Culture, and
By the end of 2013, the percentage of students in
Kindergarten to
Grade 8 feeling a sense of belonging, inclusion, connectedness and safety will increase compared to baseline data to be collected using the
Culture and Caring
Survey in 2010‐
By the end of 2013, student performance will increase by 5% on
2010‐2013 Catholic School Learning Plan for Pope John Paul II School
2010‐2011 (Year 1) Progress Report
Action Plans to Support SMART Goal(s) Completed
Involve all the community partners
(students, staff, parents, parish) in the development and implementation of faith based experiences and activities including:
• Participate in ECO –Green School
Initiative – establish student Green
Team, develop front garden, develop awareness of new nutrition guidelines
• Invite Community Partners to support
school goals on safety, nutrition and anti‐bullying awareness: Peel Health
(Boy’s Conference, Primary Health
Fair), Family Transition Place to work with Junior and Intermediate classes,
Ontario Provincial Police (Gang
Resistance and Education Training ‐
GREAT, Drug Abuse Resistance
Education ‐ DARE), Girl’s on the Run.
• Promote Student Leadership – Faith
Ambassadors, Anti‐Bullying, Green
Team, Guardian Angels , Playground
Activity Leaders in Schools ‐ PALS
Emergency Safety Preparedness activities are further enhanced
Class delivery of Virtues program
Review and consolidate Balanced Literacy programming in the primary division by ensuring:
• Uninterrupted Literacy Blocks
• Guided Reading and Guided Practice
Continue to develop faith based activities
in collaboration with the Holy Family
Church, the families and the students.
Continue to look for ways to support student engagement in co‐curricular activities, in addition to providing a wide range of leadership opportunities for
Continue to enhance bullying prevention
programs to support all students.
Explore avenues to introduce and support the mental well being of all students in our
Continue to explore strategies to support alignment of faith formation, diversity initiatives and safe, caring and healthy school programs (established and emerging)
• Continue to focus, refine and consolidate school practices for SEF indicators 1.1 and 1.2 for next year
• Ensure expected practise with respect of Literacy is implemented in all
each EQAO assessment of
Reading and
• Gradual Release Model: Guided, Shared,
Independent Reading and Writing
• Descriptive Feedback
• Teacher and Student co-creating learning goals, accountable talk ensuring the needs of diverse learners are met
• Anchor charts are visible and accessible to support learning goals, accountable talk and diverse learning needs
Continue to develop specific student learning strategies for the Junior Division.
• Participation in the Junior Literacy
Stream with support of Program
Department with focus on:
Point of View
Continue to develop strategies for guided practice in the Intermediate Division.
Focus on non‐fiction – reading to learn.
Ongoing development of effective literacy strategies in all divisions:
• Anchor charts are visible and accessible to support learning goals, accountable talk and diverse learning needs
Begin to implement “Focus on Five
Model” to support the implementation of effective guided reading /practices and the use of descriptive feedback in all classrooms
• Promote the use of Ministry Guides for
Effective Instruction in Literacy,
Primary Literacy Room and Library
• Use differentiated instruction and computer and assistive technology tools to support diverse learning needs and foster student independence with literacy skills (i.e graphic organizers, student generated anchor charts,
SMART boards, etc.)
In progress
In progress
In progress
In progress
• Review materials currently in Primary
Literacy Room and identify areas of need and labelling of books to support high‐order thinking skills
By June 2013, student performance will increase by 5% in
EQAO Numeracy
Classroom and Resource staff work collaboratively analyse data regularly to identify and monitor learning needs
Review EAQO results to identify student strengths and area of need
• Link PM Benchmark results to guide instructional decisions for guided reading groups and resource support
Offer after‐school tutoring for Grade 3 and 6 students
• Ensure that the library is supported as a focus of literacy in the school.
Continue to support Empower program to support Early readers
Develop SEF indicators 1.1 and 1.2 as a school wide focus to support literacy learning:
Teachers and students co‐create learning goals, success criteria
Anchor charts are visible and accessible to support learning goals, accountable talk and diverse learning
Begin to implement “Focus on Five Model” to support the implementation of effective
use of descriptive feedback in all classrooms
• Consolidate the 3‐Part Lesson Model with
Junior Division by participating in Co‐
Teaching Opportunities with Special
Assignment Teacher
Organize manipulatives in the junior level to ensure that each classroom has resources and other resources are available collectively for the division.
In Progress
In Progress
In Progress
In progress
Consider selecting Program support for
Primary Math for next year
Provide opportunities for staff to collaborate on 3‐Part Lesson Planning among grade partners and between divisions. Share best practices.
Extend use of SMART Boards to engage students in mathematical learning ( eg., Wikis)
Continue to promote Homework Help
Online resources at school events,
website and newsletters
• Extend the 3 Part Lesson Model to both the Primary and Intermediate Divisions through staff sharing of best practices and collaboration
Intermediate participation in Program
Supported inservices to enhance use of
Smartboard technology and manipulatives when using the 3 Part Math Lesson
• Promote the Homework Help Online for
Mathematics with our intermediate students, school community and school council
Use differentiated instruction and computer and assistive technology tools to support diverse learning needs and foster problem‐solving and application of mathematical skills (i.e banshoo, graphic organizers, student generated anchor charts, SMART boards, etc. )
Pathways and
By the end of June 2011, begin to implement strategies to support student transitions:
Entry into Secondary
Entry into Kindergarten
Entry/Exit from Special
Education programs.
Liaise with local secondary school:
Orientation of staff with secondary program
• Sharing of Early Grade 9 results
Provide opportunities for Grade 7 & 8 students to become familiar with secondary school, staff and programs through shadowing, drama presentation
Provide opportunities for Get Ready and
Link crew initiatives
Secondary staff invited for Grade 8 IPRC reviews
Foster community partnerships and extra‐
In progress
Continue to work with School Council to further identify parent interests and needs to support literacy at home
Extend School Web Site information to provide information on community resources for supporting ESL and Home
Continue to explore strategies to support student transitions across grades, divisions and panels
Support and
By the end June 2013,
Administrators and associated staff participate in the necessary traning associated with
Employee Support and Training
Accountability and
Balanced School Budget:
By the end of June 2011,
School will report a balanced budget.
School Generated Funds:
By the end of June 2011, school will report
(annually) the collection and use of school generated funds, consistent with Board curricular activities that promote career planning and engage student interests and learning ( ie., Artists in the School, Co‐
Curricular Sports , Arts Programs, Junior
Achievement, etc.)
Introduce new families to the school:
Kindergarten registration
Welcome to Kindergarten evening
Bus orientation program
Organize all partners in the transition of students to/from IBI programs
Administrator Training :
Attendance Support Program
• Emergency Preparedness
Equity and Diversity Strategy
Staff Training:
Violence and Harassment Training, Bill 168
• Equity and Diversity Strategy
First Aid Training
Emergency Preparedness
Succession Planning
Support of others pursuing aspirations
• Advocacy of own professional
Continue to monitor on a monthly basis.
Continue to monitor monthly to ensure implementation of appropriate SGF policy.
Completed completed
Explore formally implementation of school
wide portfolios, the passing forward of student evidence to support learning for all
In progress
In progress
In progress
In progress
In progress
In progress
In progress
Continue to ensure appropriate training for staff as directed by the
Dufferin‐Peel Catholic District School
Continue to allocate funds to support student learning needs in alignment with our Catholic Board Learning Plan.
policies and procedures.
School Councils: By the end of June 2011, School will adhere to the collection, recording and reporting processes for funds that are generated
through their activities.
Transportation: : By the end of June 2011, STOPR will be clearly communicated on a regular and timely basis to all students and parent/guardians as required.
Continue to monitor monthly to ensure implementation of appropriate School Council collection, recording and reporting processes are in place.
Continue to support implementation as directed by the Board
Process is in place and policy adhered to.
Planning for integrated Ridership with
James Bolton School for 2011 – 2012.