Optimizing MRI Protocols 7/27/2005 Overview Optimizing MRI Protocols Clinical Practice & Compromises Geoffrey D. Clarke, Radiology Department University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio • Pulse timing parameters for adjusting image contrast • Effects of spatial resolution and imaging speed on signal-to-noise ratio • Effects of magnetic field strength • Adapting MRI pulsing protocols to physiology under investigation Image Contrast • Basic image contrast is effected by the amplitude and timing of the RF pulses used to excite the spin system. • More advanced methods may use gradient pulses (to modulate motion) and alter tissue properties with exogenous contrast agents Tissue Parameters • Tissue Water Density – Proton Density (PD) • Longitudinal Relaxation Time (T1) Morphology & Physiology • Chemical Shift (water vs. fat) • Blood motion (macroscopic & microscopic) • Diffusion of water • Gross motion (peristalsis, respiration) • Tissue Susceptibility User Selectable Parameters • Magnetic Field Strength (Bo) • RF Pulse timing (TR, TE, TI) • RF pulse amplitude - flip angles (α) • Gradient Amplitude & Timing (b-value) • Transverse Relaxation Time (T2) • Magnetization transfer rate constants G.D. Clarke, UT HSC San Antonio • RF pulse excitation frequency & bandwidth • Receiver bandwidth (BW) 1 Optimizing MRI Protocols 7/27/2005 Contrast-to-Noise Ratio Relaxation Times Contrast relationships are determined by the RF pulse timings used and the relaxation properties of tissues under investigation. • T1: longitudinal relaxation time defines recovery of potential for next signal CNR = n (I a − I b ) • T2: transverse relaxation time defines rate of dephasing of MRI signal due to microscopic processes σ σ = standard deviation of the signal (the noise) n = number of signals acquired Ia,Ib = signal intensities from tissues “a” and “b” T1, T2 and for Various Tissues Tissue T1(ms) Liver 675+142 Kidney 559+10 Muscle 1123+119 Gray Matter 1136+91 White Matter 889+30 • T2*: transverse relaxation time with Bo inhomogeneity effects added; defines rate of dephasing of MRI signal due to macroscopic and microscopic processes Manipulating Contrast T2(ms) • The “weighting” of image contrast is related to delay times, TR (repetition time) & TE (echo time) 54+8 84+8 43+4 87+15 86+1.5 • Spin Echo – manipulates image contrast with 180o refocusing pulses (insensitive to Bo inhomogeneities) • Gradient Echo – manipulates image contrast by varying the excitation flip angle (fast scans) • Inversion Recovery – manipulates image contrast with 180o inversion pulses Akber, Akber, 1996 (at 63 MHz) Pulse Sequence Classifications Spin Echo - Rules of Thumb • TE controls T2 dependence RF Pulses Contrast Weighting Application Two or more T1, PD or T2 Conventional Gradient Echo One T1 or T2* Fast imaging (3DFT) “PD Weighted” = long TR, short TE Inversion Recovery Three T1 and T2 Exclude certain tissues “T2 Weighted” = long TR, long TE Name Spin Echo • TR controls T1 dependence G.D. Clarke, UT HSC San Antonio • T1 competes with T2 and proton density “T1 Weighted” = short TR, short TE 2 Optimizing MRI Protocols 7/27/2005 Spin-Echo Imaging Sequence Multi-Echo Acquisitions RF2=180o RF1=90o Image 1 TX Spin Echo RX time Image 2 time Image 3 Gsl time Gro time Gpe time SNR and Imaging Parameters SNR ∝ Matched Bandwidth FOVro FOVph NSA ⋅ ∆z ⋅ M ro M ph BWrx FOV = field of view M = matrix size 1 2 NSA = number of signals averaged BW rx = receiver bandwidth ro = read out (frequency encoding) direction ∆z = slice thickness ph = phase encoding direction Mugler & Brookeman, Magn Reson Imag 1989; 7:487-493. Matched Bandwidth • Bandwidth on ADC1 is limited by finite Tmax & desire to minimize TE1. Matched Bandwidth = Unmatched Distortion T1W T2W • T1 weighting and SNR is sacrificed more by T2 decay than by BW • T2-weighted image - lots of time for ADC2, poorer SNR. It would be nice to decrease BW (increase Tmax) Mugler & Brookeman, Magn Reson Imag 1989; 7:487-493. G.D. Clarke, UT HSC San Antonio • Smaller BW on T2W image leads to increased image distortion 3 Optimizing MRI Protocols 7/27/2005 SE – Effect of TR MR Brain Imaging TR = 63 ms, NSA = 16 AX T1W FLAIR AX T2W TR =125 ms, NSA = 8 TR = 250 ms, NSA = 4 TR = 500 ms, NSA = 2 Diffusion Gadolinium • Gray-white matter contrast • Depicts white matter lesions Bo = 1.5 T • See inside bony structures • Evaluate cerebral blood flow st = 4 mm FOV = 230 mm 256 x 256 TE = 15 ms • High spatial resolution TR = 1 s, NSA = 1 TR = 2 s, NSA = 1 TR = 4 s, NSA = 1 Vlaardingerbroek & den Boer, 1999 TR (s) 4 Multiecho Image Matrix Paramagnetism 2 1.5 Most T1 Weighted 1.2 Most Proton Density Weighted 0.9 • Metal ions with unpaired electrons resulting in positive susceptibility - Fe Most T2 Weighted 0.6 TE 30 • Oxygen 60 90 - Gd - Mg • Paramagnetism has less than 1/1000th effect of ferromagnetism • Shortens T1 and T2 times 120 150 180 ms Gd-DTPA • Typical dose of ~0.1 mM/kg • 550-600 Dalton • seven unpaired electrons – high magnetic moment – unpaired electrons react with protons in adjacent water molecules shortening their relaxation time G.D. Clarke, UT HSC San Antonio Gadolinium • shortens T1 relaxation of water – high SI on T1 weighted images in lower concentrations • shortens T2 relaxation of water – lowers SI on T1 weighted images in high concentrations 4 Optimizing MRI Protocols 7/27/2005 Gadolinium Contrast Agents Gadolinium • Nonuniform distribution of Gd-DTPA increases magnetic susceptibility differences – Decreases MR signal on T2*-weighted images Meningioma Normal With Gd Contrast T1-weighted Images Commercial Contrast Agents FLAIR (FLuid Attenuated Inversion Recovery) Mz Brain Inversion Recovery Multiple Sclerosis Proton Density T2-Weighted FLAIR Mxy Lesion Lesion 0 time CSF Brain TI Teff time TR = 2350 TE = 30 TR=2350 TE= 80 Rydberg JN et al. Radiology 1994; 193:173-180 G.D. Clarke, UT HSC San Antonio TR=2600 TE=145 TI= 11,000 5 Optimizing MRI Protocols 7/27/2005 FSE Pulse Sequence FSE Point Spread Function Depends on T2 Effective TE ETL = Echo Train Length Effect of Echo Spacing Spin Echo vs. Fast Spin Echo TE = 30 ms T1-weighted (TR = 500) T2-weighted (TR= 2000) Signal-to-noise decreases for short T2 tissues (gray & white matter) leading to a decrease in spatial resolution Vlardengerbrook & den Boer, 1999 Inversion Recovery FSE TR =1400 TI = 280 Spin Echo Fast Spin Echo (Echo Train Length = 4) FLAIR Imaging TR =2000 TI = 280 Modulus Phase Compensated TR =1400 TI = 100 TE = 120 ms T2W-FSE TE/TR = 98/3500ms, Slice 5/1.5mm, ET:8 (split) 256x224, 1 NEX, 20x20 cm FOV, 3:23 FLAIR-FSE TI/TE/TR = 2200/147/10000ms, Slice 5/1.5mm, 256x160, 1 NEX, 20x20cm FOV, 3:40 Vlaardingerbroek & den Boer, 1999 G.D. Clarke, UT HSC San Antonio 6 Optimizing MRI Protocols 7/27/2005 Magnetization Transfer Magnetization Transfer Contrast Multislice FSE: Magnetization Transfer Contrast Enhances T2Weighted Appearance Attenuation Due to Diffusion δ A(TE ) = A(0) exp[−γ 2G 2 Dappδ 2α 2 (∆ − )] 4 Diffusion Weighted Imaging: Prototype Pulse Sequence Where: α=π/2; G is amplitude of diffusion sensitive gradient pulse; δ is duration of diffusion sensitive gradient; ∆ is time between diffusion sensitive gradient pulses; Dapp is the apparent diffusion coefficient Hahn E., Phys Rev 1950 Diffusion Echo-Planar Imaging ( b = γ 2G 2δ 2 ∆ − δ 3 ) Stejskal EO & Tanner JE, 1965. 42: 288-292 The b-value • Controls amount of diffusion weighting in image • The greater the b-value the greater the area under the diffusion-weighted gradient pulses •Signal has to be acquired in time ~T2 •Images in less than 100 ms but poor spatial resolution ( ~ 3mm x 3mm pixel) – longer TE – stronger and faster ramping the gradients •Requires very good Bo homogeneity Æ big susceptibility artifacts G.D. Clarke, UT HSC San Antonio 7 Optimizing MRI Protocols 7/27/2005 Spine Imaging Diffusion Imaging of Infarcts SE Echo Planar TE = 80 ms SE Echo Planar b = 1205 s mm-1 Gradient-Echo Imaging • • • • • Partial (<90o) flip angle keeps all longitudinal magnetization from being used up Short TE values preserve SNR Short TR values allow for fast scanning (~ 1 sec/image) Poor T2-weighted contrast Sensitive to susceptibility Magnetic Susceptibility Effects SAG T1W SAG T2W STIR Left: Coronal T2W (one slice) Right: MIP Gadolinium • See inside bony structures • Surface coil almost always used • Evaluate nerve root compression Spoiled Gradient Echo Also called spoiled GRASS, fast field echo, FLASH, etc. Gradient-Echo Imaging The susceptibility-induced artifacts in GRE images: • Increase with TE - limiting the utility of GRE T2*-weighted images in many cases. • Are worst for tissue/air interfaces, but noticeable at tissue/bone interfaces. • Are usually a detriment, but are useful in some circumstances (e.g., blood-sensitive imaging, BOLD contrast functional imaging, etc.). G.D. Clarke, UT HSC San Antonio 8 Optimizing MRI Protocols 7/27/2005 Gradient-Echo Imaging Spatial Saturation Spatial presaturation pulses (slabs) can be applied in oblique coronal planes and are used to suppress signal intensities of tissue adjacent to spine and reduce breathing artifacts Reference: Wehrli, Fast-Scan Magnetic Resonance. Principles and Applications Phased Array Surface Coils STIR (Short TI Inversion Recovery) Mz www.toshiba-europe.com Fat 0 time Liver TI www.medical.philips.com Spine Imaging • SAG T2W Right: Saggital T1W image of T11–L1 demonstrates minimal wedging of the vertebral bodies associated with intravertebral disc herniations (arrows) STIR Gadolinium T1--weighted T1 T1-weighted SAG T1W G.D. Clarke, UT HSC San Antonio Spine Imaging SAG T1W MRI SAG T2W CT STIR Gadolinium T2-weighted T2-weighted Surface receiver coils are used to maximize signal from regions of interest while minimizing noise from volumes outside of the region of investigation. • Heavily T2weighted images show CSF as bright, creating myelographic effect 9 Optimizing MRI Protocols 7/27/2005 Spine Imaging Top: Sag T1W Bottom: STIR •Short •TI •Inversion •Recovery Gadolinium SAG T1W Left – Axial T1W image of S1 (note nerve root) Right – Gd-enhanced image confirms abnormal soft tissue is scar Liver Imaging AX T2W AX EPI STIR SAG T2W AX T1W Gadolinium Contrast Agent STIR SAG T2W STIR SAG T1W Spine Imaging Chemical Shift Artifact Ferumoxide • Occurs in – Readout direction • Conventional SE Body MR Imaging requires: Advantages: • Control of respiratory an dother motion artiafcts • Soft tissue contrast • High degree of contrast manipulation • Identification and/or elimination of fat signals • Avoidance of wrap-around (aliasing) artifact • Lesion characterization • High sensitivity to iron – Phase encode direction • Echo-Planar • Controlled by – Fat Pre-Saturation – STIR sequence Chemical Shift Chemical shift artifact seen in axial image of kidney CHESS • Chemical shift (fat-water) ~3.5 ppm – At 1.5T: ∆f fat − water = 3.5 × 10 −6 ⋅ 42.6 MHz ⋅1.5T ≅ 220 Hz T – At 0.5T: ∆f fat − water = 3.5 × 10 −6 ⋅ 42.6 MHz ⋅ 0.5T ≅ 73 Hz T • ↓ field strength …. ↓ chemical shift G.D. Clarke, UT HSC San Antonio • This is typically accomplished by preceding a SE or FSE sequence with a 90o pulse that is frequency, not spatially, selective. 10 Optimizing MRI Protocols 7/27/2005 Liver Imaging Liver Imaging Chemical Shift A AX FSE C AX T1W Ferumoxide • T2-Weighted FAST SPIN ECHO is often used to reduce motion artifact & scan time T2W B AX EPI A. In phase-spoiled FFE image w/ TE= 4 ms B. Out of phase spoiled FFE images w/ TE = 2 ms C. T2 breath-hold FSE with fatsat pulse http://www.users.on.net/~vision/papers/abdomen/abdominal-mri.htm Liver Imaging AX T2W Echo planar is the fastest imaging sequence and can be used to minimize motion artifacts Long TE Gradient Echoes produce T2* contrast to identify tumors Ferumoxide Increasing the number of shots increases imaging time but decreases geometric distortions 8 Shot 4 Shot AX EPI AX T1W AX T1W 2 Shot PDW /T1W SGE 1 Shot Ferumoxide Super Ferumoxide Very fast (EPI or Gradient Echo) T1 weighted images allow effective management of respiratory motion. Medhi P-A et al. Radiographics 2001; 21:767 Paramagnetic Iron Oxide is the contrast agent of choice in liver imaging Contrast agents T2W Fast Spin Echo AX EPI photo Liver Imaging AX T2W AX T2W PD/T1W • AX T1W Echo Planar • T2W EPI Liver Imaging Changes in MRI with Bo Field-Strength The Good The Bad The Ugly Increased signal Poorer T1W contrast due to longer T1 Increased absorption of RF power Increased chemical shift? Increases in magnetic susceptibility Less uniform images T2*W Gradient Echo G.D. Clarke, UT HSC San Antonio 11 Optimizing MRI Protocols 7/27/2005 Contrast Agents & Bo Strength • Due to increases in tissue T1’s, Gdbased contrast agents are more effective at 3T compared to 1.5T • Use less contrast agent to get same tissue contrast What is SAR? • The patient is in an RF magnetic field that causes spin excitation (the B1 field) • The RF field can induce small currents in the electrically conductive patient which result in energy being absorbed. or • The RF power absorbed by the body is called the specific absorption rate (SAR) • Achieve much higher tissue contrast for the same dose • SAR has units of watts absorbed per kg of patient • If the SAR exceeds the thermal regulation capacity the patient’s body temperature will rise. Nobauer-Huhmann IM, Invest Radiol 2002; 37:114-119 Scan Parameters Effecting SAR Parallel Imaging • Patient size: SAR increases as the patient size increases – directly related to patient radius • Uses spatial information obtained from arrays of RF coils • Resonant frequency: SAR increases with the square of the Larmor frequency (ωo) – therefore ↑ with Bo2 • Information is used to perform some portion of spatial encoding usually done by gradient fields and RF pulses • RF pulse flip angle: SAR increases as the square of the flip angle (α2) • Multiplies imaging speed – without needing faster-switching gradients • Number of RF pulses: SAR increases with the number of RF pulses in a given time Generalized Projections 3 RF coils – without additional RF power deposited SENSE Imaging (SENSitivity Encoding) SENSE X-ray CT Parallel MRI Parallel imaging can be thought of as being analogous to x-ray CT… Data acquired from each PA coil element goes into reconstruction of whole image – reduces imaging time, reduces SNR, reduces uniformity. http://www.mr.ethz.ch/sense/ G.D. Clarke, UT HSC San Antonio 12 Optimizing MRI Protocols 7/27/2005 Image Acceleration Conventional breath-hold cardiac MRI Requires 14 heartbeats. • MR Perfusion Imaging • Dynamic contrast uptake • Presaturating inversion slabs (FAIR) SENSE breathhold cardiac MRI Requires 3 heartbeats. • Functional MRI • EchoEcho-planar imaging • Blood oxygen level dependent contrast http://www.mr.ethz.ch/sense/sense_application.html Summary Resolution Signal-to-Noise Contrast FOV & matrix size FOV & matrix size Relaxation times Slice thickness RF Pulse flip angles & timing RF Pulse flip angles & timing FSE inter-echo spacing Bo field strength Preparation pulses Motion artifact Receiver bandwidth RF coil sensitivity Gradient timing (b-value) Magnetization transfer Chemical shift artifact What We Haven’t Covered • MR Angiography • InIn-flow enhancement • Magnetization transfer contrast G.D. Clarke, UT HSC San Antonio http://www.mr.ethz.ch/3t/patient_5.html Suggested Reading (In order of increasing complexity) • MRI: From Picture to Proton McRobbie DW, Moore EA, Graves MJ & Prince MR. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2003; ISBN: 0521523192 • Magnetic Resonance Imaging 3rd ed. Vlaardingerbroek MT, den Boer JA, Luiten A. Springer 2002; ISBN: 3540436812 • Handbook of MRI Pulse Sequences Bernstein MA, King KF, Zhou XJ. Elsevier, 2004; ISBN: 0120928612 13