Executive Summary International Policy Management MS The Master of Science in International Policy Management (MSIPM) program follows an online, cohort model program. The proposed changes are to delete IPM 7760/Global Experience which is a two-week Maymester trip abroad course, and rename IPM 7725 and 7756 to better reflect course content. While MSIPM courses are taught online, we recognize the need for global and applied experience and include a Capstone course at the end of the program. The proposed revision would preserve—and further reinforce—the “global experience” concept in the IPM 7765/Capstone course and, when practicable, encourage completion of an in-depth experience abroad. Deletion of IPM 7760/Global Experience would also reduce the overall number of program credit hours from 36 to 33 hours. Proposed changes appear below: The MSIPM program is a 36 33 semester-hour course of study that uses a cohort or learning community-style of course delivery. Students admitted to the program will begin as a group in fall semester of year one and complete the program by December of the final fall semester in year two. Courses are offered only once during each cohort cycle. Dropping out for a semester, or not taking a full load, will delay graduation. Year One: Fall (9 Hours) IPM 7720 - World Politics and Governance IPM 7725 - Comparative Politics IPM 7725 - Comparative Politics Comparative Policy and Politics 3 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 3 Credit Hours Prerequisite: Admission to the MSIPM program. This course examines the theory and method of comparative politics though the study of Western and non-Western political institutions and societies. The course provides students with an appreciation of the ways comparative political analysis enhances understanding of many contemporary policy-related issues throughout the world. It provides students with a familiarity of the comparative method of inquiry and basic skills in conducting comparative research, analysis. IPM 7740 - Strategic Negotiation and Decision-Making Year One: Spring (9 Hours) IPM 7730 - International Conflict Management IPM 7735 - International Development: Policy and Practice IPM 7745 - International Political Economy Year One: Maymester (3 Hours) IPM 7760 - Global Experience * *The Global Experience course is mandatory for all students. If a student cannot participate in a planned trip due to extenuating circumstances, that student may petition for approval to substitute a Professional Experience Project in its place. Year One: Summer (9 Hours) IPM 7750 - Global Trade: Policy and Practice IPM 7755 - Political Risk Management IPM 7756 - Comparative Regulatory Politics Global Regulatory Policy Year Two: Fall (6 Hours) IPM 7765 - Capstone: Practicum or Thesis 6 Class Hours 0 Laboratory Hours 6 Credit Hours Prerequisite: Second-year status in the MSIPM program. All students will select a capstone path that includes either (1) a practical work experience and final written report; or (2) a traditional Master’s thesis. The work experience can take the form of an internship or experience in an appropriate work setting. During this final semester students should be able to demonstrate the ability to understand and articulate the policy management context of a problem. The Capstone course provides the opportunity for students to clarify and refine the global policy issues presented during their professional experience or thesis hypothesis generation stage. Students will develop a project work plan; identify appropriate methodologies for collecting and organizing relevant information, and make policy recommendations for successful management of the issues. Students in this course will communicate results effectively in writing and by oral presentation and are encouraged to use the Global Experience (IPM 7760) as a gateway into the practicum or thesis topic. Students in this course will communicate results effectively in writing and by oral presentation and are strongly encouraged to use the Capstone as the means to pursue a Global Experience abroad for completion of their practicum or thesis. Program Total (36 Hours) (33 Hours)