Shared Priorities: Outcomes: Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading

Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Gregory Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By the end of June 2016, the number of grade 8 students that feel safe reporting
bullying, fights and other problems will increase as measured by the CCCC School Climate
Survey baseline data.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/1/2015: Staff and students continue to define the term "bullying" through individual classroom and whole-school
presentations. Our school created a banner to stamp out bullying (I am a friend by...) and all students created a
sign of friendship to show their commitment. We have had various presenters, including our Neighbourhood
Police Unit officer, speak to our students regarding "bullying prevention". Students are starting to use peer
mediation and conflict resolution skills. PALS leaders have been chosen from the Junior division. The program is in
effect at all recesses.
6/1/2015: Staff continue to have positive and constructive conversations with students on the issue of bullying
prevention. We realize the importance of the role of the bystander in bullying situations and it is being addressed
with students. All students have a critical role in situations that can impact on their well being. Daily
announcements include the recitation of our school's "Pledge to Stop Bullying". Our monthly newsletters include
anti-bullying tips.
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SkoVision™ Report
Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Gregory Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By the end of June 2016, all teachers are to deliver a balanced literacy program and the
use of common language and common assessment tools with a continued focus on guided
Outcome Progress Comments
6/1/2015: Literacy instruction in all content areas continues to support students in: purposefully selecting and
using techniques and processes in order to construct and communicate meaning; employing critical thinking skills
with respect to a wide range of perspectives; advocating for their learning and making connections to their
experiences, values, cultures and interests; and communicating effectively for specific purposes and audiences.
6/1/2015: Instructional practices continue to be strategically used to meet the diverse learning needs of students.
6/1/2015: The Language Learner Intervention Program continues to be used to support our beginning readers in
order to develop fluency. Corrective reading program continues to be used to support our struggling readers. Our
work is being supported by our Special Services team, especially our school psychologist and speech and language
6/1/2015: Data continues to be analyzed to identify strengths and gaps in literacy achievement and to determine
ambitious learning goals for school-wide improvement.
6/1/2015: Staff continue to deliver a balanced literacy program. Resources and materials continue to be purchased
to support the literacy program. Staff are continuing to attend professional development workshops and inservices and to share what they have learned with colleagues.
Shared Priorities:
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.1 By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in the number of teachers who are
confident to apply knowledge gained through collaborative professional learning
opportunities, analysis of student assessment data and professional learning opportunities.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/1/2015: Staff are continuing to focus on learning experiences that provide conditions for students to activate
prior knowledge, develop thinking and consolidate learning. Technology, i.e., apps found on the iPad air tablets, is
being used to facilitate literacy conversations and promote learning.
6/1/2015: Numeracy tasks are differentiated to meet the diversity of students learning needs, honoring multiple
ways of thinking and are grounded in big ideas within the Ontario Curriculum. iPad air tablets and apps are being
used to facilitate numeracy conversations and to promote learning.
6/1/2015: Documentation of students' mathematical thinking, analyses and discussion are used by staff to
illustrate different aspects of effective mathematics learning. Technology, including iPad air tablets and various
websites, i.e. Prodigy, will continue to be used to reinforce skills and to promote learning.
6/1/2015: Our Primary, Junior and Intermediate division teachers continue to work on literacy skills including
language acquisition. Our special education resource and ELL teachers support our classroom teachers in
developing and administering curriculum. Our school psychologist and speech language pathologist also support
our teachers' work. Staff have attended various workshops, in-services and summer institutes and completed
additional qualification courses to better their practice.
6/1/2015: Our Kindergarten teachers continue to attend Full Day Kindergarten in-services. Workshops, in-services
and off-site classroom visits continue to take place.
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SkoVision™ Report
Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Gregory Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in the successful practices that
support transitional grades - FDK to Gr.1; Gr.8 to Gr. 9; and grade to grade transitions; and
transitions of exceptional students.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/1/2015: Staff are continuing to strive to demonstrate the relationships between what the students are learning,
why they are learning it and how it connects to their lives. Staff continue to provide a variety of classroom and
school-wide opportunities to meet the diverse needs, interests and aspirations of all students to help them
develop the knowledge and skill to make informed education and career/life choices, including the use of My
BluePrint for grades 7 and 8.
6/1/2015: Staff continue to plan and provide purposeful experiential learning tasks, either individually, in small
groups or as class projects, to help students develop self-knowledge. Sharing of best practices, including
technology, occurs informally and formally on a continuing basis.
6/1/2015: Students continue to be provided with various activities and events within the school, district and
community ( i.e., sports teams, extra-curricular activities, field trips, guest speakers). Students are provided
opportunities to learn more about their interests, strengths and aspirations and what contributions they can make
to society.
Shared Priorities:
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support
knowing the learning through assessment as evidenced by an increase in the proportion of
students who have demonstrated an ability to articulate strategies supporting their learning
(i.e., on EQAO student questionnaire).
Outcome Progress Comments
6/1/2015: Assessment for and as learning processes are evident as students undertake authentic and relevant
performance tasks. Educators and students continue to co-construct success criteria in relation to authentic and
relevant performance tasks. Multiple and varied opportunities continue to be provided for students to
demonstrate, communicate and refine their learning. Student learning continues to be regularly documented to
inform educator and student next steps. Students continue to be supported and assessed in the ongoing
development of learning skills and work habits. Students continue to engage in authentic and relevant
performance tasks that are connected to their learning goals.
6/1/2015: Staff continue to share learning portfolios of student work, IEPs and assessments among educators in a
confidential manner as students progress from Kindergarten to Grade 8 and/or between schools. Student
achievement data continues to be collected (i.e. through observation, work samples, conversations, assessment
tasks) and disaggregated at critical checkpoints in the learning each term/year to monitor progress toward school
targets and in order to determine next steps to ensure continuous improvement in student achievement.
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SkoVision™ Report
Catholic School Learning Plan for St. Gregory Elementary School
Annual Progress Report
Shared Priorities:
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students
achieving a Level 3 or 4 on the Grade 3 and Grade 6 EQAO assessments, as demonstrated by
EQAO results.
Outcome Progress Comments
6/1/2015: Staff continue to use formative and summative assessment results to guide instruction. Staff continue to
use high yield strategies across the curriculum; reflecting on and refining instructional practices to meet the needs
of all learners. Using a multi-disciplinary approach, data is analyzed to plan and inform next steps to support
student achievement. The routine use of design down planning, using cross-curricular links and differentiated tasks
and strategies is used by most teachers to meet the needs of all learners. There has been a substantial increase in
the routine use of technology to compliment lesson planning and in executing and presenting meaningful lessons,
thus enhancing student engagement and making meaningful connections to the 21st century learner. Additionally,
there has also been a substantial increase in critical thinking and problem solving opportunities in all classrooms.
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SkoVision™ Report