1 2 Outline Ultrasound Elasticity Imaging • • • • • • • Stanislav (Stas) Emelianov emelian@mail.utexas.edu Department of Biomedical Engineering Introduction Mechanical properties of tissue Approaches in elasticity imaging Elasticity imaging systems Applications Challenges, advantages and limitations Future developments 3 Notations X=(x1,x2,x3)=(x,y,z) – coordinate system U=(u1,u2,u3) – displacement vector εij – strain tensor i=1,2,3 σij – stress tensor j=1,2,3 δij – Kronecker delta (1 for i=j, 0 otherwise) Einstein summation convention – summation is implied over the repeated index, for example: aii = 3 aii = a11 + a22 + a33 i =1 j = 1 → ai bi1 = ai bij = 3 aibij i =1 j = 2 → aibi 2 = j = 3 → ai bi 3 = 3 ai bi1 = a1b11 + a2b21 + a3b31 i =1 3 i =1 3 ai bi 2 = a1b12 + a2b22 + a3b32 ai bi 3 = a1b13 + a2b23 + a3b33 4 Elasticity Imaging – Goal ρ – density (kg/m3) ν – Poisson’s ratio E – Young’s modulus λ, µ – Lame coefficients G – shear modulus K – bulk modulus η – shear viscosity ξ – bulk viscosity ct – shear wave speed cl – longitudinal wave speed ct = µ λ + 2µ , cl = ρ ρ Remote non-invasive (or adjunct to invasive) imaging (or sensing) of mechanical properties of tissue for clinical applications i =1 1 5 Hippocrates, circa 460-377 B.C. Tissue Elasticity Ultrasound MRI Oestreicher, 1951 6 Mechanical Properties of Tissue (i.e., Why Bother) Elasticity Imaging – Glance at History Other methods Frank et al, 1948 Biomechanics (muscle, skin, ...) Sarvazyan et al, 1975 Frizzell et al, 1976 Fung, 1981 Elasticity (e.g., bulk and shear moduli) Thompson et al, 1981 Wilson and Robinson, 1982 Dickinson and Hill, 1982 Eisensher et al, 1983 Tristam et al, 1986 Sarvazyan et al, 1984 Viscosity (e.g., bulk and shear viscosities) Krouskop, (Le)vinson, 1987 Lerner and Parker, 1988 Yamakoshi et al, 1988 Adler et al, 1989 Meunier and Bertrand, 1989 Duck, 1990 Parker et al, 1990 Ophir et al, 1991 Sarvazyan and Skovoroda, 1991 Avalanche of papers Krouskop et al, 1998 Erkamp et al, 1998 Pereira et al, 1990 Nonlinearity (e.g., strain hardening) DeJong et al, 1990 Fowlkes et al, 1992 Sarvazyan et al, 1995 Fowlkes et al, 1995 Muthupillai et al, 1995 Plewes et al, 1995 Chenevert et al, 1998 Other (e.g., anisotropy, pseudoelasticity) Many papers 7 8 Which Elastic Moduli? Elasticity Changes in tissue elasticity are related to pathological changes … Such swellings as are soft, free from pain, and yield to the finger, ... and are less dangerous than the others. ... then, as are painful, hard, and large, indicate danger of speedy death; but such as are soft, free of pain, and yield when pressed with the finger, are more chronic than these. THE BOOK OF PROGNOSTICS, Hippocrates, 400 B.C. Hippocrates It is the business of the physician to know, in the first place, things similar and things dissimilar; … which are to be seen, touched, and heard; which are to be perceived in the sight, and the touch, and the hearing, … which are to be known by all the means we know other things. ON THE SURGERY, Hippocrates, 400 B.C. = = Poisson’s ratio (ν) Bulk modulus (K) Shear modulus (µ=G) Young’s modulus (E) Most soft tissues are incompressible, i.e., deformation produces no volume change ct = G ρ < cl = K + 23 G ρ G << K G →0 K ν→ 1 2 Hippocrates, 400 B.C. 2 9 Elasticity 10 Human sense of touch – what do we feel? R Incompressible material Relations between various elastic constants x2 F1 Constant λ µ E ν Κ G λ, µ Rigid circular die Common Pair E, ν λ µ µ (3λ + 2 µ ) (λ + µ ) λ + 23 µ µ F1 = 3µε 0 K − 23 G W G Semi-infinite elastic medium K – bulk modulus µ – shear modulus 9 KG 3K + G 3K − 2G 6 K + 2G E λ µ = 0.5 − 2(λ + µ ) 2(λ + µ ) x3 F K, G νE (1 +ν )(1 − 2ν ) E 2(1 +ν ) ν E 3(1 − 2ν ) E 2(1 +ν ) x1 G F = 8 RWG 1 + K G 1+ 3K K G −1 G → 8 RWµ K →0 Static deformation of (nearly) incompressible material is primarily determined by shear or Young’s modulus (!!!), and boundary conditions (?!?) Sarvazyan et al, 1995 11 How to (Directly) Measure Tissue Elasticity 12 Direct Elasticity Measurements 2-D Positioning System R • Sample preparation Tissue Rotational stage • Deformation method – – • Static Oscillatory (low frequency) F = 8 RWµ F Scale Rigid circular die Load – Displacement Tests Preconditioning of the tissue W Load – Displacement measurements • Strain – Stress calculations • Elastic modulus evaluation 30 Semi-infinite elastic medium x2 x2 F F x1 x3 Stress (kPa) • F = 3µε 11 x1 x3 Scale Scale 15 0 10 20 Strain (%) Erkamp et al, 1998 3 13 14 Direct Elasticity Measurements Krouskop T.A., Wheeler T.M., Kallel F., Garra B.S., Hall T.J., "The elastic moduli of breast and prostate tissues under compression,“ Ultrasonic Imaging, 20:260-274, 1998. Artann Laboratories, NJ www.artannlabs.com Deformation piston Fi F0 (force) H0 Wellman P.S., Howe R.D., Dalton E., Kern K.A., “Breast Tissue Stiffness in Compression is Correlated to Histological Diagnosis,” Harvard BioRobotics Laboratory, Technical Report, 1999 Hi Tissue sample Nava A., Mazza E., Haefner O., and Bajka M. “Experimental Observation and Modeling of Preconditioning in Soft Biological Tissues,” in Proceedings of Medical Simulation International Symposium, 2004 Cambridge. Rigid support plane Artann Laboratories, NJ Xie et al. 2004 15 Breast Tissue Elasticity and Pathology Skovoroda et al., 1995, Breast Tissue Elasticity and Pathology Wellman et al., 1999, Biophysics, 40(6):1359-1364. Breast Tissue Type Normal gland Infiltrative ductal cancer with alveolar tissue predominating. Fibroadenomas of glandular origin Infiltrative ductal cancer with fibrous tissue predominating. Ductal fibroadenoma Young’s Modulus (kPa) 0.5-1.5 1.0-1.5 1.5-2.5 2.0-3.0 8.0-12.0 Samani A., Bishop J., Luginbuhl C. and Plewes D.B., “Measuring the elastic modulus of ex vivo small tissue samples,” Physics in Medicine and Biology, 48, pp.2183-2198, 2003. 16 Harvard BioRobotics Laboratory Technical Report. Krouskop et al., 1998, Ultrasonic Imaging, 20:260-274. Samani et al., 2003, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 48:2183-2198 . 4 17 Elastic Properties of Arteries Sarvazyan A.P., 2001,” In: Handbook of Elastic Properties of Solids, Liquids and Gases. Type of soft tissue E, kPa Comments 18 Elastic Properties of Prostate Gland Aglyamov S.R. and Skovoroda A.R., 2000, Biophysics, 2000, 45(6). Reference Artery human, in vitro Thoracic aorta Abdominal aorta Iliac artery Femoral artery 300-940 980-1,420 1,100-3,500 1,230-5,500 For normal physiological conditions of longitudinal tension and distending blood pressure, below 200 mm Hg. Ascending aorta 183-582 M-mode echocardiography in different age groups. Alessandri et al., 1995 Coronary artery 1,060-4,110 Represents values for various ages (0-80 y.o.) and atherosclerosis conditions in right and left arteries. Ozolanta et al., 1998 100-1,500 Equilibrated at intraluminal pressure of 45 mmHg, media thickness and lumen diameter were measured in the applied 3 -140 mmHg intraluminal pressure range. Intengan et al., 1998 700-1,600 Range includes measurements for normal vs spontaneously hypertensive animals. rat, in vitro mesenteric small arteries aortic wall porcine, in vitro thoracic aorta intima-medial layer adventitia layer ascending aorta intima-medial layer adventitia layer descending aorta intima-medial layer adventitia layer McDonald, 1974 Marque et al., 1999 43 4.7 447 112 Bending experiments were used to impose various strains on different layers of tested blood vessels. Fung, 1993 248 69 19 20 Strain hardening Contrast in Elasticity Imaging • • All Soft Tissues • • Bone 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 Bulk Modulus (Pa) Glandular Tissue of Breast Liver Relaxed Muscle Fat 40 Bone Stress (kPa) Dermis Connective Tissue Contracted Muscle Palpable Nodules 30 Collagen 20 10 Epidermis Cartilage Cornea Strain hardening in kidney samples (Erkamp et al, 1998) Vessel Composition (Fung, 1988): muscle (soft), elastin (soft), collagen (hard) Shear Modulus (Pa) Blood Vitreous Humor Most soft tissues exhibit strain hardening Tissues of organs with primary “mechanical” functions (muscle, skin, tendon, etc.) Other tissues (kidney, brain, blood clot, etc.) Strain hardening vs. strain softening (strain energy density function) Elastin 0 1.0 1.1 1.2 Stretch ratio (L/L0) 80 Young's modulus [kPa] Liquids 1.3 40 0 5 10 15 Strain [%] Sarvazyan et al, 1995 5 21 Strain hardening 22 Strain hardening This and other graphs as well as other literature data suggest that tissue strain hardening (or nonlinearity in stress-strain relations) can be used for tissue analysis including composition, differentiation, etc. Krouskop et al, 1998 Ophir et al., 2001 Wellman et al., 1999 23 24 Viscosity Anisotropy • Shear viscosity: shear waves • Bulk viscosity: longitudinal ultrasound waves • Viscoelastic models: Maxwell, Voigt, Kelvin, KVFD, etc. • Is there a characteristic time? Across fibers 4 0 5 10 15 20 Strain (%) Creep Constant Load Creep Stress Relaxation Deformation 0 Stress 8 Time 12 Constant Deformation Force (N) Along fibers 12 Load • 16 Deformation • Arterial wall: orthotropic material – 9 constants two orthogonal planes of symmetry Muscle: transversely isotropic – 5 constants axis of symmetry Isotropic – 2 constants Stress (kPa) • 8 Cornea 4 Stress Relaxation Time 0 30 60 90 Time (min) 6 25 Viscosity • Hysteresis loops: independent of the rate of loading (most soft tissues) • Pseudoelastic material: elastic after preconditioning (with hysteresis) • Duck, F.A. Physical properties of tissues. Academic press; New York, 1990 • Fung YC. Biomechanics – mechanical properties of living tissues. SpringerVerlag; New York, 1981 • Krouskop TA, Wheeler TM, Kallel F, Garra BS, Hall TJ, “The elastic moduli of breast and prostate tissues under compression,” Ultrasonic Imaging vol. 20 pp. 260-274, 1998 • Aglyamov SR, Skovoroda AR, “Mechanical properties of soft biological tissues,” Biophysics, Pergamon, 45(6):1103-1111, 2000. • Sarvazyan AP, “Elastic properties of soft tissues,” In: Handbook of Elastic Properties of Solids, Liquids and Gases, Volume III, Chapter 5, 107-127, eds. Levy, Bass and Stern, Academic Press, 2001 • Other text books and archival publications Loading Cycles Stress 1st cycle Load 5th Strain 26 Mechanical Properties of Tissue: References >10th cycle Elongation 27 Phantoms for Elasticity Imaging • Tissue-mimicking phantoms • Gelatin and Gelatin/Agar-agar – Gelatin gels – Easy to prepare – Agar-agar and gelatin mixtures – E ~ Cn, C – concentration, n=[1-2] • PVA (poly-vinyl alcohol) tissuemimicking phantom • Background: 8% PVA solution 1% silica (40µm diameter) 1 freeze/thaw cycle – Short shelf life – Rubber (plastisol, silicone) materials – Additives are possible • – PVA (poly-vinyl alcohol) – Polyacrilamyde gels 28 Phantoms for Elasticity Imaging: Preparation • Plastisol – Time-stable phantoms • – Requires excessive heating during preparation Tissue-containing phantoms – Gelatin gels – Agar-agar and gelatin gels • • Imaging: SONIX RP imaging system (Ultrasonix, Inc.) 5-7 MHz, 40 mm linear probe • Deformations manual 0.3% PVA – Freeze-thaw cycles to vary elasticity – Polyacrilamyde gels – Time-stable Hall et al., 1997 Other papers Inclusion: 10% PVA solution 2% silica particles 3 freeze/thaw cycles 50mm 10mm 50mm 50mm Park et al., 2007 7 Phantoms for Elasticity Imaging: References 29 30 Elasticity Imaging using ...? Madsen EL, Frank GR, Krouskop TA, Varghese T, Kallel F, Ophir J, “Tissue-mimicking oil-in-gelatin dispersions for use in heterogeneous elastography phantoms,” Ultrasonic Imaging vol. 25 pp. 17-38, 2003 Computerized Tomography: • Madsen EL, Hobson MA, Frank GR, Shi H, Jiang J, Hall TJ, Varghese T, Doyley MM, Weaver JB, “Anthropomorphic breast phantoms for testing elastography systems,” Ultrasound Med Biol. vol. 32 pp. 857-874, 2006 MRI: • Hall TJ, Bilgen M, Insana MF, Krouskop TA, “Phantom materials for elastography,” IEEE Trans. UFFC, vol. 44 pp. 1355-1365, 1997 • Surry KJM, Austin HJB, Fenster A, Peters TM, “Poly(vinly alcohol) cryogel phantoms for use in ultrasound and MR imaging,” Phys. Med. Biol., vol. 49 pp. 5529-5546, 2004 • Other text books and archival publications • Where to buy ATS Laboratories, Inc. (http://www.atslabs.com/) spatial distribution of the absorption (density) proton spin density and relaxation time constants Ultrasound Imaging: variation in acoustical impedance (bulk modulus and density) Optical Imaging: refraction index 31 Elasticity Imaging – Approaches 32 How … Static Elasticity Imaging? Displacement Strain Static (strain-based, or reconstructive) Soft imaging internal motion under static deformation Dynamic (wave-based) Hard imaging shear wave propagation Mechanical (stress-based, also reconstructive) measuring tissue response at the surface Range • 8 33 34 Elasticity Imaging – Main Components How … Static Elasticity Imaging? • Capture data during externally or internally applied tissue motion or deformation • Capture data during deformation • Evaluate tissue response (displacement, strain, stress) • Estimate displacements • Compute strain tensor • Reconstruct elastic modulus based on theory of elasticity • Reconstruct mechanical properties Theory of elasticity is common part in all approaches in Elasticity Imaging 35 L0 F F S0 S Theory of Elasticity (Static Approach) L=L0+∆L • Strain ε ij = L − L0 ε11 = L0 • Stress σ 11 = General (3-D) case 1 ∂ui ∂u j ∂u k ∂u k + + 2 ∂x j ∂xi ∂xi ∂x j ε 11 ε12 ε 13 ε 21 ε 22 ε 23 ε 31 ε 32 ε 33 F S σ 11 σ 12 σ 13 σ 21 σ 22 σ 23 σ 31 σ 32 σ 33 36 Equations of Equilibrium Small deformations of linear, isotropic (i.e., Hookean) material ∂ ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂ ∂u ∂ ∂u ∂u ∂ ∂u ∂u (λ ( 1 + 2 + 3 )) + ( 2µ 1 ) + (µ ( 1 + 2 )) + ( µ ( 1 + 3 )) + f1 = 0 ∂x1 ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3 ∂x1 ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x2 ∂x1 ∂x3 ∂x3 ∂x1 ∂ ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂ ∂u ∂u ∂ ∂u ∂ ∂u ∂u (λ ( 1 + 2 + 3 )) + ( µ ( 2 + 1 )) + ( 2µ 2 ) + ( µ ( 2 + 3 )) + f 2 = 0 ∂x2 ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3 ∂x1 ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x2 ∂x2 ∂x3 ∂x3 ∂x2 ∂ ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂ ∂u ∂u ∂ ∂u ∂u ∂ ∂u (λ ( 1 + 2 + 3 )) + ( µ ( 3 + 1 )) + ( µ ( 3 + 2 )) + (2µ 3 ) + f3 = 0 ∂x2 ∂x2 ∂x3 ∂x3 ∂x3 ∂x3 ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3 ∂x1 ∂x1 ∂x3 Examples (incompressible material) x2 • Constitutive relationships σ 11 = Eε11 E – Young’s modulus R σ ij = λε iiδ ij + 2µε ij F1 x1 x3 • Equations of equilibrium ∂σ 11 =0 ∂x1 ∂σ ij i ∂x j + fi = 0 F = 8RWµ F Rigid circular die F1 = 3µε 0 W Semi-infinite elastic medium 9 37 38 Image during Deformation References • Landau LD and Lifshitz EM. Theory of elasticity. Pergamon Press; New York, 1986 • Externally or internally induced deformation • Continuous deformation while imaging • Saada AS. Elasticity Theory and Applications. Krieger Publishing Company; Malabar, Florida, 1993 • Nowazki W. Dynamics of elastic systems. Wiley; New York, 1963 Transducer 1-D Motion axis Phantom • Constrained or free-hand transducer Deformation plate • Various imaging techniques • Deformation, not translation • Nowazki W. Thermoelasticity. Pergamon Press; New York, 1983 • Other text books and archival publications Beware: most (soft) tissues are (nearly) incompressible 39 Displacements 1-D, 2-D (3-D) Correlation Tracking Kernel Size Normalized Correlation Coefficient • Speckle motion Tissue motion Speckle tracking • Ultrasound Imaging (2-D → 3-D) ρˆ (l ) = B-Scan Axial (u2) displacement 40 s (t ) ⋅ s2 (t + l ) dt * 1 Before Deformation s (t )dt ⋅ s (t + l ) dt 2 1 2 2 Lag • Displacement vector: U=(u1,u2,u3) u1 – lateral component u2 – axial (along the ultrasound beam) u3 – elevational (out-of-plane) component • Various speckle tracking techniques • “Anisotropy” in displacement measurements 1 1-D 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 Correlation Lag Axial lag Correlation coefficient After Deformation 2-D Lateral lag Before Deformation After Deformation Correlation coefficient 10 41 Strains • Displacement vector → Strain tensor Static or Reconstructive Ultrasound Elasticity Imaging 42 • Displacement derivatives ε ij = 1 ∂ui ∂u j ∂uk ∂uk + + 2 ∂x j ∂xi ∂xi ∂x j Axial (u2) displacement Normal axial (ε22) strain B-Scan Displacements Strains Elasticity Deform and image Track internal motion Evaluate deformations Reconstruct Young’s or shear elastic modulus • Six (3-D) or three (2-D) independent components ε 11 ε12 ε 13 ε 21 ε 22 ε 23 ε 31 ε 32 ε 33 • Sources of error • Improvement and Optimization • Effect of strain hardening, anisotropy, etc. 43 Deformation: Challenges Deformation vs. rotation and translation translation – no information about tissue elasticity rotation – no information about tissue elasticity and speckle tracking difficulties deformation – consider “anisotropy” in displacement measurements (example 1) Volumetric deformation vs. 1-D or 2-D US imaging deformation – control the deformation state (i.e., plane strain) if possible Deformation vs. temporal and spatial sampling control deformation rate and/or frame rate and spatial sampling 44 Strain Imaging: Challenges Sources of error in strain images ultrasound imaging system (electronic SNR, etc.) interpolation strain induced decorrelation other sources (out-of-plane motion, peak hopping, etc.) Optimal SNR and CNR in strain images short-time correlation, companding, temporal stretching, strain filter, etc. adaptive strain imaging for large deformations, multi-compression, etc. Anisotropy in displacement measurements incompressibility processing other approaches (phase sensitive interpolation, grid slopes, etc.) Deformation vs. distribution and symmetries of elasticity spatial symmetries (if any) must be considered to assist displacement estimation imaging of strain and interpretation (example 1 and 2) elasticity reconstruction (example 1 and 2) Effect of tissue strain hardening on strain images utilize as independent parameter of tissue differentiation 11 A fundamental limit on delay estimation 0.5 0 -0.5 time distance (via sound velocity) -1 Correlation Lag True displacement 3 2 f π T B 3 + 12 B 3 0 2 ( f0 – center frequency T – the observation time B – fractional bandwidth ) 1 ρ 2 1+ 1 SNR 2 2 −1 SNR – root mean squared signal-to-noise ratio ρ – correlation coefficient στ – root mean squared time delay estimate error Walker and Trahey, 1995 Walker and Trahey, 1995 47 48 Interpolation Error Correlation Coefficient 46 False Peak 1 στ ≥ Strain Complex RF 1 0.5 0 • Correlation peak position of complex baseband signal • Phase zero-crossing of analytic signal correlation -0.5 -1 Decorrelation Displacement error ~ 1 / Kernel Size (Kernel size Observation time Strain decorrelation Reduce kernel size Filter correlation functions −π 3 2 1 0 40 50 Time (µsec) 60 h(t) Some other approaches are discussed in: Cespedes et al, 1995 Cohn et al, 1997 Pesavento et al, 1999 Geiman et al, 2000 −π/2 Window size) Strain Error T = 0.35 µsec (with filter) True strain T = 1.3 µsec 4 ^ ρ(t0+ ξ1 , t0 + ξ1 +τ) π/2 0 Displacement Error Spatial resolution vs. error Analytic Baseband π Strain Decorrelation No strain Two-step approach (computationally efficient) Correlation Lag Correlation Phase A fundamental limit on delay estimation Strain (%) Correlation coefficient Jitter 45 Correlation Lag O’Donnell et al, 1993 Lubinski et al, 1999 t ^ ρ(t0, t0 +τ) ^ ρ(t0- ξ1 , t0 - ξ1 +τ) τ h(0) h(+ξ1) τ h(-ξ1) t ^ρF(t0, t0 +τ) Σ τ τ Correlation Coefficient Functions Correlation Filter Filtered Correlation Coefficient Function Lubinski et al, 1999 12 49 Time Delay Estimation and Interpolation Techniques 50 Kernel size vs. resolution and SNR Resolution SNR Kernel 0.86 mm Time Delay Estimation Doppler-based techniques Optical Flow Normalized Covariance Normalized Cross-correlation Hybrid-sign Correlation Polarity-coincidence Correlation Cross-correlation Sum of Squared Differences (SSD) Sum of Absolute Differences (SAD) Mutual Information Many, many other algorithms Interpolation Parabolic Phase zero crossing Cosine Spline Grid slopes Autocorrelation Kernel 0.43 mm • Correlation window is longer than pulse length: the axial resolution of elasticity imaging is determined by the correlation window. Correlation window decreases to pulse length and below: spatial resolution is ultimately limited by the bandwidth of the ultrasonic imaging system. • Formula for optimal kernel size: B – bandwidth s – strain f0 – center frequency Liu et al., 2003 Varghese et al., 1998 Lubinski et al, 1999 51 Elasticity Imaging – Approaches 52 L0 F F S0 S Theory of Elasticity (Dynamic Approach) L=L0+∆L Static (strain-based, or reconstructive) imaging internal motion under static deformation Dynamic (wave-based) imaging shear wave propagation • Strain ε11 = General (3-D) case ε ij = L − L0 L0 • Stress 1 ∂ui ∂u j ∂u k ∂u k + + 2 ∂x j ∂xi ∂xi ∂x j σ 11 σ 12 σ 13 σ 21 σ 22 σ 23 σ 31 σ 32 σ 33 ε 11 ε12 ε 13 ε 21 ε 22 ε 23 ε 31 ε 32 ε 33 F σ 11 = S • Constitutive relationships Mechanical (stress-based, also reconstructive) σ 11 = Eε11 E – Young’s modulus σ ij = λε iiδ ij + 2µε ij + ξ measuring tissue response at the surface • Equations of motion ∂σ 11 ∂ 2u = ρ 21 ∂x1 ∂t ∂σ ij i ∂x j + fi = ρ ∂ε ∂ε ii δ ij + 2η ij ∂t ∂t ∂ 2 ui ∂t 2 13 53 54 Example: plane waves Transient Elastography • Infinite homogeneous (λ,µ=const) elastic medium (i.e., ignore bulk and shear viscosities), no body forces (fi=0) The displacement vector is not always orthogonal to the propagation vector: finite medium, finite size vibrator shear wave is not purely transverse • Assume that u1=u1(x1,t), u2=u2(x1,t), and u3=u3(x1,t) Transmit low frequency shear waves mechanical vibration parallel to ultrasound beam ∂ ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂ ∂u ∂ ∂u ∂u ∂ ∂u ∂u ∂ 2u (λ ( 1 + 2 + 3 )) + ( 2µ 1 ) + ( µ ( 1 + 2 )) + (µ ( 1 + 3 )) = ρ 21 ∂x1 ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3 ∂x1 ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x2 ∂x1 ∂x3 ∂x3 ∂x1 ∂t ∂ ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂ ∂u ∂u ∂ ∂u ∂ ∂u ∂u ∂ 2u (λ ( 1 + 2 + 3 )) + ( µ ( 2 + 1 )) + (2 µ 2 ) + ( µ ( 2 + 3 )) = ρ 22 ∂x2 ∂x2 ∂x3 ∂x3 ∂x2 ∂t ∂x2 ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3 ∂x1 ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂ ∂u ∂ 2u ∂ ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂ ∂u ∂u ∂ ∂u ∂u (λ ( 1 + 2 + 3 )) + ( µ ( 3 + 1 )) + (µ ( 3 + 2 )) + (2 µ 3 ) = ρ 23 ∂x2 ∂x2 ∂x3 ∂x3 ∂x3 ∂t ∂x3 ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3 ∂x1 ∂x1 ∂x3 (λ + 2µ ) ∂ u21 − ρ ∂ u21 = 0 2 2 ∂x1 ∂ u 2 ( 3) 2 µ ∂x12 ∂t ∂ u 2 ( 3) → 2 −ρ ∂t 2 =0 → ∂ 2u1 1 ∂ 2u1 λ + 2µ − = 0 where c l = ∂x12 cl2 ∂t 2 ρ ∂ 2u 2 ( 3) ∂x12 2 1 ∂ u 2 (3) − 2 = 0 where c t = ct ∂t 2 µ ρ Longitudinal wave (ultrasound) Ima are ge a y x Shear wave z Catheline, Fink et al. 1999 Laboratoire Ondes et Acoustique, France http://www.loa.espci.fr/ 55 Transient Elastography Transient Elastography Image shear waves and measure its velocity using ultrafast imaging and motion tracking Conventional Imaging 56 Ultrafast Imaging Evaluate shear modulus from shear wave velocity Isotropic, homogeneous, elastic medium ρ r r r r rr ∂ 2u = (λ + µ )∇ ∇.u + µ∆ u 2 ∂t ( ) Active elements compression Shear wave propagation equation 75 mm Transmit beam profile Transmit wave front t beam ≥ 2⋅ R cl Time needed to acquire 1 frame: t frame ρ ∂ 2 ui = µ∆ ui , i = x, y, z ∂t 2 Local inversion algorithm 250 beams 2 ⋅ 75 mm = tbeam ⋅# beams = ⋅ 256 ≈ 25 ms 1.5 mm/µm shear t frame 2 ⋅ 75 mm = tbeam = ≈ 100 µs 1.5 mm/µm Vs ( x , z ) = 1 N ∂ 2 u ( x , z , t ) ∂ 2 u ( x, z , t ) ∂ 2 u ( x, z , t ) + ∂t 2 ∂x 2 ∂z 2 n =1 N −1 14 57 Transient Elastography 58 Acoustic Radiation Force Imaging Ultrasound Image Transducer 10 1. Focused Acoustic Radiation Force generates localized, impulsive (<0.1 ms) tissue excitation 2. Track tissue response with same ultrasonic transducer used for force generation 3. Repeat in multiple locations throughout 2D FOV 4. Generate images of relative tissue response within the region of excitation (displacement after force removal, recovery time, etc) to assess structural information about tissue 20 40 50 -20 0 20 Shear velocity map 5 10 4 20 3 30 Radiation Force F= 2 40 2αI ta c 1 50 Bercoff et al. 2003 Direction of Wave Propagation 30 m/s -20 0 Nightingale, Trahey et al. Duke University 20 59 Supersonic Shear Wave Imaging 60 Shear Wave Imaging Bercoff et al. 2004 Bercoff et al. 2004 15 61 Elasticity Imaging Systems (Static / Dynamic) • Siemens/Acuson Antares • Supersonic Imaging, Inc. • Hitachi Imaging System • Siemens • Sonic RP by Ultrasonix Medical, Inc. • Echosens • Volcano Therapeutics IVUS Imaging 62 Siemens Sonoline Elegra and Acuson Antares systems • Other systems eSie Touch elasticity imaging • Improves border delineation of this biopsy-proven invasive ductal carcinoma. Live dual imaging provides real time comparison of elastogram to standard 2D imaging. • Winprobe Research Platform eSie Touch elasticity imaging • Provides additional qualitative information by demonstrating the typical internal characteristics pattern of three cysts. • Other systems www.siemens.com 63 64 Hall et al, 2006 www.engr.wisc.edu/bme/faculty/hall_timothy.html www.medphysics.wisc.edu/medphys_docs/people/hall/hall.html Hall, Zhu et al, 2003 Fibroadenoma: changing contrast equal lesion size ratio IDC: constant contrast large lesion size ratio 16 65 Lesion size comparison technique Lesion size comparison technique 66 Invasive ductal carcinoma Benign fibroadenoma WR - size ratios for width AR - size ratios for area A, B, C, D, E – five observers Regner et al. 2006 67 Lesion size comparison technique WR - size ratios for width AR - size ratios for area A, B, C, D, E – five observers Lesion size comparison technique Regner et al. 2006 68 Potential problems: for some lesions it is difficult to distinguish from the surrounding breast tissue on B-mode images. Benign fat necrosis WR - size ratios for width AR - size ratios for area A, B, C, D, E – five observers Regner et al. 2006 Regner et al. 2006 17 Hitachi HI Vision 8500/900 systems 69 70 Acoustic Radiation Force Imaging: Breast Nonscirrhous type invasive ductal carcinoma in 29-year-old woman ARFI image of an in-vivo breast lesion (an infected lymph node) showing differences in displacement and recovery response of different tissues to radiation force excitation Fibroadenoma with in 39-year-old woman Itoh et al. 2006 In vivo Breast Lymph Node (Reactive, Benign) B-mode Nightingale, Trahey et al. In Vivo Breast Lesions IDAC Max. Disp. (~5µm) Fibroadenoma ARFI Displacement (~6.5 µm) B-mode ARFI Displacement (~1.8 µm) Depth (mm) B-mode Lateral Position (mm) IDAC Lateral Position (mm) B-mode Lateral Position (mm) Fat Necrosis Combined ARFI Image B-mode ARFI Displacement (~5.1 µm) Typical Lymph Node Histology Reproduced from Wheater’s Functional Histology, 4th Ed. Nightingale et al.; Trahey et al. Duke University Lateral Position (mm) Lateral Position (mm) Nightingale et al.; Trahey et al. 18 Supersonic Imagine: Elasticity Imaging of Breast 73 Elasticity Imaging of Prostate cancer Gray-scale transrectal ultrasonography 74 Real-time elastography Color Doppler ultrasonography T2-weighted image Dynamic contrast-enhanced image Histopathology Sumura et al., 2007 75 Real-time (30 fps) Strain Imaging of Prostate: Digital System, 7.5 MHz Ruhr Center of Competence for Medical Engineering Bochum, Germany (http://www.hf.ruhr-uni-bochum.de) Elastography of Thermal Lesions in the Liver after RF Ablation 76 Varghese et al. 2002 19 Monitoring liver stiffness after RF ablation 77 Before RF Ablation Canine liver tissue in vitro normal liver Ex Vivo RF Liver Ablation After RF Ablation liver with a lesion after RF ablation Bharat et al., 2005 Staging of Liver Fibrosis with Radiation Force Nightingale et al.; Trahey et al. 80 Fibroscan Key clinical question is degree to which liver fibrosis has occurred Biopsy? Imaging? Quantitative measure of liver stiffness is needed SWEI: new shear wave speed estimation approach eliminates 2nd order differentiation Nightingale et al.; Trahey et al. http://www.echosens.com 20 Non-invasive staging of liver fibrosis 81 82 SuperSonic Imagine: ShearWave Elastography In vivo assessment of Young’s modulus in a healthy volunteer A. Real-time elastography; B. Aspartate transaminase-to-platelet ratio index; C. Elasticity- laboratory combination values Friedrich-Rust et al. 2007 Ulrasonix Sonix RP Imaging System 83 Deffieux at al. 2007 84 Winprobe Elasticity Imaging System (FPGA-based solution) -2% -1% www.ultrasonix.com www.winprobe.com 21 Characterizing lesions - Palpograms 85 86 In vivo acquisition scheme Intra-coronary pressure [mmHg] 140 120 100 80 60 40 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Frame no. Strain [%] 1.0 0.0 Cespedes, De Korte et al./Ultrasound in Med. & Biol., Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 385–396, 2000 de Korte, Mastik and van der Steen Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam http://www.eur.nl/fgg/thorax/elasto/ Eur Heart J 23(5): 405-413 (2002) 87 88 Vascular Strain Imaging using Arterial Pressure Equalization 3 Dimensional Elastography: feasibility in a human coronary Pressure (mmHg) 120 80 40 } Pulse Pressure MAP } Strain(%) de Korte, Mastik and van der Steen Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam http://www.eur.nl/fgg/thorax/elasto/ Kim et al, Weitzel et al University of Michigan http://bul.eecs.umich.edu/ 22 91 Cardiac Strain and Strain Rate Imaging 12 1.5 Strain Rate (Hz) Strain (%) 6 0 healthy 0 0.5 healthy diseased 8 60 30 1.0 0 diseased Strain Rate (Hz) Physiologic Pressure Pressure Equalization Kim et al, Weitzel et al University of Michigan http://bul.eecs.umich.edu/ 90 Clinical Data: 5 healthy, 5 diseased arteries Strain (%) 89 Vascular Strain Imaging using Arterial Pressure Equalization 4 0 Kim et al, Weitzel et al Cardiac Strain and Strain Rate Imaging 92 • Cross-correlation method high sensitivity high accuracy 2-D or 2.5-D computationally intensive • Gradient velocity method fast 1-D (axial) aliasing • Real-time implementation is required D’hooge et al. 2000 Different parametric imaging in 3-/4D display, all from a normal subject. Left to right: The red-blue display of tissue velocity, the colored bands of tissue tracking and the yellow-blue display of strain rate. In tissue velocity, lighter color represents higher velocities, showing clearly the velocity gradient from base to apex both in systole and diastole. In tissue tracking, each color represents an interval of 2 mm displacement, as shown by the legend. This means that red represents 2 – 4 mm displacement, increasing to magenta showing >14 mm at the base. Strain rate shows shortening in yellow to red, lengthening in blue, darker color represents more deformation. Some inhomogeneity is visible due to noise and dropouts. Top to bottom: Bull's eye display both in systole and diastole (except tissue tracking), M-mode array from all six walls with apex on top and base at the bottom with ECG and a 3D surface reconstruction, velocity and strain rate in systole and diastole. The bull's eye projection shows all of the surface, but the area is distorted; the apex is progressively diminished, while the base is overrepresented, the 3D figure shows a representation of the true area, but has to be rotated to see all of the surface. Reconstruction is done from three separate cineloops, synchronized by means of ECG. The ECG at the left is inverted, but is from the same patient, as may be seen by the end of the cycle, where there is noise in the ECG signal. The aortic annulus and location of the imaging planes are added for orientation. Støylen, 2003 23 93 Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 94 Triplex Ultrasound: Grayscale, Doppler, Elasticity • SpragueSprague-Dawley rats (300 g) • Surgically induced clots in IVC • Imaging studies clots at 2-day (acute) 6-day (sub(sub-acute) 9-day (chronic) • Siemens Sonoline Elegra 9-13 MHz center frequency • 2-D correlation and strain imaging Softer Harder -0.10 -0.55 Emelianov, Rubin et al, 2000 and 2002 95 2 96 Elasticity Imaging to Age DVT Can elasticity imaging age DVT ? 1.5 1 17 mm 0.5 2 4 6 8 Age (day) 10 • Fitting of data from the first set of experiments ε=e(aD+b) ε – normalized strain D – age of the clot (day) • Can first data set predict the age of the clot in the second set of experiments ? Xie et al 2004 Second Set of Experiments (4 rats) 12 12 Estimated age (day) 0 10 11 mm First Set of Experiments (learning set, 10 rats) 22 mm Normalized Strain 2.5 Acute DVT -20 % Chronic DVT 0% -60 % -6 % Estimation error: ± 0.8 day Strain magnitude 8 Ultrasound backscatter 6 4 2 2 4 6 8 True age (day) 10 12 Rubin et al., 2006 24 97 98 3-D Strain Imaging 3-D Strain Imaging • Deformation 3-D motion • Ultrasound imaging: 2-D • 3-D tracking is needed • Results: • Deformation 3-D motion • Ultrasound imaging: 2-D • 3-D tracking is needed • Results: 2-D linear array Siemens Antares 5:1 contrast 1.5% deformation – – – – 2-D linear array Siemens Antares 5:1 contrast 1.5% deformation Hall et al, 2006 Hall et al, 2006 99 Non-linearity in stress-strain relations 100 Imaging of Tissue Non-linearity 90 Elastic Modulus (kPa) – – – – Cortex and Medulla Collective System 60 ∂µ ≈ 13 ∂ε 40 kPa 30 20 kPa 0 0 5 ∂µ ≈3 ∂ε 10 Strain (%) 15 Emelianov et al, 1998 Erkamp et al, 1998, 1999 Emelianov et al, 1997 Erkamp et al, 1999 25 101 102 Young’s Modulus (kPa) Young’s Modulus (E/E0) Viscoelasticity Imaging Remote (i.e., Elasticity Imaging) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 60 Direct (i.e., tissue sample) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 4 8 12 Strain Strain (%) Strain(%) Elasticity Creep Viscosity Emelianov et al, 1997; Erkamp et al, 1998 103 104 Retardance Time Imaging, T1 Fibroadenoma ε 0 (x) In Vivo Patient Studies strain image sequence ε (x) + ε (x) 0 1 10mm Sonogram TT11:1 Strain 8 (sec) 10 20 8 40 6 5 60 4 4 80 2 3 100 0 7 6 -2 (sec) x T1(x) strain Gelatin phantom with inclusion having twice the collagen density ε ( x, k∆t ) = ε 0 ( x ) + ε 1 ( x ) × (1 − exp( − k∆ t / T1 ( x ))) 0 ∆t 2∆t N∆t time Michael F. Insana et al. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign http://ultrasonics.bioen.uiuc.edu IDC 10mm Sonogram Strain 8 20 6 4 TT11:4 40 60 10 8 0 6 0 4 0 2 0 Two patients with 1-cm, non-palpable lesions detected mammographically. With the retardance time image, malignant and benign lesions can be differentiated because of differences in the collagen ultrastructure between the two lesion types. Sridhar M, Liu J, Insana MF, “Elasticity imaging of polymeric media,” ASME J Biomechan Eng (in press) Insana MF, Pellot-Barakat C, Sridhar M, Lindfors K, “Viscoelastic imaging of breast tumor microenvironment with ultrasound,” J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. 9: 393-404, 2004 Insana MF, “Elasticity imaging,” In: Wiley Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering, M Akay, ed., ISBN: 0-471-24967-X, Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006 26 105 Acknowledgements All who contributed to the field of Elasticity Imaging and to this presentation 27