Emerald Ash Borer IPM Problem

Emerald Ash Borer IPM Problem
You, the consulting company known as:___________________________________________ have just been
contacted by the local tree farm in Chester County. They reported to you that one of their fields of Ash trees
has recently been looking unhealthy (they have several more that they are hoping do not fall to a similar fate).
They have noticed the leaves are not filling in as they once used to. They also notice large holes and lines
moving through the bark and woodpeckers seem to be visiting more than usual. They also noticed that this
green bug has been all over these trees.
You realize the problem immediately and exclaim: “_________________________________!” Your friends at
the tree farm tell you one more thing. They are really trying to minimize their use of synthetic pesticides
because they feel that they are damaging. They are hoping that you can help design for them a strategy that
includes 4 (must be 4 and cannot exceed 4) techniques of IPM to help solve this problem.
Please design a plan for them that outlines the 4 best IPM strategies to help solve this problem! Please tell them
WHAT STRATEGIES and WHY you chose them! Good luck.