ST. JEAN BRÉBEUF CATHOLIC SCHOOL March 2016 63 Glenforest Road Brampton, Ont. L6S 1L8 Catholic Education Week Prayer God of Love and compassion, help us to open the door of mercy in our school communities, in our families and in the world. Let mercy guide our living and bring us closer to the heart of the gospel. May we live as Jesus with mercy that welcomes, loves, forgives and calls us to live the gospel joyfully. Amen. Prière pour la semaine de l’éducation catholique Dieu d’amour et de compassion, Aide-nous à ouvrir des portes de miséricorde dans nos communautés scolaires, dans nos familles et dans le monde. Que ta miséricorde guide nos vies et nous conduise au coeur de l’Évangile. Comme ton fils Jésus, que nous vivions de cette miséricorde qui accueille à bras ouverts, aime sans compter et pardonne sans détour; car c’est par ta miséricorde que tu nous appelles à te suivre dans la joie. Amen. Newsletter #7 Phone (905) 791-8529 FAX (905) 791-6468 Principal Michael Araman This month we will celebrate the virtue of Acceptance. The virtue of acceptance describes our ability to look at attitudes and actions of those around us and then stop and consider without judging them. The virtue of acceptance means that we look beyond what we see - a person’s skin colour, ethnic background, religion, age, gender - and see a person created and loved by God. Let us pray for the virtue of Acceptance the strength to trust that God is at work in everyone’s life despite what we think. ST. JEAN BRÉBEUF CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK PILGRIMAGE OF FAITH Secretary Marilyn Kelly-Bernard ~ Superintendent Deborah Finegan-Downey Trustee Shawn Xaviour Parish Pastor Father J. Pham Associate Pastor Father M. Zacharias Visit our School Website: YOUTH FAITH AMBASSADORS The YFA of SJB have been busy preparing for Catholic Education Week 2016 through prayer, art, music and time. There have been great efforts put forth to depict this year’s theme: Opening Doors of Mercy/ Ouvrir des portes de miséricorde. “Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.” – Matthew 5:7 “Heureux les miséricordieux, car ils obtiendront miséricorde.” – Matthieu 5,7 The Youth Faith Ambassadors will be opening the week with a liturgy, Mercy that Welcomes, and will be sharing prayers through daily announcements. We will be celebrating Mass, following a pilgrimage to St. Anthony’s Parish on Fri. May 6th at 10:00 am. All are welcome. Friday, May 6th Grades JK to 3 In the school Grades 4 to 8 At St. Anthony’s Church Page 2 SACRAMENT OF FIRST HOLY COMMUNION INTERMEDIATE BOYS’ BASKETBALL Congratulations to our Grade 2 students who received their First Holy Communion on Sunday, April 10th at St. Anthony’s Church. The intermediate boys basketball team took part in the GZilla invitational basketball tournament held at Notre Dame S.S. on Friday April 1st, 2016. They advanced to the semi-finals as all of the players displayed great skill and teamwork. On Wednesday, April 20th they travelled to St. Joachim School to participate in a mini basketball tournament. They placed second as they lost in a very close final to St. Joachim's team. Mr. Foley and Mrs. Truax would like to thank all of the boys for a great season. CROWNING OF MARY The Rosary Apostolate have been working with students on reciting the Rosary. On Tuesday, May 10th students will view a presentation on the miraculous medal followed by the Crowning of Mary. ST. JEAN BRÉBEUF YEAR END MASS Please join us on Wednesday, June 8th,, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. for our year end mass. INTERMEDIATE GIRLS’ BASKETBALL SJB ECO-TEAM The ECO-Team decided to focus on “Save The Bees” for our Earth Week activities, April 18th to 22nd. During Earth Week, the ECO-Team informed the school about why bees are important and how we can help, through daily announcements and posters. Students wore black and yellow on Wednesday in honour of the bees and green for Earth Day. On Earth Day, a liturgy was held followed by the presentation of an original “Save The Bees” song, video clips and a school-wide viewing of the Bee Movie. Each class contributed a flower with their Earth Pledge for the ECOTeam’s Save The Bees bulletin board. All students are encouraged to plant wildflowers for the bees. St. Jean Brébeuf will be participating in our Spring Clean Up on Wednesday, May 4th (Rain Date is Monday, May 9th). Bike, Rollerblade, And Skateboard Safety If your child is riding a bike, rollerblading or skateboarding to school please go over the following rules: 1. Wear a helmet 2. Walk the bike on school property and lock the bike 3. If your child is coming to school on rollerblades they must be removed on school property 4. Skateboards and scooters must be carried when on school property Thank you for reviewing this request with your children. Your support for our safety policies is appreciated. The Intermediate SJB Girls’ basketball team is to be commended for their tremendous efforts in both the Annual GZilla tournament and the BNE Family Tournament. The girls’ strength and determination were exemplified on the courts and their enthusiasm as a team was a pleasure to observe. Thanks coaches Mr. Foley and Mme Moretto. SOCKS UP GIRLS! DRESS CODE With the warm weather approaching, we would again like to take this opportunity to review the dress code expectations at St. Jean Brébeuf. As a Catholic school, we believe that there must be a commitment to high standards of modesty, neatness, cleanliness and good taste. Therefore, while halter-tops, short shorts, spandex bike wear, muscle shirts, flip flops and similar clothing and shoes may be acceptable for beach wear, they are not appropriate for classroom instruction. Shirts should be of appropriate length to be able to be tucked into pants or a skirt. No midriffs or belly buttons should be showing. Shorts and skirts should be the appropriate length for school (e.g., longer than the length of your arm and hand when held at the side of your body). Suggestive or inappropriate language or violent symbols are not permitted on any clothing or personal belongings. Sunglasses, hats, (including bandanas worn as head covering) are not to be worn inside the school. Non-marking running shoes are to be worn during physical education classes. Tight and/or revealing clothing is not acceptable. Bra straps should not be visible and the width of shoulder straps on tops should be at least 2 inches or 5 centimetres wide. We appreciate your support. Page 3 GEOQUERY WEBSITE - LIBRARY This website allows parents to login and find their child’s transportation information by following these instructions: Students voted on their favorite Blue Spruce Forest of Reading selections at the end of last month. Students read or had read to them all ten books in the program and then voted on their favorite title. The program celebrates Canadian books and authors. The results of our school vote have been sent to the Ontario Library Association (OLA) where they will be added to the provincial votes. Winners will be announced very soon. Stay tuned! If you are spring cleaning and you have gently used children’s books that you would like to donate to our library, please contact Mrs. Burns. Books by well-loved authors or a popular series, are greatly appreciated. Thank you! type in the website address: click “student login” enter your child’s OEN number (found on report card), street/house number, school and grade click “login” This will automatically display the child’s transportation information, if they are eligible. This capability for “student login” will be available for parents starting the second last week of August until the end of June each year. This feature will be locked down during the summer for route planning purposes. Additional features of this website are, School Information, Which School Do I Attend, Transportation Eligibility and Delays and Cancellations. Bullying Prevention Education May’s Theme: Bullying is NOT a Normal Part of Growing Up EQAO St. Jean Brébeuf will be participating in the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) Provincial Assessments in Reading, Writing and Mathematics in Grades 3 and 6. Testing for Grade 3’s and Grade 6’s will take place on the following dates: May 26, 27 and 31, June 1, 6 and 7. We ask for the co-operation of parents in ensuring students are well rested, have healthy snacks and plenty of water. It is critical that students are present each day of the assessment and that they arrive on time; therefore we ask that parents not schedule vacations or appointments during this time. CHESS CLUB Congratulations to the Junior and Intermediate Chess teams who participated in the BNE tournament held April 1st at Lester B. Pearson school. Both teams made it to the semi-finals. One of our Intermediate teams went on to the finals and placed third and junior placed fourth. Mlle Scavetta and Mme Moretto would like to congratulate all chess members, Ayo A., Nathan G., Liam G., Jonas H., Yousif K., Justin M., Kevin M., Nathan M., Ethan P., Liam S., Sammy S. and Joseph Z. WELCOME TO KINDERGARTEN NIGHT Just a reminder that on Thursday, May 12th, at 6:30 p.m. we will be hosting a Welcome to Kindergarten evening for students who will be starting school for the first time in September, and their parents. Children and parents will be involved in activities that promote student school readiness. In May we examine why people use bullying behaviour. We need to dispel the myth that bullying is just a normal part of growing up and understand why it happens. Bullying is a relationship problem – it is about a sense of entitlement, power and control. Using bullying behaviours is not something we outgrow but rather adopt as a way of interacting with others throughout our lives. Childhood bullying may evolve into dating violence, gang activity, assault, sexual harassment, workplace harassment, marital violence, child abuse and elder abuse. Research demonstrates that by age 24, 60% of identified bullies have criminal records. Learning how to effectively deal with feelings of anger and finding positive ways to feel powerful are proactive steps to changing or preventing the use of bullying behaviours. Ultimately it is a question of the worth or value we assign to all people. We don’t tend to bully those we consider worthy. In turn, when someone is bullying others we must remember to value that person while helping them deal with their bullying behaviours. Students will be reminded to identify the behaviour as bullying but not to label the person as a ‘bully’. Tips for parents: learn to recognize warning signs that your child may be involved in bullying others role model appropriate anger management strategies and effective apologies for and with your children don’t label children; deal with problem behaviours while maintaining a child’s sense of worth May 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Catholic Education Week May 1—6 Mother’s Day 29 Catholic Education Week Liturgy, 9:45 am YFA Spring Cleanup Rain Date Victoria Day Holiday 30 French Café 10 am— 3 pm Rosary Apostolate May Celebration @ 9:25 and 11:00. Spring Cleanup Dance Showcase 9:30 to 10:30 am. Welcome to Kindergarten @ 6:30 pm Peel Health Hep. B & HPV clinic EQAO AM Grades 3 & 6 1 EQAO AM Grades 3 & 6 P. A. Day School Council Meeting @ 7:00 pm EQAO AM Grade 5/6 to Ripley’s Aquarium 27 EQAO AM Grades 3 & 6 31 Pilgrimage of Faith, JK-3 @ school, 4-8 @ St. Anthony’s. Kindergarten Mother’s day lunch. 28 Grades 3 & 6 The Virtue for May is ACCEPTANCE Upcoming Events: June 6, 7—EQAO AM Grade 3 & 6 June 8—Year End Mass @ 10:00 am June 9—Tour for Humanity June 10—School Track and Field June 10—Teams and Clubs Picture Day June 13—P.A. Day—No school for students June 15—Family Beach Volleyball June 17—Family Track and Field June 20-22—Grade 8 Trip to Ottawa June 24—Board Track and Field June 28—Grade 8 Graduation Luncheon/Dance @ 11:30 Liturgy and Graduation @ 5:00 June 28—Final Reports go home June 30—Last day of school