters. The series is designed to share travel, research and work experiences of library faculty, staff and students abroad. Talks will be held in Helm 100 on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. followed by refreshments. -ILLIAD - Our ILLiad system in ILL continued to expand in 2010-11. 1,389 patrons signed up for the service. The top three departments are Psychology (121), Biology (107), and History (107). 3,600 requests were processed last year. This is up 30% from last year. Turnaround time for articles received electronically has been reduced to 3.98 days. -Kawanishi Sister City Program = Keiko Fujii, the Project Manager for Cultural & International Exchanges for the City of Kawanishsi, visited Bowling Green during the past week and was a lunchtime guest of the Interim Dean of Libraries, Connie Foster and DLPS Head, Brian Coutts. She toured the new ERC in Gary Ransdell Hall with Roxanne Spencer and Ellen Micheletti and met with College of Education Dean, Sam Evans. The city of Kawanishi and WKU Libraries exchange library materials on an annual basis and Japanese students regularly spend a week with Bowling Green and Warren County high schools. DLTS: Amanda Drost reported that Nelda Sims completed the TOPCAT/Voyager fiscal period close process. TOPCAT/Voyager was successfully upgraded to version 8.0.0 during the first week of August. -DLTS started getting MARC records as a result of a GPO pilot project. Nelda loaded the records from October and November of last year. -Materials for the Elizabethtown library are now being sent there and are no longer housed in the 3rd floor break room. There is a wire basket by the mailboxes where the materials can be placed. -Technology Highlights: Provided tech support for Library Kick-off presentations and keynote speaker; finished imaging and installing software on the 3 grant awarded laptops and laptops were given to the recipients in DLTS and DLSC – assisted recipients in logging into the network the first time to cache NetID credentials for use wirelessly. Installation of Voyager 8 installations is complete for on campus computers – site visits to Glasgow and Owensboro campuses will be scheduled and combined w/the re-imaging of public access computers in both locations. Dean’s area: replaced computer for Literary Outreach Coordinator; replaced hard drive on computer for new staff assistant; working on resolving hard drive problems with student assistant’s computer hard drive; re-installed Adobe CS5 suite and all other software on Haiwang’s computer after migration to Windows 7. DLPS: provided tech support for LME Adjunct Faculty meeting at ERC. Resolved compatibility issues between MS Visual C++ and Symantec Endpoint on two computers; re-imaged 5 wireless computers for patron check-out – 3 AC power supply units will need to be ordered; opened Help Desk case w/WKU IT to resolve issue w/one network port not working in Helm 108b computer lab – IT sent student tech to look at the problem rather than sending network tech to fix the port – working w/IT to resolve the issue; updated software on Reference Desk computers; updating computers in our labs and classrooms to accommodate Asian languages and keyboarding issues prior to CI’s CLC using the computers; re-imaged 5 public access computers in ERC; provided tech support (equipment) for DLPS faulty retreat; DLTS: Adobe PDF file print issues were resolved; worked w/Student Technology to prepare Print Release Station in Reference for firmware upgrades for windows 7 environment; Josh ran monthly reports for DLTS stats DLSC: replaced Lynne Ferguson’s computer; data files from old Mac G4 scanning computer have finally been copied to new computer and the new computer and scanner will now be installed in the KB. The data copying process alone has taken a bit over 15 hours due to the differences in Mac vs. Windows file naming conventions. Every time the copying process encountered a file name not compatible to Windows the copy process would stall we would have to change the file name appropriately and begin the process again. Systems: David assisted Library Systems Coordinator in trouble shooting problems w/Primo and EZProxy – now dealing w/possible problems between Primo and IE 8; Josh worked on additions and deletions lists for AD. Strategic Planning: Connie distributed copies of the CAD Strategic Priorities for review and discussion. Staffing Plans: Connie and the department heads discussed the format and template for Staffing Plan Phase II. The deadline to Academic Affairs is September 16. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 am. For the Council, Jan Renusch