Barren County High School Course Syllabus

Barren County High School
Course Syllabus
Course Title: World Civilization
Instructor: Mr. Miller
Mr. Eaton (Student Teacher)
Contact Information: Email:
School phone: 270-651-6315
Planning Time: 11:25 – 1:18 3rd block
Should you have a concern you wish to have addressed
face to face, please feel free to call me and we can
schedule a time for a conference. Please contact me if
you have any questions or concerns.
Course Resources: Textbook: Glencoe World History
Students will need to provide the following:
Binder (any type)
Writing Utensils
Course Objective and/or Description:
World Civilization is the study of world history from the beginning of civilization.
History is the interpretation of events, people, ideas, and their interaction over time. In
order for students to understand the present and make plans for their future, you must
understand the past.
Units of Study:
1. The World Before Modern Times-You will identify the ancient civilizations and
their locations, and explain their contributions to world history with a focus on
governmental formations in each. You will compare and contrast the
contributions of major world religions and philosophies with the use of maps and
The teacher reserves the right to alter this syllabus at any time during the course.
geographical locations. You will explain the effect of the early Middle Ages on
European history, focusing on the growth of the church, decline of learning,
growth of feudalism, and the effects of the Crusades on history.
The Early Modern World: Renaissance/Reformation/Exploration/EnlightenmentYou will be able to identify and analyze the causes and contributions of the
Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Exploration that affected the thinking and
motivation of most Europeans with an emphasis on famous artistic and literary
figures involved with this time period.
Age of Revolutions and European Imperialism-You will be able to analyze the
important changes and contributions of the major world revolutions in terms of
their effects on people, government, and culture. You will be able to evaluate the
impact of the Industrial Revolution and growing European empires on society.
The Twentieth Century Crisis: A World at War-You will be able to analyze the
causes, course of action, and the consequences of world conflicts before 1945
with a focus on world maps and geographical realignment. You will be able to
analyze political, social, and economic conditions of the war and post-war era
using maps and geographical locations.
Toward a Global Civilization: Cold War to the Present - You will be able to
analyze the rise and fall of the Cold War Era. You will be able to analyze the
transformation of nations due to the spread of differing economic and political
philosophies and the global impact today.
There will be at least one special project that will be a substantial element of the student’s
Writing Component: The following writing components will be utilized: Writing to
Learn (note taking) Writing to Demonstrate Learning (open responses, essay questions,
on-demands, etc) Writing For a Real World Purpose (speeches, editorials, letters,
research papers, feature articles, etc.)
Classroom Rules:
Rule #1 Be Respectful
Rule #2 Be Prompt
Rule #3 Be Prepared
Verbal Warning
Teacher /Student Conferences
Parent Contact
Office Referral
Grading Policy:
Grades will be assigned using the school approved grading scale:
A= 100-90%
B= 89-80%
C= 79-70%
The teacher reserves the right to alter this syllabus at any time during the course.
F=59% and below
Weighted Grades:
100 pts.
100 pts.
100 pts.
35% of nine weeks grade
35% of nine weeks grade
30% of nine weeks grade
Late Work Policy:
Late assignments will be penalized at the rate of 10% per day up to 5 days. Late work
will not be accepted after 5 days.
Attendance Policy: Students having excused absences will be allowed the same number
of days to complete make-up work/tests as they were absent. (i.e. student missed
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday then they have 3 days to make-up work/tests). It is
the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher regarding make-up assignments and
schedule a time before, during, or after school. Unexcused absences will receive a zero.
Semester Test Policy: ALL students are required to take the semester test.
Plagiarism / Academic Dishonesty Policy: Plagiarism and academic dishonesty are
serious offenses. The academic work of a student is expected to be his/her own effort.
Students must give the author(s) credit for any source material used. To represent ideas or
interpretations taken from a source without giving credit is a flagrant act. To present a
borrowed passage after having changed a few words, even if the source is cited, is also
plagiarism. Students who commit any act of academic dishonesty will receive a failing
grade in that portion of the course work. Acts of academic dishonesty will be reported to
the administration.
*I reserve the right to add other classroom expectations as may be deemed
necessary during the semester.
I have read the course syllabus for World Civilization and I understand the
expectations and requirements for this course.
Parent Signature: __________________
Student Signature: __________________
The teacher reserves the right to alter this syllabus at any time during the course.