Connected Mobile Experience for Retail Banking At-a-Glance

Connected Mobile Experience
for Retail Banking
Detect, Connect, and Engage with Your Branch Customers
One of your VIP customers arrives at a branch, where an associate
greets him by name and immediately assists him. As another customer
comes into the branch, a greeting on her mobile phone lets her
know that the wait time is only two minutes. Meanwhile, a message
highlighting a new bill-pay service flashes on her screen.
Benefits for Retail Banks
• Deliver the right value at the
right time to build customer
intimacy, loyalty, and retention.
Today’s banking customers want to access expertise and support on
their terms: in a branch, online, at a kiosk, by phone, or while on the go.
Now, with the Cisco® Connected Mobile Experience for Retail Banking
solution, you can deliver a personalized experience to customers as
soon as they enter a branch.
The Cisco Connected Mobile Experience for Retail Banking lets you
detect, connect, and engage with customers through their mobile devices
when they are in a branch. After customers’ mobile devices are detected
by the network, you can identify high-traffic areas and spots of significant
downtime and use this data to make informed operations decisions.
• Gain a competitive advantage
by using Wi-Fi access as a
customer engagement tool.
• Optimize branch operations
with information gained
through location-based
services and analytics.
• Personalize customer
interactions with the ability
to personalize service for
preferred customers when
they are in the branch.
You can easily connect with customers by providing a simple, customized
login experience after they enter the branch. The Cisco Connected
Mobile Experience also lets you deliver more interactive experiences.
For example, proactively reach out to them with alerts or promotions;
provide easy, secure Wi-Fi guest access; and increase engagement by
sending relevant, context-specific content to each device.
When your competitors can only offer guest Wi-Fi access, let Cisco
help you deliver a unique customer experience that is integrated with
your bank’s products and services. In addition to personalizing each
customer’s experience, you can create a seamless mobile experience
in the branch that is consistent with their experience online or over the
© 2015 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Gain Analytics Intelligence to
Optimize Operations and the
Customer Experience
The Cisco Connected Mobile
Experience for Retail Banking is an
integrated solution that combines
high-performance, intelligent Wi-Fi;
indoor location analytics capabilities;
and personalized mobile applications.
Through the solution, you can:
• Provide a simple, compelling, and
consistent customer experience
across all channels, including during
their visits to a branch.
• Improve customer loyalty and
retention by reaching out and
personalizing their experience.
• Get a more complete picture of how
many passersby enter the branch,
peak visiting times, frequent visitors,
average in-branch times, and other
branches that your customers visit.
• Optimize existing investments in
people and technology with analytics
data to support decision making.
• Add another layer of security by
being able to identify the presence
of mobile devices within branches
during hours the branch is closed.
Have alerts sent to your security
team for further action.
• Move beyond simply executing
transactions to delivering
personalized financial advice.
Next Steps
For more information about the Cisco
Mobile Experience for Retail Banking,
CMX Connect
CMX Connect is a location-enabled portal that lets you customize
visitors’ Wi-Fi access and provide them with clear Wi-Fi terms and
conditions. It also delivers valuable data about who is in your branch, so
that you can customize an experience and understand visitor behavior.
CMX Analytics
Onsite analytics show you how, where, and when customers move
through the branch. It collects millions of data points and uses them to
calculate information that you can use to improve operations, promotions,
and understanding of your customers. Social analytics also deliver
demographic information about customers who have checked into your
CMX Engage
Enhance the customer experience through location-specific services,
promotions, information, navigation, and communication. An open
API enables you to tightly integrate location information into real-time,
location-based mobile applications. Examples include guest access,
device-based services, browser-based services, mobile apps, online and
onsite analytics, social analytics, and ads and offers.
CMX for Facebook Wi-Fi
With Cisco Wi-Fi and a software connector, your
customers can automatically connect to your Wi-Fi
network and “check in” to your Facebook profile,
increasing brand recognition and visibility. Customers
who check in provide valuable demographic
information that you can use to enhance your
operations and services.
CMX Dashboard
Build and measure context-aware, targeted marketing campaigns.
Through the dashboard, you can view authentications, click-throughs,
device types, top websites visited, and more.
Cisco Services for Connected Mobile Experience
Cisco Services can help you realize the full value of your Cisco
Connected Mobile Experience investment. Using proven Cisco best
practices and expertise, these services support you throughout the
solution lifecycle. They can begin with business strategy and analysis and
continue through plan, build, and manage phases, helping you quickly
deliver a highly effective solution that connects customers, employees,
and experts.
The Cisco Advantage
The Cisco Connected Mobile Experience solution enables a bank to
deliver a unique customer experience that is integrated with the bank’s
products and services and creates a seamless mobile experience in the
branch for today’s digital consumer.
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