Growing and Learning Together…. We pray for our St. James Community, that through our choices, action and words each day we may live out our faith, growing more compassionate and generous each day. May we have the courage to learn more, love more, and embrace the values that will create a just and peaceful global community. Amen. Collaboration: Students are able to work effectively with diverse groups and exercise flexibility in making compromises to achieve common goals. Creativity: Students are able to generate and improve on original ideas and also work creatively with others. Communication: Students are able to communicate effectively across multiple media and for various purposes. Critical Thinking: Students are able to analyze, evaluate and understand complex systems and apply strategies to solve problems. CLASSROOM INQUIRY BOARDS Structured: Open: Teacher provides a question and the appropriate materials but not the answers/results. The students generate their own question(s) and figure out how to present their findings/results. Guided: Teacher provides a question, the students need to figure out an answer. How do the PYP and MYP align? What are new aspects of the MYP that we should be familiar with? PYP and MYP Programme 1. Self Directed/Responsible Life Long Learner 2. A Believer 3. A Collaborative Contributor 4. An Effective Communicator 5. A Caring Family Member 6. A Reflective, Creative and Holistic Thinker 7. A Responsible Citizen PYP Skills MYP Skills COMMUNICATION CARING CRITICAL AND HOLISITIC THINKER HOW ARE THEY ALL CONNECTED? LIFE LONG LEARNER OPEN MINDED COLLABORATIVE REFLECTIVE Ministry Levels 4 3 2 1 In a MYP that ends in Year 3 • All Students will participate in a community project • Approximately 15 hours • Can be completed individually or collaboratively (groups of 2 or 3 only) • Further building on subjects and inquiry • Be assigned to a supervisor • Authentic, Experiential, and Open-Minded The Main objectives of the Community Project are: • Investigating • Planning • Taking Action • Reflecting Reporting of their Action • Written • Oral • Electronic • Visual Home Schools Regional Programs IB Continuum (Highschool Programs) 1. Be a Life Long Learner 2. Learn by doing and Experiencing 3. Critical Thinking 4. Explore Global Challenges 5. Learn for Understanding 6. Subjects are not taught in isolation 7. Empower to develop your talents 8. Prepares you for future education 9. Encourages International Mindedness 10.Train yourself to: • Organize and plan your work • Meet deadlines • Concentrate • Bounce back • Persist • Think positively