Poster Project Grade Sheet Group Number: Group members:

Poster Project Grade Sheet
Group Number:
Group members:
(5) Title:
___ Date and times of study (1)
___ Group information – number and members (1)
___ Mention Ridley Creek (1)
(6) Purpose:
___ Used own words (2)
___ Described physical measurements to make (2)
___ Identified physical specimens to collect (2)
(3) Materials:
___ Complete list of all materials used (both own and provided)
(12) Procedure:
Included steps for all of the following in own words:
___ weather
___ compass reading
___ set up transect line
___ transparency
___ temperature
___ velocity
___ width of stream
___ depth of stream and depth with sediment
___ higher animals
___ plankton
___ benthos
___ aerial map
(13) Data:
Included all of the following:
___ weather
___ transparency
___ temperature
___ average velocity
___ average depth
___ average volume
___ width
___ depth of stream/with sediment
___ plants
___ higher animals
___ plankton
___ benthos
___ aerial map
(20) Visual aid requirements:
___ Neatly done, no glue globs/smears, pencil lines, eraser marks, smears.
___ Colorful, colors contrast well.
___ Text is easy to read – bulleted format, small paragraphs, font easy to see (size and type
___ Creative, well-planned design – group took time to plan layout of all materials, all text and
visuals arranged in a visually appealing manner.