Cisco Remote Expert Mobile for Retail Banking Deliver a Personalized Service Your Customers

Cisco Remote Expert Mobile for Retail Banking
Deliver a Personalized Service
With double-digit adoption, mobile banking is an
important channel for driving growth and delivering a
personalized customer experience. Cisco® Remote
Expert Mobile helps you transform your customers’
mobile experience by turning impersonal transactions
into personal interactions. It gives you the ability to
deliver a consistent video-enabled mobile experience—
anywhere, anytime, and on any device. As a result, you
can differentiate your bank with superior service, form
closer relationships, and meet customers’ financial
needs at their point of buying intent.
Optimize Convenience
To be successful, banks are aggressively driving growth
by strengthening their existing customer relationships
through their mobile platforms. Today’s customers are
more informed and have ever-higher expectations. They
bank in person, on the phone, and online, using a variety
of personal devices. To support a customer-centric
omnichannel banking strategy, banks are:
• Increasing customer relevance and intimacy with
face-to-face contact
Deliver a Seamless Experience to
Your Customers
Cisco Remote Expert Mobile integrates video with your
existing business and consumer mobile applications,
allowing your customers to initiate personal interactions
with in-house personnel at the touch of a button. Cisco
Remote Expert Mobile lets you extend the reach of
your experts, putting your customer in touch with the
right expert. It helps you control costs as you optimize
customer care and tap the full potential of your firm’s
knowledge and experience.
With Cisco Remote Expert Mobile, your customers can
conduct business through visual, self-service choices
on their smart phone, PC, laptop, or tablet computer.
Cisco Remote Expert Mobile uses proven Cisco Unified
Communications infrastructure and integrates with your
customer relationship management (CRM) and customer
information file (CIF), as well as with your mobile and
Internet banking applications.
Cisco Remote Expert Mobile:
• Integrates video—and the ability to find, connect, and
collaborate with an expert—with your existing mobile
applications, so your customers can initiate personal
interactions with in-house experts at the touch of
a button
• Supports voice, video, presence, web, file
sharing, as well as mobile, business-to-any (B2X)
collaboration applications
• Let’s customers smoothly escalate their interaction
with your experts in mortgage lending, wealth
management, and other business areas from an
instant-message chat session to an audio or video
call, within a single application session
• Delivers a complete omnichannel experience when
included with the Cisco Remote Expert branch
capabilities, so your customers can easily move from
mobile to branch channels, as needed, to complete a
complex financial transaction
• Equips your experts in areas such as wealth
management to meet in customers’ homes or offices
and quickly bring another expert into the conversation
• Providing a seamless experience across any device
• Enhancing their existing mobile applications to
support rich customer collaboration
• Delivering mobile banking services in the context of
an omnichannel strategy that ties the mobile customer
experience to branch, contact center, and social
media channels
© 2015 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL:
Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R)
The Cisco Remote Expert Mobile solution provides the
following business benefits:
• Promotes growth and boosts revenues: You can
capture sales at the point of customer interaction and
eliminate customer abandonment while improving
cross-sell ratios
• Enhances your mobile banking strategy: Add video
and collaboration functionality to make existing
applications more interactive, allowing customers
to collaborate with your experts, sign documents,
and more
• Differentiates through customer experience: Use
immersive video, combined with intelligent routing
capabilities, to deliver immediate access to your
experts everywhere
Cisco Services for Remote Expert
The Cisco Advantage
Cisco Services can help you realize the full value of
your Cisco Remote Expert investment. Using proven
Cisco best practices and expertise, these services
support you throughout the solution lifecycle. They can
begin with business strategy and analysis and continue
through plan, build and manage phases, helping you
quickly deliver a highly effective solution that connects
customers, employees, and experts.
Cisco is a global leader in providing solutions to the
financial services industry. We deliver the technologies
banks need to increase revenues, improve operational
efficiency, and mitigate risk. As an innovator and leader
in the convergence of data, voice, and video, Cisco has
the proven expertise needed to deliver the high-quality
solutions retail banks demand for their customer sales
and service channels.
For More Information
For more information about successful real-world
implementations and best practices, visit
• Delivers rich collaboration: Your experts can draw on
the customer’s screen to highlight information, share
screens with the customer, push web content and,
with customer consent, remotely control the content
on the screen all in order to engage the customer and
close business
• Make the most of your experts: Centralize pools of
experts and allow inbound calls from video-enabled
channels to make better use of your firm’s knowledge
• Enhance regulatory compliance: Take advantage of
built-in audio recording to provide a full audit trail
© 2015 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL:
Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R)
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